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What data does Autorank store?

Staartvin edited this page Jan 26, 2017 · 3 revisions

What data does it store?

Autorank stores a few different types of data. It basically stores anything related to playtime in its database. The data folder in the root of the Autorank folder is used to store the playtime (in YAML format). The data folder has four different files:

  • Daily_time.yml: stores the daily playtime of each player (will reset every day)
  • Weekly_time.yml: stores the weekly playtime of each player (will reset every week)
  • Monthly_time.yml: stores the monthly playtime of each player (will reset every week)
  • Total_time.yml: stores the total playtime of each player (will never reset)

How can I see that data?

You can use the /ar times command to see your data. You can also look at each leaderboard (total time, daily, weekly, monthly).

How does it store the data?

That's actually quite simple! Autorank stores the UUID of a player and then its playtime. Since player names can change, Autorank also stores the player name of each UUID. When you are performing a command that requires a player name, like /ar check , Autorank will use its library of UUIDs to look up the UUID.

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