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Autofeed Commander

A management panel for multiple autofeed-backend instances.

  1. Screenshots
  2. About
  3. Installation
    1. Docker
    2. No Docker
  4. Autofeed Backend Support


Autofeed Commander is a management panel to control multiple autofeed-backend instances from one UI. This is a simple NuxtJS application that stores configuration data in local storage. Since autofeed-backend is an unauthenticated API, all that is needed to connect is the instance address and port.



Add Instance

Control Instance



docker pull

or, specify a version:

docker pull

Next, start the container:

docker run -it \
  -p '3000:3000' \ # Port binding, container port 3000/host port 3000
  autofeed-commander \
  yarn start

Your instance will now be accessible at http://localhost:3000.

No Docker

Install Dependencies

yarn install

Build Application

yarn build

Start Application

yarn start

Your instance will now be accessible at http://localhost:3000.

Autofeed Backend Support

Due to default CORS policy, autofeed-backend version 0.5.2 or higher is required. This version adds * to allowed origins, thus getting around the default CORS policy.

If your autofeed backend instances are exposed publicly, you should not allow all origins. If this is an issue for you, please open an issue on the autofeed-backend repository. Autofeed Backend is intended to be run internally, and is an unauthenticated application. Autofeed Commander is built in the same way and should not be exposed to public networks.