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Security: SrejonKhan/UGeoDB



Security Policy

The security of our library is of utmost importance to us. We encourage all users to report any vulnerabilities they may find so that we can quickly address and fix them. Please take the time to read our security policy below and familiarize yourself with our guidelines for reporting security issues.

Supported Versions

We will provide security updates and support for the current version of our project, as well as the previous releases mentioned below (check the table). Versions that are no longer supported will not receive security updates.

Version Supported

Reporting a Vulnerability

If you believe you have found a security vulnerability in our project, please report it to us as soon as possible. You can do so by opening an issue or sending a mail to any active maintainer (check profile for public email).

When reporting a vulnerability, please include the following information:

  • A brief description of the vulnerability
  • Steps to reproduce the vulnerability
  • The affected version(s) of the library
  • Any potential impact or risks associated with the vulnerability
  • Your name and contact information (if you wish to be credited for the discovery)

Maintainer(s) will acknowledge your report as soon as possible and will work with you to verify and investigate the issue. Maintainer(s) may ask for additional information or clarification during the investigation.

Once we have confirmed the vulnerability, we will release a fix as soon as possible. We will keep you informed of our progress and will credit you for the discovery unless you wish to remain anonymous.

We take all security reports seriously and appreciate your efforts to keep the library secure. Thank you for helping us maintain the integrity of the library.

There aren’t any published security advisories