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Releases: StanHash/ColorzCore


05 May 11:01
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2024-05-05 Pre-release

This is probably the last release for this branch feature-wise.

See for a friendly summary of changes.
See FireEmblemUniverse#63 for a full summary of changes.

Stuff since

  • BASE64
  • STRING and #inctbl for loading custom .TBL encodings.
  • Formatted Interpolated Strings now accept values that expand to strings as well as numbers (such as __FILE__)
  • detect SetSymbol-like macros because they are now broken
  • detect ASSERT UpperBound - CURRENTOFFSET because it is otherwise broken.
  • --nocash-sym emits labels in local scopes (prefixed with $N$ where N is an arbitrary number).
  • The extensions system introduced in the last updated was removed.
  • Many internal refactoring
  • Many fixes

Binary is a .NET Framework 4.8 Assembly. Should work on most stock Windows and Mono.


23 Apr 15:46
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2024-04-23 Pre-release

Changes since :

  • ASSERT now always behaves as expected regarding conditionals
  • minor format strings fixes
  • Add ReadByteAt(offset), ReadShortAt(offset) and ReadWordAt(offset) built-in macros. Those macros are disabled in AA mode.

Binary is a .NET Framework 4.8 Assembly. Should work on most stock Windows and Mono.


19 Apr 21:00
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2024-04-19 Pre-release
  • ORG now accepts addresses: ORG 0x08000010 is now equivalent to ORG 0x10 (if the rom base address is 0x08000000)
  • POIN (and friends) now only converts offsets to addresses for non-zero offsets that are within ROM boundaries (1~0x1FFFFFF by default)
    • this allows feeding non-ROM addresses to POIN statements, possibly output by tools such as lyn
  • new "--maximum-size" option for configuring ranges relevant to the above two features
  • if no raws folder is given, and 'Language Raws' does not exist, a set of 7 built-in "fallback" raws will be available (those being BYTE, SHORT, WORD, POIN, SHORT2, WORD2 and POIN2).
    • old behavior was just an error
  • new operators: '==', '!=', '<', '>', '<=', '>=', '&&', '||', unary '!'. They work mostly like in C (|| is more like ?: and && evaluates to right operand if left is nonzero).
  • those operators can be used with the new generic '#if' preprocessor directive.
  • ASSERT behaves differently for conditional operators (fails on 0 rather than negative)
  • Partially address FireEmblemUniverse#22 (on raw param error, print the "signature" of that/those raw(s))
  • Add binary negation operator ('~') (addresses FireEmblemUniverse#42)
  • Symbol assignment using ':=' (addresses FireEmblemUniverse#48)
  • "undefined-coalescing" operator '??' ('L ?? R' evaluates to L if L does not contain undefined symbols, R otherwise)
  • make macro([a, b, c]) result in it having 1 parameter instead of 3
  • IsSymbolDefined (and IsLabelDefined alias) macro that expands to 0 or 1 depending on whether that symbol is visible and was defined before its expansion.
  • Better error messages in the very specific case where the expansion of a macro produces an invalid statement.
  • MESSAGE, ERROR and WARNING now print strings properly, and accept format bits: '{expr:spec}' which are expanded within.
    • format specifier are the same as the standard C# ones (for example: {MyOffset:X8})

Binary is a .NET Framework 4.8 Assembly. Should work on most stock Windows and Mono.


28 Apr 20:37
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2024-04-28 Pre-release

NOTE: I made an oopsie and the tag for this release refers to the wrong branch.

Changes since :

  • #define now allows any sequence of tokens as macro body. This means that you don't have to fit everything into a string if you aren't defining a numeric value or a vector.
    • for example: #define MyData(a, b, c) ALIGN 4 ;WORD a ; SHORT b ; BYTE c (no quotes!)
    • this will break some existing macros that were expanded in non intuitive ways due to a quirk in the previous version (a new warning has been added to help one find such cases).
  • defining a definition as itself will result in that definition not participating in macro expansion (I call this a non-productive definition). It is still visible to #ifdef and friends though
    • example: #define ItemTable ItemTable, one can do ItemTable: later without causing an infinite loop, yet also #ifdef ItemTable is validated.
  • Error messages caused by expressions or tokens produced by expansion of a macro now follow the entire chain down to the macro.
  • Working __LINE__ and __FILE__ identifiers.
  • Any newline can be escaped using \, not just within strings.
  • On Windows only, non-portable path expressions (which include folder or file names with capitalization that don't match) in include and incbin will cause warnings
  • Labels values are now addresses. (ORG 0x123 ; Label: ; MESSAGE "{Label:X8}" prints 08000123, not 00000123). This will break the "SetSymbol" hack. If you need to set a Label to an arbitrary value, use the new symbol assignment syntax (Symbol := value).
    • Eventually, I will try to emit a warning when I find on such macro being defined or used.
  • New command line options: --warnings:... and --extensions:.... --warnings:... allows you to disable or enable some warnings. --extensions:... allows you to enable "extensions", that is, extra language features that are otherwise disabled by default.
    • Example: --warnings:no-redefine will turn off warnings when you redefine a label. --extensions:read-data-macros enables the ReadByteAt macros and friends
      • By the way, ReadByteAt and friends are now disabled by default and need to be enabled using the command line flag above.
  • A new warning, enabled by --warnings:unguarded-expression-macros, will be emitted when a macro is expanded that features operators that aren't guarded by parenthesis.
  • A new warning, enabled by default but disabled by --warnings:no-unintuitive-expression-macros, will be emitted when a macro that looks like a self-contained expression will be expanded in a way that makes it merge with its surroundings in unintuitive ways.
    • for example: #define MyMacro(a, b) a + b BYTE MyMacro(1, 2) * 2 will result in BYTE 1 + 2 * 2 which would not result in what one would intuitively expect. This is particularly useful as it helps find cases where the changes in edge-case macro behavior described earlier would cause a change. An example of such case can be seen explained here: FireEmblemUniverse/SkillSystem_FE8#637.
    • This is kinda a less aggressive version of the previous warning. This is why this one is enabled by default while the other isn't.

Binary is a .NET Framework 4.8 Assembly. Should work on most stock Windows and Mono.