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Yammer Integration Pack

This integration pack allows you to integrate with Yammer, the Enterprise Social Network.


The following actions are supported:

  • authenticate - Get an authentication URL for the application, use this in a browser to gain a code. Put this code in /opt/stackstorm/configs/yammer.yaml
  • delete_group - Removing a group
  • delete_message - Remove a message
  • email_message - Send the contents of a message to yourself
  • get_group_by_id - Fetch the group details by ID
  • get_user_by_email - Fetch a user by email
  • get_user_by_id - Fetch a user by id
  • list_groups - Get all groups
  • list_messages - List all messages
  • list_messages_in_group - List all messages in a group
  • list_messages_about_topic - List all messages about a particular topic
  • list_messages_from_user - List all messages from a particular user
  • list_messages_my_feed - List messages for my feed
  • list_private_messages - List the messages in your inbox
  • list_users
  • list_users_in_group
  • like_message - Like a particular message
  • post_message - Post a message to a user, a group or a topic
  • suspend_user - Suspend a user (admins only)


In Yammer you need to setup a client application on (

Copy the example configuration in yammer.yaml.example to /opt/stackstorm/configs/yammer.yaml and edit as required, using values from Yammer.

Configure these values:

  • client_id - The client ID provided by Yammer for your app
  • client_secret - The client secret provided by Yammer for your app
  • expected_redirect - The redirect Yammer expects to send you to, configured below.

Once those values have been configured, register the configuration with sudo st2ctl reload --register-configs, then run the authenticate action. This will give you a URL. Navigate to that URL in a browser and login to Yammer.

This will give you an access code. Configure this in yammer.yaml:

  • access_code - The code generated by viewing the URL provided when running authenticate

Run sudo st2ctl reload --register-configs again, and you can use the rest of the integration