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@manasdk manasdk released this 09 Mar 22:35
· 37 commits to v0.8 since this release
  • Allow user to exclude particular attributes from a response by passing
    ?exclude_attributes=result,trigger_instance query parameter to the /actionexecutions/
    and /actionexecutions/<execution id>/ endpoint (new-feature)
  • Add new /actionexecutions/<id>/attribute/<attribute name> endpoint which allows user to
    retrieve a value of a particular action execution attribute. (new-feature)
  • Update execution get CLI command so it automatically detects workflows and returns more
    user-friendly output by default. (improvement)
  • Update run, action execute, execution get and execution re-run CLI commands to
    take the same options and return output in the same consistent format.
  • Fix a bug with http runner not parsing JSON HTTP response body if the content-type header also
    contained a charset. (bug-fix)
  • Indent workflow children properly in CLI (bug-fix)
  • Make sure that wait indicator is visible in CLI on some systems where stdout is buffered. (bug-fix)
  • Fix a bug with end_timestamp attribute on the LiveAction and ActionExecution model
    containing an invalid value if the action hasn't finished yet. (bug-fix)
  • Correctly report an invalid authentication information error in the remote runner. (bug-fix)
  • Throw a more friendly error in the action chain runner if it fails to parse the action chain
    definition file. (improvement)
  • Fix a bug in the action chain runner and make sure action parameters are also available for
    substitution in the publish scope. (bug-fix)