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fix precise lambda
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stagazermiao committed May 29, 2020
1 parent 64d38e9 commit 639df9d
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Showing 2 changed files with 305 additions and 5 deletions.
273 changes: 273 additions & 0 deletions lambda/church.rkt
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@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
#lang racket

;; Assignment 4: A church-compiler for Scheme, to Lambda-calculus

(provide church-compile
; provided conversions:
;; Input language:
; e ::= (letrec ([x (lambda (x ...) e)]) e)
; | (let ([x e] ...) e)
; | (let* ([x e] ...) e)
; | (lambda (x ...) e)
; | (e e ...)
; | x
; | (and e ...) | (or e ...)
; | (if e e e)
; | (prim e) | (prim e e)
; | datum
; datum ::= nat | (quote ()) | #t | #f
; nat ::= 0 | 1 | 2 | ...
; x is a symbol
; prim is a primitive operation in list prims
; The following are *extra credit*: -, =, sub1

;; Definition of core scheme
(define (expr? e)
(match e
[(? symbol? var) #t]
[(? lit?) #t]
[`(λ (,xs ...) ,body) #t]
[`(if ,(? expr? guard)
,(? expr? etrue)
,(? expr? efalse)) #t]
[`(let* ([,(? symbol? xs) ,(? expr? x-bodies)] ...)
,(? expr? body)) #t]
[`(letrec ([,(? symbol?) (λ (,xs ...) ,(? expr?))] ...)
,(? expr? body)) #t]
[`(,(? builtin?) ,(? expr? args) ...) #t]
[`(,(? expr? e0) ,(? expr? e1) ...) #t]))

(define (lit? e)
(match e
[(? number?) #t]
[(? string?) #t]
[(? boolean?) #t]
[else #f]))

(define (builtin? x)
(set-member? (set '+ '- '* '/ 'cons 'car 'cdr 'list 'list? '= 'empty? 'number? 'string? 'string-append 'string-length 'length) x))

; Mapping from symbols to the primitive built-in functions within
; Racket.
(define builtins
(make-hash (list (cons '+ +)
(cons '- -)
(cons '* *)
(cons '/ /)
(cons 'cons cons)
(cons 'car car)
(cons 'cdr cdr)
(cons 'list list)
(cons '= equal?)
(cons 'empty? empty)
(cons 'number? number?)
(cons 'string? string?)
(cons 'string-append string-append)
(cons 'string-length string-length)
(cons 'length length)
(cons 'or (λ (a b) (or a b)))
(cons 'zero? zero?)
(cons 'list? list?))))
;; input predicate

; This input language has semantics identical to Scheme / Racket, except:
; + You will not be provided code that yields any kind of error in Racket
; + You do not need to treat non-boolean values as #t at if, and, or forms
; + primitive operations are either strictly unary (add1 sub1 null? zero? not car cdr),
; or binary (+ - * = cons)
; + There will be no variadic functions or applications---but any fixed arity is allowed

;; Output language:

; e ::= (lambda (x) e)
; | (e e)
; | x
; also as interpreted by Racket

;; Using the following decoding functions:

; A church-encoded nat is a function taking an f, and x, returning (f^n x)
(define (church->nat c-nat)
((c-nat add1) 0))

; A church-encoded bool is a function taking a true-thunk and false-thunk,
; returning (true-thunk) when true, and (false-thunk) when false
(define (church->bool c-bool)
((c-bool (lambda (_) #t)) (lambda (_) #f)))

; A church-encoded cons-cell is a function taking a when-cons callback, and a when-null callback (thunk),
; returning when-cons applied on the car and cdr elements
; A church-encoded cons-cell is a function taking a when-cons callback, and a when-null callback (thunk),
; returning the when-null thunk, applied on a dummy value (arbitrary value that will be thrown away)
(define ((church->listof T) c-lst)
; when it's a pair, convert the element with T, and the tail with (church->listof T)
((c-lst (lambda (a) (lambda (b) (cons (T a) ((church->listof T) b)))))
; when it's null, return Racket's null
(lambda (_) '())))

;; Write your church-compiling code below:

;; Nat
(define church:zro
'(λ (f) (λ (x) x)))

(define (church:scc n)
(match n
[`(λ (f) (λ (x) ,f-n)) ; =>
`(λ (f) (λ (x) (f ,f-n)))]))

;; boolean
(define church:tru
'(λ (t) (λ (f) (t (λ (x) x)))))

(define church:fls
'(λ (t) (λ (f) (f (λ (x) x)))))

(define church:zero? `(λ (n0) ((n0 (λ (b) ,church:fls)) ,church:tru)))

;; arithmetic
(define church:+
`(λ (n) (λ (m)
(λ (f) (λ (x)
((n f) ((m f) x)))))))

(define church:prd
`(λ (n)
(λ (f)
(λ (x)
(((n (λ (g)
(λ (h)
(h (g f)))))
(λ (u) x))
(λ (u) u))))))

(define church:-
`(λ (m) (λ (n)
((n ,church:prd) m))))

(define church:*
'(λ (m) (λ (n)
(λ (f) (λ (x)
((m (n f)) x))))))

(define church:= `(λ (n0)
(λ (n1)
(and (,church:zero? (,church:- n0 n1)) (,church:zero? (,church:- n1 n0))))))

;; list
(define church:null
`(λ (wcons) (λ (wnull) (wnull (λ (x) x)))))

(define church:cons
`(λ (a) (λ (b) (λ (wcons) (λ (wnull) ((wcons a) b))))))

(define church:car
`(λ (l) ((l (λ (a) (λ (b) a))) (λ (x) x))))

(define church:cdr
`(λ (l) ((l (λ (a) (λ (b) b))) (λ (x) x))))

;; Y combinator
(define y-comb
'(λ (b) ((λ (f) (b (λ (x) ((f f) x))))
(λ (f) (b (λ (x) ((f f) x)))))))

;; churh encode nat
(define (churchify-nat num)
(match num
[0 church:zro]
[n (church:scc (churchify-nat (- n 1)))]))

; churchify recursively walks the AST and converts each expression in the input language (defined above)
; to an equivalent (when converted back via each church->XYZ) expression in the output language (defined above)
(define (churchify expr)
;; (displayln expr)
(match expr
;; desuger all muti arguments lambda and no args lambda to
;; single arg lambda which can fit λ-calulas def well
;; anonymous lambda, we just put a dummy arg _ there, since
;; church require all function be curify
[`(λ () ,e)
`(churchify e)]
[`(λ (,arg) ,e)
`(λ (,arg) ,(churchify e))]
[`(λ (,arg . ,res) ,e) ;=>
`(λ (,arg) ,(churchify `(λ (,res) ,e)))]
;; variable
[(? symbol? var) ;=>
;; let binding is a lambda
[`(let* ([,(? symbol? name) ,(? expr? bind-body)])
,(? expr? body))
`((λ (,name) ,(churchify body)) ,(churchify bind-body))]
[`(let* ([,(? symbol? name) ,(? expr? bind-body)] . ,res)
,(? expr? body))
`((λ (,name) ,(churchify `(let* (,res) ,body))) ,(churchify bind-body))]
[`(letrec ([,(? symbol? name) ,(? expr? bind-body)])
,(? expr? body))
(churchify `(let* ([,name (((λ (x) (x x)) (λ (y) (λ (f) (f (λ (x) (((y y) f) x))))))
(λ (,name) ,bind-body))])
;; condition
[`(if ,e0 ,e1 ,e2) ;=>
`((,(churchify e0) (λ (_) ,(churchify e1))) (λ (_) ,(churchify e2)))]
;; just desugar or/and to if
[`(and ,e0 ,e1) ;=>
(churchify `(if ,e0 (if ,e1 #t #f) #f))]
[`(or ,e0 ,e1) ;=>
(churchify `(if ,e0 #t ,e1))]
;; datum
[(? number? nat) ;=>
(churchify-nat nat)]
[`(zero? ,n0) `(,church:zero? ,(churchify n0))]
;; the arith
[`(+ ,n0 ,n2) ;=>
`((,church:+ ,(churchify n0)) ,(churchify n2))]
[`(sub1 ,n0)
`(,church:prd ,(churchify n0))]
[`(- ,n0 ,n2) ;=>
`((,church:- ,(churchify n0)) ,(churchify n2))]
[`(= ,n0 ,n2)
`((,(churchify church:=) ,(churchify n0)) ,(churchify n2))]
[`(add1 ,n)
`((λ (n) (λ (f) (λ (x) (n (f x))))) ,(churchify n))]
;; list
['(quote ())
[`(cons ,a ,b) `((,church:cons ,(churchify a)) ,(churchify b))]
[`(car ,l) `(,church:car ,(churchify l))]
[`(cdr ,l) `(,church:cdr ,(churchify l))]
;; untagged operations
;; procedure in scheme, can just use a id function to close it
[`(,f) ;=>
`(,(churchify f) (λ (x) x))]
[`(,f ,arg) ;=>
`(,(churchify f) ,(churchify arg))]
[`(,f ,arg . ,res) ;=>
(churchify `(,(churchify `(,f ,arg)) ,@res))]

; Takes a whole program in the input language, and converts it into an equivalent program in lambda-calc
(define (church-compile program)
; Define primitive operations and needed helpers using a top-level let form?
(define todo `(lambda (x) x))
(churchify program)
`(let ([add1 ,todo]
[+ ,church:+]
[* ,church:*]
[zero? ,church:zero?])
37 changes: 32 additions & 5 deletions lambda/lambda-precise.slog
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,18 @@
;; lambda calculus in call by value
;; lambda calculus

(do-eval (app (lambda (arg "x") (app (var "x") (var "x")))
(lambda (arg "y") (var "y"))))
; (do-eval (app (lambda (arg "x") (app (var "x") (var "x")))
; (lambda (arg "y") (var "y"))))

(do-eval (app (app (lambda (arg "n")
(lambda (arg "m")
(lambda (arg "f")
(lambda (arg "x")
(app (app (var "n") (var "f"))
(app (app (var "m") (var "f"))
(var "x")))))))
(lambda (arg "f") (lambda (arg "x") (app (var "f") (var "x")))))
(lambda (arg "f") (lambda (arg "x") (app (var "f") (var "x"))))))

;; Do substitution
Expand All @@ -13,19 +23,36 @@
(do-subst x y e0)
(do-subst x y e1)]

[(do-subst x y (lambda (arg a) body))
(=/= x a)
(do-subst x y body)]

;; Substitution call by value
;; Substitution call
;; subst variable x with y in ... and result is ...
[(subst x y (var a) y)
(do-subst x y (var a))
(= x a)]

[(subst x y (var a) (var a))
(do-subst x y (var a))
(=/= x a)]

[(subst x y (lambda (arg a) body) (lambda (arg a) body-p))
(do-subst x y (lambda (arg a) body))
(=/= x a)
(subst x y body body-p)]

[(subst x y (lambda (arg a) body) (lambda (arg a) body))
(do-subst x y (lambda (arg a) body))
(= x a)]

[(subst x y (app ar fn) (app ar-val fn-val))
(do-subst x y (app ar fn))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -56,7 +83,7 @@
(do-eval after-subst)]

;; Evaluation call by value
;; Evaluation call
;; calculate value
[(eval (var a) (var a))
Expand Down

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