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Lattice Launchpad - Staking Contract

Feature Branch Build Software License

Getting Started

This project was built using Node 12, Solidity 0.8.11, Hardhat 2.8 and TypeScript 4.5, to start you can install the project dependencies using yarn.

$ yarn install

Harhat and Contract Development

For Ethereum Contract Development we decided to use Hardhat as our tool for development and testing purposes as it offers out-of-the-box support for TypeScript, as well decided to use the typechain package to generate static typing for contract ABIs.


The Hardhat Runtime Environment provides easy integration with different plugins you may use, in general terms is up to you how you want to develop using hardhat. Out-of-the-box support for different core tasks like testing and deploying are available.

You can check the hardhat docs for more info.

Tests & Coverage

Hardhat has out-of-the-box tests with Mocha-Chai and Waffle. As well provides code coverage.

You can run tests using

$ yarn test

and run coverage reports using

$ yarn coverage


For building contracts and generate types you can use.

$ yarn build

Compiled contracts will be stored in the artifacts folder and generated types in the typechain-types.

You can start using contract types right away by importing types from typechain-types or using the HRE function ethers.getContractFactory(contractName: string).


For now this project is unlicensed