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File metadata and controls

681 lines (489 loc) · 24.5 KB


Actions are pieces of code which can perform arbitrary automation or remediation tasks in your environment. They can be written in any programming language.

To give you a better idea, here is a short list of tasks which can be implemented as actions:

  • restart a service on a server
  • create a new cloud server
  • acknowledge a Nagios / PagerDuty alert
  • send a notification or alert via email or SMS
  • send a notification to an IRC channel
  • send a message to Slack
  • start a Docker container
  • snapshot a VM
  • run a Nagios check

Actions can be executed when a :doc:`Rule </rules>` with a matching criteria is triggered. Multiple Actions can be strung together into a :doc:`Workflow </workflows>`. Actions can also be executed directly from the clients via CLI, API, or UI.

Managing and Running Actions

The CLI provides access to action management commands using the st2 action <command> format. To see a list of available commands and their description, run:

st2 action --help

To get more information on a particular action command, run: st2 action <command> -h. For example the following will provide help for action list command:

st2 action list -h

The following commands show examples on how to obtain information on available actions and their arguments:

# List all available actions (note that output may be lengthy)
st2 action list

# List all actions in "linux" pack
st2 action list -p linux

# Display information for a particular action linux.check_loadavg
st2 action get linux.check_loadavg

# Alternatively, use CLI's run script to obtain information on an action's arguments:
st2 run linux.check_loadavg -h

To execute an action manually, you can use st2 run <action with parameters> or st2 action execute <action with parameters> command, as shown below:

# Execute action immediately and display the results
st2 run core.http url=""

# Schedule action execution
st2 action execute core.http url=""

# Obtain execution results (the command below is provided as a tip in the output of the above command):
st2 execution get 54fc83b9e11c711106a7ae01

# If you want to add a trace tag to execution when you run it, you can use:
st2 run core.local cmd=date --trace-tag="simple-date-check-`date +%s`"

Action Runner

An action runner is the execution environment for user-implemented actions. |st2| comes with pre-canned action runners such as a remote runner and shell runner which provide for user-implemented actions to be run remotely (via SSH) and locally. The objective is to allow the Action author to concentrate only on the implementation of the action itself rather than setting up the environment.

Available Runners

The environment in which the action runs is specified by the runner. Currently the system provides the following runners:

  1. local-shell-cmd - This is the local runner. This runner executes a Linux command on the same host where |st2| components are running.

  2. local-shell-script - This is the local runner. Actions are implemented as scripts. They are executed on the same hosts where |st2| components are running.

  3. remote-shell-cmd - This is a remote runner. This runner executes a Linux command on one or more remote hosts provided by the user.

  4. remote-shell-script - This is a remote runner. Actions are implemented as scripts. They run on one or more remote hosts provided by the user.

  5. python-script - This is a Python runner. Actions are implemented as Python classes with a run() method. They run locally on the same machine where |st2| components are running. The return value from the action run() method is either a tuple of success status flag and the result object respectively or it is just the result object. For more information, please refer to the :doc:`Action Runners </reference/runners>` section in the documentations.

  6. http-request - HTTP client which performs HTTP requests for running HTTP actions.

  7. action-chain - This runner supports executing simple linear work-flows. For more information, please refer to the :doc:`Workflows </workflows>` and :doc:`ActionChain </actionchain>` sections of the documentation.

  8. mistral-v2 - Those runners are built on top of the Mistral OpenStack project and support executing complex work-flows. For more information, please refer to the :doc:`Workflows </workflows>` and :doc:`Mistral </mistral>` sections of the documentation.

  9. cloudslang - This runner is built on top of the CloudSlang project and supports executing complex workflows. For more information, please refer to the :doc:`Workflows </workflows>` and :doc:`CloudSlang </cloudslang>` sections of the documentation.

    Note: This runner is currently in an experimental phase which means that there might be bugs and the external user-facing API might change.

Runners come with their own set of input parameters and when an action picks a runner_type it also inherits the runner parameters.

Writing Custom Actions

An action is composed of two parts:

  1. A script file which implements the action logic
  2. A YAML metadata file which describes the action

As noted above, an action script can be written in an arbitrary programming language, as long as it follows these conventions:

  1. Script should exit with 0 status code on success and non-zero on error (e.g. 1)
  2. All log messages should be printed to standard error

Action Metadata

Action metadata is used to describe the action and is defined as YAML (JSON is supported for backward compatibility). These attributes can be present in the metadata file:

  • name - Name of the action.
  • runner_type - The type of runner to execute the action.
  • enabled - Action cannot be invoked when disabled.
  • entry_point - Location of the action launch script relative to the /opt/stackstorm/packs/${pack_name}/actions/.
  • parameters - A dictionary of parameters and optional metadata describing type and default. The metadata is structured data following the JSON Schema specification draft 4. The common parameter types allowed are string, boolean, number (whole numbers and decimal numbers - e.g. 1.0, 1, 3.3333, etc.), object, integer (whole numbers only - 1, 1000, etc.) and array. If metadata is provided, input args are validated on action execution. Otherwise, validation is skipped.

This is a sample metadata file for a Python action which sends an SMS via the Twilio web service:

name: "send_sms"
runner_type: "python-script"
description: "This sends an SMS using twilio."
enabled: true
entry_point: ""
        type: "string"
        description: "Your twilio 'from' number in E.164 format. Example +14151234567."
        required: true
        position: 0
        type: "string"
        description: "Recipient number in E.164 format. Example +14151234567."
        required: true
        position: 1
        secret: true
        type: "string"
        description: "Body of the message."
        required: true
        position: 2
        default: "Hello {% if system.user %} {{ system.user }} {% else %} dude {% endif %}!"

This action is using a Python runner (python-script). The class which implements a run method is contained in a file called which is located in the same directory as the metadata file. The action takes three parameters (from_number, to_number, body).

In the example above, to_number parameter contains attribute secret with value:true. If an attribute is marked as a secret, the value of that attribute will be masked in the |st2| service logs.

Parameters in Actions

In the previous example, you probably noticed how you can access parameters from key value store by using the system prefix in the template. You can also get access to variables from the context of the execution. For example:

    type: "string"
    description: "User of this action."
    required: true
    default: "{{action_context.api_user}}"

The prefix action_context is used to refer to variables in action context. Depending on how the execution is executed and nature of action (simple vs workflow), variables in action_context change.

A simple execution via the API will only contain variable user. An execution triggered via chatops will contain variables such as api_user, user and source_channel. In chatops case, api_user is the user who's kicking off the chatops command from client and user is the |st2| user configured in hubot. source_channel is the channel in which the chatops command was kicked off.

In case of action chains and workflows (see :doc:`Workflow </workflows>`), every task in the workflow could access the parent's execution_id. For example, a task in an action chain is shown below:

  name: "c2"
  ref: "core.local"
    cmd: "echo \"c2: parent exec is {{action_context.parent.execution_id}}.\""
  on-success: "c3"
  on-failure: "c4"

Action Registration

To register a new action:

  1. Place it into the content location.
  2. Tell the system that the action is available.

The actions are grouped in :doc:`packs </packs>` and located at /opt/stackstorm/packs (default, configured, multiple locations supported). For hacking one-off actions, the convention is to use default pack - just create your action in /opt/stackstorm/packs/default/actions.

Register an individual action by calling st2 action create my_action_metadata.yaml. To reload all the actions, use st2ctl reload --register-actions

Built-in Parameters

When configuring the metadata, there are several built-in parameters that can be used and overwritten to change the default functionality of the various runners:

  • args - (local-shell-cmd, remote-shell-cmd) By default, |st2| will assemble arguments based on whether a user defines named or positional arguments. Adjusts the format of arguments passed to cmd.
  • cmd - (local-shell-script, remote-shell-script) Configure the command to be run on the target system.
  • cwd - (local-shell-script, remote-shell-script) Configure the directory where remote commands will be executed from.
  • env - (local-shell-cmd, local-shell-script, remote-shell-cmd, remote-shell-script, python-script) Environment variables which will be available to the executed command / script.
  • dir - (local-shell-script, remote-shell-script) Configure the directory where scripts are copied from a pack to the target machine prior to execution. Defaults to /tmp.

Overriding Runner Parameters

Parameters of runners can be overridden. Sometimes it's necessary to customize and simplify an action. Take the following linux.rsync action that is included in the linux pack on st2 install. The linux.rsync action overrides the cmd parameter in the local-shell-cmd runner with the rsync command with appropriate args passed from the action parameters defined for the linux.rsync action.

.. literalinclude:: /../../st2/contrib/linux/actions/rsync.yaml

Not all attributes for the runner parameters can be overridden. A list of attributes which can be overriden is included below.

Overriding attributes such as type and position are not allowed because overriding them can potentially break the action since the runner will not be able to consume the type of value being passed (e.g. runner parameter is expecting an integer but a string is passed).

Environment Variables Available to Actions

By default, local, remote and python runner make the following environment variables available to the actions:

  • ST2_ACTION_PACK_NAME - Name of the pack to which the currently executed action belongs to.
  • ST2_ACTION_EXECUTION_ID - Execution ID of the action being currently executed.
  • ST2_ACTION_API_URL - Full URL to the public API endpoint.
  • ST2_ACTION_AUTH_TOKEN - Auth token which is available to the action until it completes. When the action completes, the token gets revoked and it's not valid anymore.

Here is an example of how you can use these environment variables inside a local shell script action.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# Retrieve a list of actions by hitting the API using cURL and the information provided
# via environment variables

RESULT=$(curl -H "X-Auth-Token: ${ST2_ACTION_AUTH_TOKEN}" ${ST2_ACTION_API_URL}/actions)
echo ${RESULT}

Converting Existing Scripts into Actions

If you have an existing standalone script written in an arbitrary programming or scripting language and you want to convert it to an action, the process is very simple.

Follow these steps:

1. Make sure the script conforms to the conventions described above

You should make sure that the script exits with a zero status code on success and non-zero on error. This is important since the exit code is used by |st2| to determine if the script has finished successfully.

2. Add a metadata file

You need to add a metadata file which describes the script name, description, entry point, which runner to use and script parameters (if any).

When converting an existing script, you will want to either use local-shell-script or remote-shell-script runner.

2. Update argument parsing in the script


If your script doesn't take any arguments, you can skip this step.

Local and remote script runners recognize two types of parameters:

  1. named - those parameters don't include position attribute
  2. positional - those parameters include position attribute

All of the parameters are passed to the script via the command-line arguments.

Named argument are passed to the script in the following format: --param1=value --param2=value --param3=value

By default, each parameter is prefixed with two dashes (--). If you want to use a single dash (-), some other prefix or no prefix at all, you can configure that using kwarg_op parameter in the metadata file.

For example:

name: "my_script"
runner_type: "remote-shell-script"
description: "Script which prints arguments to stdout."
enabled: true
entry_point: ""
        type: "string"
        required: true
        type: "string"
        required: true
        type: "string"
        required: true
        type: "string"
        immutable: true
        default: "-"

In this case, arguments are passed to the script in the following format: -key1=value1 -key2=value2 -key3=value3

And positional arguments are passed to the script ordered by the position value in the following format: value2 value1 value3

If your script only uses positional arguments (which is usually the case for a lot of scripts out there), you simply need to declare parameters with correct value for the position attribute in the metadata file. Positional arguments are serialized based on the simple rules described below:

  1. string, integer, float - Serialized as a string.
  2. boolean - Serialized as a string 1 (true) or 0 (false).
  3. lists - Serialized as a comma delimited string (e.g. foo,bar,baz).
  4. object - Serialized as JSON.

Using this simple serialization format allows users to easily utilize those values in their scripts by using standard Bash functionality (-z for check if a value is provided, -eq for comparison to 1/0 and IFS for splitting a string into an array). For working with objects, you can use a tool such as jq.

In addition to that, if no value is provided for a particular positional parameter, |st2| will pass an empty string "" as a value for that parameter to the script.

For example, if a second positional parameter is optional and user provides no value, the script will be called like this: value2 "" value3

The immutable value defines whether the default value of a parameter can be overridden. This is particularly important if you expose commands via chatops and do not like security related parameters to be manipulated by user input.

Example 1 - existing Bash script with positional arguments

Let's say we have a simple Bash script named which writes a message provided via the command line argument to syslog.

The script takes two arguments:

  1. Argument #1 is the address of the syslog server
  2. Argument #2 is the message to write
#!/usr/bin/env bash

logger -n ${SERVER} ${MESSAGE}

Since this script is only using positional arguments, you only need to define them in the metadata file:

name: "send_to_syslog.log"
runner_type: "remote-shell-script"
description: "Send a message to a provided syslog server."
enabled: true
entry_point: ""
        type: "string"
        description: "Address of the syslog server"
        required: true
        position: 0
        type: "string"
        description: "Message to write"
        required: true
        position: 1

As you can see above, we declare two parameters - server and message. Both of them declare a position attribute (0 for server and 1 for message), which means they will be passed to the action script as positional arguments so your script doesn't require any changes.

Writing Custom Python Actions

In the simplest form, a Python action is a module which exposes a class which inherits from :class:`st2actions.runners.pythonrunner.Action` and implements a run method.

Sample Python action

Metadata file (my_echo_action.yaml):

name: "echo_action"
runner_type: "python-script"
description: "Print message to standard output."
enabled: true
entry_point: ""
        type: "string"
        description: "Message to print."
        required: true
        position: 0

Action script file (

import sys

from st2actions.runners.pythonrunner import Action

class MyEchoAction(Action):
    def run(self, message):

        if message == 'working':
            return (True, message)
        return (False, message)

This Python action prints text provided via the message parameter to the standard output. As you can see, user-supplied action parameters are passed to the run method as keyword arguments.

If the run method finishes without exceptions, the execution is successful, and the value returned by the method (any value: boolean, string, list, dict, etc.) is considered its result. Raising an exception will report the execution as failed.

Another way to specify the status of an execution is returning a tuple with two items: the first item is a boolean indicating status, the second item is the result itself.

For example, return False will result in a successful execution with the result being False, and return (False, "Failed!") is a failed execution with "Failed!" as its result.

In the example above, if the message parameter passed to the action is working, the action will be considered as succeeded (first flag in the result indicating action status is True) and in case another message is passed in, action will be considered as failed (first flag in the result tuple indicating action status is False).

For a more complex example, please refer to the actions in the Libcloud pack in StackStorm Exchange.

Configuration File


The configuration file should be used to store "static" configuration options which don't change between the action runs (e.g. service credentials, different constants, etc.).

For options / parameters which are user defined or change often, you should use action parameters which are defined in the metadata file.

Python actions can store arbitrary configuration in the configuration file which is global to the whole pack. The configuration is stored in a file named <pack_name>.yaml located in the /opt/stackstorm/configs/ directory.

The configuration file format is YAML. Configuration is automatically parsed and passed to the action class constructor via the config argument. See the :doc:`pack configuration doc</reference/pack_configs>` for more details.


All the logging inside the action should be performed via the logger which is specific to this action and available via the self.logger class attribute.

This logger is a standard Python logger from the logging module so all the logger methods work as expected (e.g. logger.debug,, etc).

For example:

def run(self):
    success = call_some_method()

    if success:'Action successfully completed')
        self.logger.error('Action failed...')

Action Service

Similar to sensors, action_service is available on each action instance after instantiation.

Action service provides different services to the action via public methods. Right now it supports datastore management methods. This allows actions to utilize the datastore to store arbitrary data between executions.

The action service provides the same datastore management methods as the ones available on the sensor service. You can find more details in the :ref:`sensor datastore management documentation<ref-sensors-datastore-management-operations>`.

Example storing a dict as JSON:

def run(self):
  data = {'somedata': 'foobar'}

  # Add a value to the datastore
  self.action_service.set_value(name='cache', value=json.dumps(data))

  # Retrieve a value
  value = self.action_service.get_value('cache')
  retrieved_data = json.loads(value)

  # Delete a value

Pre-defined Actions

There are several predefined actions that come out of the box when |st2| is installed via packages. These are in the core pack:

core.local : This action allows execution of arbitrary *nix/shell commands locally. You can excute this command via the CLI using:

st2 run core.local cmd='ls -l'

core.remote : This action allows execution of arbitrary *nix/shell commands on a set of boxes. Execute this command via the CLI with:

st2 run core.remote cmd='ls -l' hosts='host1,host2' username='user1'

core.http : This action allows execution of http requests. Think cURL executed from the |st2| box:

st2 run core.http url="" method="GET"

Similar to cURL, this action supports basic authentication when provided a username and password:

st2 run core.http url="" method="GET" username=user1 password=pass1

To see all actions in the core pack:

st2 action list --pack=core

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