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Agro Sage

Agriculture 2.0: Farming Made Smart and Simple

Problem Statement

To develop an integrated web application aimed at enhancing the agricultural practices and knowledge sharing within the farming community. The application should provide farmers with personalized services, including crop recommendation, crop details, fertilizer prediction, and plant disease detection. Additionally, the application should facilitate communication and collaboration through a discussion forum, enabling farmers to interact with agricultural experts, scientists, and doctors.

Solution Approach

We have developed a All-in-one Platform where users can have their profile by registration, Services provided are personalized crop recommendations, comprehensive crop details, fertilizer predictions, and AI-based plant disease detection. Additionally, it includes a discussion forum for knowledge sharing among farmers and experts (like doctors, scientist and other agricultural experts).

Integrated Models

 1. Crop Recommendation using XGBoost
 2. Fertilizer Prediction using XGBoost
 3. Plant Disease Prediction with Transfer-Learned MobileNet V2
 4. Toxicity Comment Detection with Transfer-Learned DistilBERT
 5. Intend Based ChatBot

Trained Models

 1. Crop Price Prediction using XGBoost Regressor
 2. Fine Tuned Lama2 Quantised Model on agriculture Related books using langchain, and huggingface
 3. Fake News Detection


Integrated ChatBot in Home Page

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Registration/Login Page

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Discussion Forum

The users can post their questions and answer to other questions posted by other users. The answers with more upvotes will appear at the top (sorted by most upvotes). The toxic questions and answers are not posted in the forum, it is identified and deleted automatically.

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Plant Disease Detection

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Crop Recommendation

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Suggestion For Crops

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Fertilizer Recommenation

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Future Integration

ChatBot using LLM

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WhatsApp Image 2023-10-15 at 10 28 43 AM (1)


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