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Ansible Module

Version: oneandone-cloudserver-module-ansible v1.0.0

Table of Contents


Ansible is an IT automation tool that allows users to configure, deploy, and orchestrate advanced tasks such as continuous deployments or zero-downtime rolling updates. The 1&1 Cloud Server module for Ansible leverages the 1&1 Cloud Server API. For more information on the Ansible Module see the 1&1 Community Portal.

Getting Started

The 1&1 module for Ansible has the following requirements:

Before you begin, you need to have a 1&1 account.

To enable the API token:

  1. Log in to your 1&1 Control Panel and select the relevant package.
  2. Click 1&1 Cloud Panel from the Cloud Server section of the control panel.
  3. Select Users from the Management section of the Infrastructure menu.
  4. Select the user who needs the API token.
  5. In the API section in the lower part of the screen, click Disabled next to the API KEY.
  6. Click OK to activate the API key.

Ansible must also be installed before the 1&1 module can be used. Please review the official Ansible Documentation for more information on installing Ansible.

The 1&1 module requires the 1&1 Python Cloud Server SDK to be installed. This can easily be accomplished with Python PyPI:

pip install 1and1


  1. Download the 1&1 Cloud Server module for Ansible from GitHub. This can be accomplished a few different ways such as downloading and extracting the archive using curl or cloning the GitHub repository locally.

Download and extract with curl:

    mkdir -p oneandone-cloudserver-module-ansible && curl -L | tar zx -C oneandone-cloudserver-module-ansible/ --strip-components=1

Clone the GitHub repository locally:

    git clone
  1. Ansible must be made aware of the new module path. This too can be accomplished a few different ways depending on your requirements and environment.

    • Ansible configuration file: ansible.cfg
    • Environment variable: ANSIBLE_LIBRARY
    • Command line parameter: ansible-playbook --module-path [path]

Method 1: Update the Ansible configuration with the module path.

To include the path globally for all users, edit the /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg file and add library = /path/to/module/oneandone under the [default] section. For example:

    library = /path/to/oneandone-cloudserver-module-ansible/oneandone

Note that the Ansible configuration file is read from several locations in the following order:

* `ANSIBLE_CONFIG` environment variable path
* `ansible.cfg` from the current directory
* `.ansible.cfg` in the user home directory
* `/etc/ansible/ansible.cfg`

Method 2: Set the module path using an environment variable.

This variable will be lost once the terminal session is closed:

    export ANSIBLE_LIBRARY=/path/to/oneandone-cloudserver-module-ansible/oneandone

Method 3: Override the module path with an ansible-playbook command line parameter:

    ansible-playbook --module-path /path/to/oneandone-cloudserver-module-ansible/oneandone playbook.yml



Credentials can be supplied using the following:

  • ONEANDONE_AUTH_TOKEN environment variable.
  • auth_token Playbook parameter.

Ansible Playbooks

Ansible uses YAML manifest files called Playbooks. The Playbook will describe the infrastructure to build and is processed from top down. Here is a simple Playbook that will provision two identical servers:


- hosts: localhost
  connection: local
  gather_facts: false

    - name: Provision a set of servers
          auth_token: {your_api_key}          
          hostname: server%02d
          auto_increment: true
          appliance: 8E3BAA98E3DFD37857810E0288DD8FBA
          count: 2
          datacenter: US
          ssh_key: AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAACAQDPCNA2YgJ...user@hostname
          state: present
      register: oneandone

Execute a Playbook

The ansible-playbook command will execute the above Playbook:

ansible-playbook example.yml

Wait for Requests

When a request to create a resource (such as a server) is submitted to the 1&1 Cloud Server API, that request is accepted immediately while the provisioning occurs on the backend. This means the request can appear to have finished while provisioning is still occurring.

Sometimes requests must be told to wait until they finish before continuing to provision dependent resources. For example, a server must finish provisioning before a new IP address can be added to the server.

The 1&1 Cloud Server module includes two resource parameters to address this scenario:

  • wait (default: true)
  • wait_timeout (default: 600 seconds)
  • wait_interval (default: 5 seconds)

By default, the module will wait until a resource is finished provisioning before continuing to process further resources defined in the Playbook.

Wait for Services

There may be occasions where additional waiting is required. For example, a server may be finished provisioning and shown as available, but IP allocation and network access is still pending. The built-in Ansible module wait_for can be invoked to monitor SSH connectivity.

- name: Wait for SSH connectivity
      port: 22
      host: "{{ item.public_ip }}"
      search_regex: OpenSSH
      delay: 10
  with_items: "{{ oneandone.machines }}"

Incrementing Servers

The 1&1 module will provision a number of identical and fully operational servers based on the count parameter. A count parameter of 10 will provision ten servers with system volumes and network connectivity.

The server name parameter with a value of server%02d will appended the name with the incremental count. For example, server01, server02, server03, and so forth.

The auto_increment parameter can be set to false to disable this feature and provision a single server.



Example Syntax

- hosts: localhost
  connection: local
  gather_facts: false

    - name: Provision a set of servers
        auth_token: {your_api_key}       
        hostname: server%02d
        auto_increment: true
        appliance: {appliance_id}
        fixed_instance_size: S
        datacenter: US
        state: present

Parameter Reference

The following parameters are supported:

Name Required Type Default Description
auth_token yes string none Used for authorization of the request towards the API. This token can be obtained from the CloudPanel in the Management-section below Users.hostname
api_url yes string Used when providing a custom API URL
hostname yes string none The name of the server(s).
fixed_instance_size yes * string none Size of the ID desired for the server. ('S', 'M', 'L', 'XL', 'XXL', '3XL', '4XL', '5XL')
vcore yes * int none The total number of processors.
cores_per_processor yes * int none The number of cores per processor.
ram yes * float none The amount of RAM memory.
hdds yes * array none A list of hard disk objects with nested size and is_main properties.
size yes integer none Size of the hard disk.
is_main yes boolean none Set true if it's main.
appliance yes string none Name or ID of the image that will be installed on server
description no string none The description of the server(s).
datacenter no string none ID of the datacenter where the server will be created. ('US', 'ES', 'DE', 'GB')
private_network no string none Name or ID of the private network to connect the server.
firewall_policy no string none Firewall policy's ID or name. If it is not provided, the server will assign the best firewall policy, creating a new one if necessary. If the parameter is sent with a 0 value, the server will be created with all ports blocked.
load_balancer no string none Name or ID of the load balancer to assign the server.
monitoring_policy no string none Name or ID of the monitoring policy to assign the server.
ssh_key no string none Put a valid public SSH Key to be copied into the server during creation. Then you will be able to access to the server using your SSH keys.
auto_increment no boolean True Whether or not to increment created servers.
count no integer 1 The number of servers to create.
keep_hdds no boolean true Flag to keep the storage when deleting servers.
wait no boolean true Wait for the instance to be in state 'running' before continuing.
Also used for delete operation (set to 'false' if you don't want to wait for each individual server to be deleted before moving on with other tasks.)
wait_timeout no integer 600 The number of seconds until the wait ends.
wait_interval no integer 5 The number of seconds between each request to check status.
state no string present Create or terminate instances: present, absent, running, stopped

** * ** - The server can be created using pre-defined instance sizes or by providing your own custom hardware values. If custom values are provided, then all four items must be provided (vcore, cores_per_processor, ram, and hdds).


Example Syntax

- hosts: localhost
  connection: local
  gather_facts: false

    - name: Create a firewall policy
        auth_token: {your_api_key}       
        name: ansible_fw_policy
        description: Testing creation of firewall policies with ansible
           protocol: TCP
           port_from: 80
           port_to: 80
        wait: true
        wait_timeout: 500

Parameter Reference

The following parameters are supported:

Name Required Type Default Description
auth_token yes string none Used for authorization of the request towards the API. This token can be obtained from the CloudPanel in the Management-section below Users.hostname
api_url yes string Used when providing a custom API URL
name yes string none Firewall policy name used with present state. Used as identifier (id or name) when used with absent state.
firewall_policy yes * string none Firewall policy identifier (id or name). Must be provided with update state.
api_url yes string Used when providing a custom API URL
rules yes array none A list of rules that will be set for the firewall policy. Each rule must contain protocol parameter, in addition to three optional parameters: port_from, port_to, and source
protocol yes string none Internet protocol ('TCP', 'UDP', 'ICMP', 'AH', 'ESP', 'GRE')
port_from no integer none First port in range. Required for UDP and TCP protocols, otherwise it will be set up automatically.
port_to no integer none Second port in range. Required for UDP and TCP protocols, otherwise it will be set up automatically.
source no string IPs from which access is available. Setting all IPs are allowed.
add_rules no array none A list of rules that will be added to an existing firewall policy. It's syntax is the same as the one used for rules parameter. Used in combination with update state.
remove_rules no array none A list of rule ids that will be removed from an existing firewall policy. Used in combination with update state.
add_server_ips no array none A list of servers/IPs to be assigned to a firewall policy. Used in combination with update state.
remove_server_ips no array none A list of server IP ids to be unassigned from a firewall policy. Used in combination with update state.
wait no boolean true Wait for the instance to be in state 'running' before continuing.
wait_timeout no integer 600 The number of seconds until the wait ends.
wait_interval no integer 5 The number of seconds between each request to check status.
state no string present Create, delete, or update a firewall policy: present, absent, update


Example Syntax

- hosts: localhost
  connection: local
  gather_facts: false

    - name: Create a load balancer
        auth_token: {your_api_key}
        name: ansible load balancer
        description: Testing creation of load balancer with ansible
        health_check_test: TCP
        health_check_interval: 40
        persistence: true
        persistence_time: 1200
        method: ROUND_ROBIN
        datacenter: US
           protocol: TCP
           port_balancer: 80
           port_server: 80
        wait: true
        wait_timeout: 500

Parameter Reference

The following parameters are supported:

Name Required Type Default Description
auth_token yes string none Used for authorization of the request towards the API. This token can be obtained from the CloudPanel in the Management-section below Users.hostname
api_url yes string Used when providing a custom API URL
name yes string none Load balancer name used with present state. Used as identifier (id or name) when used with absent state.
load_balancer yes * string none Load balancer identifier (id or name). Must be provided with update state.
api_url yes string Used when providing a custom API URL
health_check_test yes string none Type of the health check. At the moment, HTTP is not allowed. ('NONE', 'TCP', 'HTTP', 'ICMP')
health_check_interval yes integer none Health check period in seconds (5 - 300)
persistence yes boolean none Persistence
persistence_time yes integer none Persistence time in seconds. Required if persistence is enabled. (30 - 1200)
method yes string none Balancing procedure ('ROUND_ROBIN', 'LEAST_CONNECTIONS')
rules yes array none A list of rules that will be set for the load balancer. Each rule must contain protocol, port_balancer, and port_server parameters, in addition to sourceparameter, which is optional.
protocol yes string none Internet protocol ('TCP', 'UDP')
port_balancer yes integer none Port in balancer. Port 0 means every port. Only can be used if also 0 is set in port_server and health_check_test is set to NONE or ICMP.
port_server yes integer none Port in server. Port 0 means every port. Only can be used if also 0 is set in port_balancer and health_check_test is set to NONE or ICMP.
source no string IPs from which access is available. Setting all IPs are allowed.
add_rules no array none A list of rules that will be added to an existing load balancer. It's syntax is the same as the one used for rules parameter. Used in combination with update state.
remove_rules no array none A list of rule ids that will be removed from an existing load balancer. Used in combination with update state.
add_server_ips no array none A list of servers/IPs to be assigned to a load balancer. Used in combination with update state.
remove_server_ips no array none A list of servers/IPs to be unassigned from a load balancer. Used in combination with update state.
datacenter no string none ID of the datacenter where the load balancer will be created ('US', 'ES', 'DE', 'GB')
description no string none Description of the load balancer
health_check_path no string none Url to call for cheking. Required for HTTP health check.
health_check_parse no string none Regular expression to check. Required for HTTP health check.
wait no boolean true Wait for the instance to be in state 'running' before continuing.
wait_timeout no integer 600 The number of seconds until the wait ends.
wait_interval no integer 5 The number of seconds between each request to check status.
state no string present Create, delete, or update a load balancer: present, absent, update


Example Syntax

- hosts: localhost
  connection: local
  gather_facts: false

    - name: Create a monitoring policy
        auth_token: {your_api_key}       
        name: ansible monitoring policy
        description: Testing creation of a monitoring policy with ansible
        agent: true
               value: 80
               alert: false
               value: 92
               alert: false
               value: 80
               alert: false
               value: 90
               alert: false
               value: 80
               alert: false
               value: 90
               alert: false
               value: 50
               alert: false
               value: 100
               alert: false
               value: 1000
               alert: false
               value: 2000
               alert: false
           protocol: TCP
           port: 22
           alert_if: RESPONDING
           email_notification: false
           process: test
           alert_if: NOT_RUNNING
           email_notification: false
        wait: true

Parameter Reference

The following parameters are supported:

Name Required Type Default Description
auth_token yes string none Used for authorization of the request towards the API. This token can be obtained from the CloudPanel in the Management-section below Users.hostname
api_url yes string Used when providing a custom API URL
name yes string none Monitoring policy name used with present state. Used as identifier (id or name) when used with absent state.
monitoring_policy yes * string none Monitoring policy identifier (id or name). Must be provided with update state.
api_url yes string Used when providing a custom API URL
agent yes string none Set true for using agent.
email yes string none User's email.
thresholds yes array none A list of five threshold objects that must be provided to be set for the monitoring policy (cpu, ram, disk, internal_ping, and transfer). Each of those five threshold objects must contain warning and critical objects, each of which must contain alert and value parameters.
cpu yes object none Consumption limits of CPU.
ram yes object none Consumption limits of RAM.
disk yes object none Consumption limits of hard disk.
internal_ping yes object none Response limits of internal ping.
transfer yes object none Consumption limits for transfer.
warning yes object none Set limits for warning.
Must be set for all five threshold objects (cpu, ram, disk, internal_ping, and transfer). Must contain alert and value parameters.
critical yes object none Set limits for critical case.
Must be set for all five threshold objects (cpu, ram, disk, internal_ping, and transfer). Must contain alert and value parameters.
alert yes boolean none Enable alert.
Each warning and critical object must contain this parameter.
value yes integer none Advise when this value is exceeded. Depending on the threshold object, the value represents either (%), (ms), or (kbps).

The following are the valid values for each of the threshold objects:

cpu, ram, disk (%):
warning: min. 1, max. 95
critical: max. 100

internal_ping (ms):
warning: min. 1
critical: max. 100

transfer (kbps):
warning: min. 1
critical: max. 2000
ports yes array none Array of ports that will be monitoring. Each port object must contain protocol, port, alert_if, and email_notification parameters.
protocol yes string none Internet protocol. ('TCP', 'UDP')
port yes integer none Port number. (1 - 65535)
alert_if yes string none Case of alert. ('RESPONDING', 'NOT_RESPONDING')
email_notification yes boolean none Set true for sending e-mail notifications.
processes yes array none Array of processes that will be monitoring. Each port object must contain process, alert_if, and email_notification parameters.
process yes string none Name of the process.
alert_if yes string none Case of alert. 'RUNNING', 'NOT_RUNNING')
description no string none Monitoring policy description.
add_ports no array none A list of port objects that will be added to an existing monitoring policy. Used in combination with update state.
update_ports no array none A list of existing monitoring policy port objects that will be updated. Their definition is the same as regular port objects, with an addition of port id parameter which must be provided. Used in combination with update state.
remove_ports no array none A list of port ids that represent port objects which will be removed from the monitoring policy. Used in combination with update state.
add_processes no array none A list of process objects that will be added to an existing monitoring policy. Used in combination with update state.
update_processes no array none A list of existing monitoring policy process objects that will be updated. Their definition is the same as regular process objects, with an addition of process id parameter which must be provided. Used in combination with update state.
remove_processes no array none A list of process ids that represent process objects which will be removed from the monitoring policy. Used in combination with update state.
add_servers no array none A list of servers ids to be attached to the monitoring policy. Used in combination with update state.
remove_servers no array none A list of server ids to be detached from the monitoring policy. Used in combination with update state.
wait no boolean true Wait for the instance to be in state 'running' before continuing.
wait_timeout no integer 600 The number of seconds until the wait ends.
wait_interval no integer 5 The number of seconds between each request to check status.
state no string present Create, delete, or update a monitoring policy: present, absent, update


Example Syntax

- hosts: localhost
  connection: local
  gather_facts: false


    - name: Create a private network
        auth_token: {your_api_key}
        name: ansible_private_network
        description: Testing creation of a private network with ansible
        datacenter: DE
        wait: false

    - name: Update a private network
        auth_token: {your_api_key}
        private_network: ansible_private_network
        description: Testing the update of a private network with ansible
        datacenter: DE
        wait: false
        state: update
    - name: Attach servers to a private network
        auth_token: {your_api_key}
        private_network: ansible_private_network
         - E7D36EC025C73796035BF4F171379025
         - 8A7D5122BDC173B6E52223878CEF2748
         - D5C5C1D01249DE9B88BE3DAE973AA090
        state: update
        wait: false

Parameter Reference

The following parameters are supported:

Name Required Type Default Description
auth_token yes string none Used for authorization of the request towards the API. This token can be obtained from the CloudPanel in the Management-section below Users.hostname
api_url yes string Used when providing a custom API URL
name yes string none Private network name used with present state. Used as identifier (id or name) when used with absent state.
private_network yes * string none Private network identifier (id or name). Must be provided with update state.
api_url yes string Used when providing a custom API URL
description no string none Private network description.
datacenter no string none ID of the datacenter where the private network will be created. ('US', 'ES', 'DE', 'GB')
network_address no string none Private network address (valid IP).
subnet_mask no string none Subnet mask (valid subnet for the given IP).
add_members no array none Array of desired servers ids to be attached to a private network.
remove_members no string none Array of desired servers ids to be detached from a private network.
wait no boolean true Wait for the instance to be in state 'running' before continuing.
wait_timeout no integer 600 The number of seconds until the wait ends.
wait_interval no integer 5 The number of seconds between each request to check status.
state no string present Create, delete, update a private network, attach/detach servers to/from a private network: present, absent, update


Example Syntax

- hosts: localhost
  connection: local
  gather_facts: false

    - name: Create a public IP
        auth_token: {your_api_key}
        datacenter: US
        wait: true
        wait_timeout: 500

Parameter Reference

The following parameters are supported:

Name Required Type Default Description
auth_token yes string none Used for authorization of the request towards the API. This token can be obtained from the CloudPanel in the Management-section below Users.hostname
api_url yes string Used when providing a custom API URL
public_ip_id yes * string none ID or of the public IP that will be used in update or delete requests. Required for absent and update states.
api_url yes string Used when providing a custom API URL
datacenter no string 'US' ID of the datacenter where the IP will be created (only for unassigned IPs). ('US', 'ES', 'DE', 'GB')
reverse_dns no string none Reverse DNS name.
type no string 'IPV4' Type of IP. Currently, only IPV4 is supported. ('IPV4', 'IPV6')
wait no boolean true Wait for the instance to be in state 'running' before continuing.
wait_timeout no integer 600 The number of seconds until the wait ends.
wait_interval no integer 5 The number of seconds between each request to check status.
state no string present Create, delete, or update a public ip: present, absent, and update.


Example Syntax

- hosts: localhost
  connection: local
  gather_facts: false

    - name: Create a VPN
        auth_token: {your_api_key}
        datacenter: US
        name: ansible VPN
        description: Create a VPN using ansible
        wait: true
        wait_timeout: 500

Parameter Reference

The following parameters are supported:

Name Required Type Default Description
auth_token yes string none Used for authorization of the request towards the API. This token can be obtained from the CloudPanel in the Management-section below Users.hostname
api_url yes string Used when providing a custom API URL
name yes string none VPN name used with present state. Used as identifier (id or name) when used with absent state.
vpn yes * string none VPN identifier (id or name). Must be provided with update state.
api_url yes string Used when providing a custom API URL
description no string none VPN description.
datacenter no string none ID of the datacenter where the VPN will be created.
wait no boolean true Wait for the instance to be in state 'running' before continuing.
wait_timeout no integer 600 The number of seconds until the wait ends.
wait_interval no integer 5 The number of seconds between each request to check status.
state no string present Create, delete, or update a VPN: present, absent, and update.


Example Syntax

- hosts: localhost
  connection: local
  gather_facts: false

    - name: Create a user
        auth_token: {your_api_key}
        name: ansible_test_user
        description: Create a user with ansible - test
        password: {password}
        wait: true
        wait_timeout: 500

Parameter Reference

The following parameters are supported:

Name Required Type Default Description
auth_token yes string none Used for authorization of the request towards the API. This token can be obtained from the CloudPanel in the Management-section below Users.hostname
api_url yes string Used when providing a custom API URL
description no string none User's description.
name yes string none User's name used with present state. Used as identifier (id or name) when used with absent state.
user yes * string none User identifier (id or name). Must be provided with update state.
api_url yes string Used when providing a custom API URL
description no string none User's description.
password yes string none User's password. Pass must contain at least 8 characters using uppercase letters, numbers and other special symbols.
description no string none User's description.
email no string none User's e-mail.
user_state no string none Allows to enable or disable users. ('ACTIVE', 'DISABLE')
active no boolean false Set true for enabling API
user_ips no string none Array of new IPs from which access to API will be available.
remove_ip no string none An IP that will be deleted and API access for it will be forbidden.
change_api_key no string none User's API key (token for accessing the API) will be changed to the provided value.
wait no boolean true Wait for the instance to be in state 'running' before continuing.
wait_timeout no integer 600 The number of seconds until the wait ends.
wait_interval no integer 5 The number of seconds between each request to check status.
state no string present Create, delete, or update a user: present, absent, and update.


Example Syntax

- hosts: localhost
  connection: local
  gather_facts: false

    - name: Create a VPN
        auth_token: {your_api_key}
        name: ansible_test_role
        wait: true
        wait_timeout: 500

Parameter Reference

The following parameters are supported:

Name Required Type Default Description
auth_token yes string none Used for authorization of the request towards the API. This token can be obtained from the CloudPanel in the Management-section below Users.hostname
api_url yes string Used when providing a custom API URL
name yes string none Role name used with present state. Used as identifier (id or name) when used with absent state.
role yes * string none Role identifier (id or name). Must be provided with update state.
api_url yes string Used when providing a custom API URL
description no string none Role description.
role_state no string none Allows to enable or disable the role. ('ACTIVE', 'DISABLE')
servers no object none Servers permissions object attributes (boolean values)
show- Allows to list servers.
create- Allows to create servers.
delete- Allows to delete servers.
set_name- Allows to change server name.
set_description- Allows to change server description.
start- Allows to start servers.
restart- Allows to restart servers.
shutdown- Allows to shutdown servers.
resize- Allows to resize servers.
reinstall- Allows to reinstall servers.
clone- Allows to clone servers.
manage_snapshot- Allows to manage snapshots.
assign_ip- Allows to assign new IPs
manage_dvd- Allows to manage DVD images.
access_kvm_console- Allows to access servers using KVM console.
images no object none Images permissions object attributes (boolean values)
show- Allows to list images.
create- Allows to create images.
delete- Allows to delete images.
set_name- Allows to change image name.
set_description- Allows to change image description.
disable_automatic_creation- Allows to change image creation policy.
shared_storages no object none Shared storages permissions object attributes (boolean values)
show- Allows to list shared storages.
create- Allows to create shared storages.
delete- Allows to delete shared storages.
set_name- Allows to change shared storage name.
set_description- Allows to change shared storage description.
manage_attached_servers- Allows to manage servers attached.
access- Allows to manage shared storage permissions.
resize- Allows to resize shared storages.
firewalls no object none Firewall policies permissions object attributes (boolean values)
show- Allows to list firewall policies.
create- Allows to create firewall policies.
delete- Allows to delete firewall policies.
set_name- Allows to change firewall policy name.
set_description- Allows to change firewall policy description.
manage_rules- Allows to manage firewall policy rules.
manage_attached_server_ips- Allows to add or remove servers from firewall policies.
clone- Allows to clone firewall policies.
load_balancers no object none Load balancers permissions object attributes (boolean values)
show- Allows to list load balancers.
create- Allows to create load balancers.
delete- Allows to delete load balancers.
set_name- Allows to change load balancer name.
set_description- Allows to change load balancer description.
manage_rules- Allows to manage load balancer rules.
manage_attached_server_ips- Allows to add or remove servers from load balancers.
modify- Allows to edit load balancers.
ips no object none Public IPs permissions object attributes (boolean values)
show- Allows to list public IPs.
create- Allows to create public IPs.
delete- Allows to delete public IPs.
release- Allows to release IPs.
set_reverse_dns- Allows to change reverse DNS name.
private_networks no object none Private networks permissions object attributes (boolean values)
show- Allows to list private networks.
create- Allows to create private networks.
delete- Allows to delete private networks.
set_name- Allows to change private network name.
set_description- Allows to change private network description.
set_network_info- Allows to edit private network configuration.
manage_attached_servers- Allows to manage servers attached.
vpns no object none VPNs permissions object attributes (boolean values)
show- Allows to list VPNs.
create- Allows to create VPNs.
delete- Allows to delete VPNs.
set_name- Allows to change VPN name.
set_description- Allows to change VPN description.
download_file- Allows to download VPN configuration file.
monitoring_centers no object none Monitoring center permissions object attributes (boolean values)
show- Allows to list monitored resources.
monitoring_policies no object none Monitoring policies permissions object attributes (boolean values)
show- Allows to list monitoring policies.
create- Allows to create monitoring policies.
delete- Allows to delete monitoring policies.
set_name- Allows to change monitoring policy name.
set_description- Allows to change monitoring policy description.
set_email- Allows to change monitoring policy email.
modify_resources- Allows to make changes to thresholds.
manage_ports- Allows to add or remove port alerts to monitoring policy.
manage_processes- Allows to add or remove process alerts to monitoring policy.
manage_attached_servers- Allows to manage servers attached to monitoring policy.
clone- Allows to clone monitoring policies.
backups no object none Backups permissions object attributes (boolean values)
show- Allows to list backup accounts.
create- Allows to create backup accounts.
delete- Allows to delete backup accounts.
logs no object none Logs permissions object attributes (boolean values)
show- Allows to list logs.
users no object none Users permissions object attributes (boolean values)
show- Allows to list users.
create- Allows to create users.
delete- Allows to delete users.
set_description- Allows to change user description.
set_email- Allows to change user e-mail.
set_password- Allows to change user password.
manage_api- Allows to manage the Cloud Panel from the API.
enable- Allows to enable users.
disable- Allows to disable users.
change_role- Allows to change user role.
roles no object none Roles permissions object attributes (boolean values)
show- Allows to list roles.
create- Allows to create roles.
delete- Allows to delete roles.
set_name- Allows to change role name.
set_description- Allows to change role description.
manage_users- Allows to manage users' role.
modify- Allows to change role permissions.
clone- Allows to clone roles.
usages no object none Usages permissions object attributes (boolean values)
show- Allows to list usages.
interactive_invoices no object none Interactive invoices permissions object attributes (boolean values)
show- Allows to list interactive invoices.
add_users no array none A list of user ids that will be added to an existing role.
remove_users no array none A list of user ids that will be removed from an existing role.
role_clone_name no string none A name that will be assigned to the cloned role.
wait no boolean true Wait for the instance to be in state 'running' before continuing.
wait_timeout no integer 600 The number of seconds until the wait ends.
wait_interval no integer 5 The number of seconds between each request to check status.
state no string present Create, delete, or update a VPN: present, absent, and update.


The following example demonstrates creating a firewall policy, monitoring policy, two servers (one using fixed_size_instance, the other custom hardware) with the associated policies applied, and both added to a private network:

- hosts: localhost
  connection: local
  gather_facts: True

    - name: Create a firewall policy
	name: ansible firewall policy
	description: Testing creation of firewall policies with ansible
	   protocol: TCP
	   port_from: 80
	   port_to: 80
	wait: true
	wait_timeout: 500
      register: fw_policy

    - name: Create a monitoring policy
	name: ansible monitoring policy
	description: Testing creation of a monitoring policy with ansible
	agent: true
	       value: 80
	       alert: false
	       value: 92
	       alert: false
	       value: 80
	       alert: false
	       value: 90
	       alert: false
	       value: 80
	       alert: false
	       value: 90
	       alert: false
	       value: 50
	       alert: false
	       value: 100
	       alert: false
	       value: 1000
	       alert: false
	       value: 2000
	       alert: false
	   protocol: TCP
	   port: 22
	   alert_if: RESPONDING
	   email_notification: false
	   process: test
	   alert_if: NOT_RUNNING
	   email_notification: false
	wait: true
      register: mp

    - name: Create server using custom hardware
	hostname: server_custom_size
	description: testing server creation with ansible
	auto_increment: true
	appliance: 8E3BAA98E3DFD37857810E0288DD8FBA
	vcore: 2
	cores_per_processor: 1
	ram: 1
	   is_main: true
	   size: 20
	   is_main: false
	   size: 20
	datacenter: US
	firewall_policy: "{{ }}"
	private_network: backup_network
	monitoring_policy: "{{ }}"
	state: present

    - name: Create server using a fixed instance size
	hostname: server_fixed_size
	description: testing server creation with ansible
	auto_increment: true
	appliance: 8E3BAA98E3DFD37857810E0288DD8FBA
	fixed_instance_size: S
	datacenter: US
	firewall_policy: "{{ }}"
	private_network: backup_network
	monitoring_policy: "{{ }}"
	state: present


You are welcome to contact us with questions or comments using the Community section of the 1&1 Cloud Community. Please report any feature requests or issues using GitHub issue tracker.


Change into the examples directory and execute the Playbooks.

cd examples
ansible-playbook server_create.yml


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