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PhysicsMaterial Extension

Jonathan Hale edited this page Sep 26, 2016 · 5 revisions

Physics properties (only game physics properties are supported) are exported to something like this in ogex:

Extension (applic = "Blender", type = "PhysicsMaterial")
	Extension (applic = "Blender", type = "PM/type")
		string {"STATIC"}

	Extension (applic = "Blender", type = "PM/mass")
		float {0.1}

	Extension (applic = "Blender", type = "PM/collision_group")
		unsigned_int16 {65535}

	Extension (applic = "Blender", type = "PM/collision_mask")
		unsigned_int16 {65535}

	Extension (applic = "Blender", type = "PM/shape")
		Extension (applic = "Blender", type = "TriangleMeshShape")
			ref {$geometry1}

			Extension (applic = "Blender", type = "PM/margin")
				float {0.04}


This extension contains all attributes of a physics object. Only objects will contain this extension structure.


PM is short for physics material. type here means the "physics type" and only contains a string which can be one of: (from the Blender Python API documentation)

  • NO_COLLISION No Collision, Disable collision for this object.
  • STATIC Static, Stationary object.
  • DYNAMIC Dynamic, Linear physics.
  • RIGID_BODY Rigid Body, Linear and angular physics.
  • SOFT_BODY Soft Body, Soft body.
  • OCCLUDER Occluder, Occluder for optimizing scene rendering.
  • SENSOR Sensor, Collision Sensor, detects static and dynamic objects but not the other collision sensor objects.
  • NAVMESH Navigation Mesh, Navigation mesh.
  • CHARACTER Character, Simple kinematic physics appropriate for game characters.


Substructures: 1 float primitive.

Default: 1.0

Mass of the physics object.


Substructures: 1 unsigned_int16 primitive.

Default: 0x01

Collision group of the physics object found in the Blender Game physics properties panel.


Substructures: 1 unsigned_int16 primitive.

Default: 0xFF

Collision mask of the physics object found in the Blender Game physics properties panel.


Collision shape of this physics object. Will only exist if the type is neither OCCLUDER or NAVMESH. Contains one extension substructure of the following:

  • BoxShape specified by a float array of size 3 for the half extents.
  • SphereShape specified by a float array of size 3 for the half extents.
  • CylinderShape specified by a float array of size 3 for the half extents.
  • ConeShape specified by a float array of size 3 for the half extents.
  • ConvexHullShape specified by a ref to the objects geometry.
  • TriangleMeshShape specified by a ref to the objects geometry.
  • CapsuleShape specified by a float array of size 3 for the half extents.
  • CompoundShape see below.

In addition to the above, the individual specific shape will also contain a PM/margin extension structure containing exactly one shape primitive which represents the collision margin for the shape.


Compound shapes are specified similar to:

			Extension (applic = "Blender", type = "CompoundShape")
				Extension (applic = "Blender", type = "CompoundChild")
					Extension (applic = "Blender", type = "BoxShape")
						float[3] {{1.0, 1.0, 1.0}}

						Extension (applic = "Blender", type = "PM/margin")
							float {0.0}

				Extension (applic = "Blender", type = "CompoundChild")
						{1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
						 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0,
						 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0,
						 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0}

					Extension (applic = "Blender", type = "SphereShape")
						float {1.0}

						Extension (applic = "Blender", type = "PM/margin")
							float {0.0}

They consist of a set of "CompoundChild", which have a float[16] for their relative compound child offset (may be omitted if it is an identity transformation) and a collision shape, see PM/shape.