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Weijie Liu edited this page Nov 6, 2020 · 1 revision

Prepare dependencies:

Install linux-sgx and linux-sgx-driver from source

  • Make sure the SGXSDK version is 2.5 or later.
  • In case the current directory structure of SGXSDK changes, you can use the forked 2.6 version (intact) from my Github.
git clone

Install libelf from source

git clone
cd elfutils4sgx/elfutils-0.176
aclocal -I m4
automake -a -c

Install capstone from source

  • Capstone can be cloned at But it is suggested that users can build capstone using our modified version. Capstone by default will generate a static library (capstone.a). To reduce program size, you can configure capstone to only build x86 instruction decoding support.
git clone
cd capstone
mkdir build
mkdir install-x86
cd build

Build libz

  • Libz is typically already installed in system directory. In case libz.a is not installed, it can be generated by compiling from source (


  • To use the prototype, users should first know we have provided a code generator (using LLVM and some linking scripts) and a code execution environment (using Intel SGX).
  • Then users should prepare a crafted source code (in C) for proof generation using our compiler toolset.

Generate target binary from source code

Write a crafted SGX application

  • The entry function is void enclave_main().
  • The return of an enclave should be enclave_exit();.

Build llvm&clang

git clone
cd proofGen
mkdir build && cd build
cmake -DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS=clang -DLLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD="X86" -G "Unix Makefiles" ../llvm
  • Please modify $(CC) in dynamic-loader-checker/target-program/Makefile to where the our compiler is cloned.

Prepare the pre-link relocatable binary

  • The general way to generate a relocatable binary with proof is to the following commands:
cd dynamic-loader-checker/target-program/
  • Then the program and the entryLabel.txt will be generated and copied to the dir dynamic-loader-checker

Build the dynamic SGX loader

  • To get your prepared binary checked and run, you should build the SGX dynamic-loader-check first.

Copy TCB dependencies to Enclave/TrustedLib

cd ..
cp elfutils4sgx/elfutils-0.176/libelf/libelf.a Enclave/TrustedLib
cp capstone/install-x86/lib/libcapstone.a Enclave/TrustedLib
cp /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libz.a Enclave/TrustedLib
  • Please note that at this time some necessary libs have been copied into the dir Enclave/TrustedLib.

Set variables in Makefile

cd dynamic-loader-checker
vi Makefile
  • Please modify $(SGX_SRC_PATH) to where the SGXSDK is installed.
  • And set $(ELFUTILS_PATH) and $(CAPSTONE_PATH) to where the elfutils and capstone have been installed respectively.

Build the sample enclave


Try the sample demo


Try anothor program step by step:

*You can totally use our toolset to evaluate any other C/C++ programs.

  • Firstly, modify your program. You can refer to here. And put your target unmodified program $(TARGET_NAME).c(.cpp) in ShadowStackCFI/.
  • Secondly, according to the Readme in ShadowStackCFI/, follow the instructions to generate a directory whose name is $(TARGET_NAME), which includes 5 files in the directory. Copy the dir $(TARGET_NAME) to dynamic-loader-checker/target-program/. Run make in dynamic-loader-checker/target-program/ to generate the program in dynamic-loader-checker/.
  • Thirdly, run make in dynamic-loader-checker/ to generate the SGX app that can provide your service. Simply run ./app to get what you want. If your code has data leakage behaviors, the SGX app would failed.

*To re-generate the program, please do make clean in both dynamic-loader-checker/target-program/ and dynamic-loader-checker/ directories.

Using RA:

cd sgx-ra/
./configure --with-openssldir=/opt/openssl/1.1.0i

GL and HF!