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CoC-Mod 1.4-dev Dragon Mod 1.0.1 (Basilisk Eyes Phase 1)

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@Stadler76 Stadler76 released this 02 Aug 03:35
· 3973 commits to master since this release

Changes from version 1.0

The mod is on par with CoC Revamp 1.4-dev (Anzu’s Palace Test) including

Benoit(e) talk scene and scenes to gain and regain basilisk eyes


  • MissBlackthorne (Basilisk eyes description, Benoit(e) scene texts)

Gameplay changes

  • If you have a total of at least 12 eggs (subject to change) produced for Benoit(e) the talk scene activates to enable the 'Basil. Eyes'-button.
  • You can gain and regain them without any limit cuz you did so much for him ;)
  • Gaining them the first time results in a two-page story scene.
  • Regaining them results in a short scene.
  • Basilisk eyes revert to lizard eyes upon ascension.
  • Your race now shows up as basilisk/dracolisk/dragonewt(-taur) in the player appearance tab

Internal changes

  • Added PlayerHelper:hasLizardEyes() to check, if the player has basilisk or lizard eyes, thus excluding dragon eyes.
  • PlayerHelper:isBasilisk() now returns true, when you have enough total eggs produced for and with Benoit(e) and when you have basilisk eyes.
  • Added 5 new methods to
    • public function benoitOffspring():int
    • public function benoitBigFamily():Boolean
    • private function convertToBassyEyes():void
    • private function convertToBassyEyesPageTwo():void
    • private function convertToBassyEyesFinal():void
  • Applied some pretty printing to Benoit:setBenoitShop() in addition to the new button 'Basil. Eyes'
  • Removed the comment from EYES_BASILISK in since its not NYI anymore ^^
  • Added two new flags:
public static const BENOIT_EYES_TALK_UNLOCKED:int = 1300;
public static const BENOIT_BASIL_EYES_GRANTED:int = 1301; // Counter to keep track, how often you gained them


First off: Thanks again to MissBlackthorne for her great work on writing the scene texts and the basilisk eyes description!
If you intend to see what happens, when you gain or regain them I suggest, that you TF to be all dragon including the dragon eyes and then gain them. After that there's a relatively high chance, that they become dragon eyes, when you drink Ember's blood or eat the flower again.
Upon ascension basilisk eyes revert to be lizard ones since you don't meet the requirements for them anymore.
To explain, how the lizan-subraces work, I think its the easiest to show you the code snippet:

            if (lizardScore() >= 4)
                if (hasDragonWingsAndFire())
                    race = isBasilisk() ? "dracolisk" : "dragonewt";
                    race = isBasilisk() ? "basilisk"  : "lizan";
                // [...]

Meaning, that if you don't meet the requirements to be considered a basilisk (basilisk eyes and enough eggs laid and/or fertilized), you'll show up as a lizan; or as a dragonewt if you have fully grown dragon wings and the Dragonfire-perk. If you meet the requirements you'll show up as a basilisk; or as a dracolisk if you have fully grown dragon wings and the Dragonfire-perk.