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Date Time Picker

levching edited this page Apr 15, 2020 · 4 revisions

You can use native IOS Date Time Picker when you want your player to pick a date, time or delay. Available picker options are listed inside the ISN_UIDateTimePickerMode enum.

The following code snippet demonstrates how to show a date picker:

using SA.iOS.UIKit;
ISN_UIDateTimePicker picker = new ISN_UIDateTimePicker();
picker.Show((DateTime date) => {
    ISN_Logger.Log("User picked date: " + date.ToLongDateString());

You may also choose DateTime picker mode, the available modes are:

namespace SA.iOS.UIKit {
    /// <summary>
    /// The mode displayed by the date picker.
    /// </summary>
    public enum ISN_UIDateTimePickerMode  {
        /// <summary>
        /// Displays hour, minute, and optionally AM/PM designation 
        /// depending on the locale setting (e.g. 6 | 53 | PM)
        /// </summary>
        Time = 1,

        /// <summary>
        /// Displays month, day, and year 
        /// depending on the locale setting (e.g. November | 15 | 2007)
        /// </summary>
        Date = 2,

        /// <summary>
        /// Displays date, hour, minute, and optionally AM/PM designation 
        /// depending on the locale setting (e.g. Wed Nov 15 | 6 | 53 | PM)
        /// </summary>
        DateAndTime = 3,

        /// <summary>
        /// Displays hour and minute (e.g. 1 | 53)
        /// </summary>
        CountdownTimer = 4  

Once you choose the mode, you can also customize the appearance of date time picker. Using the following properties.

MinuteInterval - Use this property to set the interval displayed by the minute's wheel (for example, 15 minutes). The interval value must be evenly divided into 60; if it is not, the default value is used. The default and minimum values are 1; the maximum value is 30.

SetDate - Sets the date to display in the date picker.

Here are more code samples for you.

Time Picker

The time picker with starting time -20h from the current time, and with 30 min interval:

using SA.iOS.UIKit;

DateTime starDate = DateTime.Now;
starDate =  starDate.AddHours(-20);

ISN_UIDateTimePicker picker = new ISN_UIDateTimePicker();
picker.DatePickerMode = ISN_UIDateTimePickerMode.Time;
picker.MinuteInterval = 30;

picker.Show((DateTime date) => {
    ISN_Logger.Log("User picked date: " + date.ToLongDateString());

Date Picker

The date picker, with start date - 20days from the current date:

using SA.iOS.UIKit;

DateTime starDate = DateTime.Now;
starDate = starDate.AddDays(-20);

ISN_UIDateTimePicker picker = new ISN_UIDateTimePicker();
picker.DatePickerMode = ISN_UIDateTimePickerMode.Date;

picker.Show((DateTime date) => {
    ISN_Logger.Log("User picked date: " + date.ToLongDateString());

Countdown Timer

The Countdown Timer with 10 minutes interval, that will have countdown timer initial value 5h 40min.

using SA.iOS.UIKit;

ISN_UIDateTimePicker picker = new ISN_UIDateTimePicker();     
picker.DatePickerMode = ISN_UIDateTimePickerMode.CountdownTimer;
picker.MinuteInterval = 10;

//Set countdown start duration
int hours = 5;
int minutes = 20;
int seconds = 0;
TimeSpan span = new TimeSpan(hours, minutes, seconds);

picker.Show((DateTime date) => {
    ISN_Logger.Log("User picked date: " + date.ToLongDateString());

In case you want to track intermediate values while a user is picking a date you may subscribe to OnPickerDateChanged event

See the example below:

ISN_UIDateTimePicker.OnPickerDateChanged.AddListener((DateTime date) => {
    Debug.Log("User chnaged a date to: " + date.ToLongDateString());



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