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Robert Silverton edited this page Aug 10, 2013 · 7 revisions

Welcome to the Starling-Extension-Graphics wiki!

The Starling Graphics Extension now lives on the StarlingGraphics GitHub organisation page. This organisation is dedicated to the support and improvement of the Starling Graphics Extension, which we believe has the potential to evolve into an indispensable part of the Stage3D toolkit.

Project Goals

The goals of the project are two-fold:

  1. To provide a familiar and easy to use Graphics API for Stage3D, based closely on the flash.display.Graphics API of old. e.g.
var shape:Shape = new Shape();
addChild(shape);, fillAlpha);, strokeColor, strokeAlpha);, left, right, bottom);;
  1. To provide a more powerful and more flexible lower level API for advanced users, e.g.
var w:Number = stage.stageWidth;
var h:Number = stage.stageHeight;
var waterColorTop:uint = 0x08acff;
var waterColorBottom:uint = 0x0073ad;
var waterColorSurface:uint = 0x61caff;
var waterHeight:Number = h-100;
var waterFill:Fill = new Fill();
waterFill.addVertex(0, waterHeight, waterColorTop );
waterFill.addVertex(w, waterHeight, waterColorTop );
waterFill.addVertex(w, h, waterColorBottom );
waterFill.addVertex(0, h, waterColorBottom );

With this two-tiered approach, we hope to provide:

  • An easy on ramp for novice users with the 1st API
  • A more technical toolkit for performance conscious users with the 2nd
  • A path for learning about Stage3D and for progression from the 1st API to the 2nd

Get Involved

The Starling Graphics Extension is currently supported by a handful of developers in their spare time. If you'd like to help with the project, please do! Send us a pull request with your improvements, file a bug, post a suggestion, help to turn this extension into a great free library with an active community.

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