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s-checkbox is a material design checkbox. User can tap the checkbox to check or uncheck it. Usually you use checkboxes to allow user to select multiple options from a set. If you have a single ON/OFF option, avoid using a single checkbox and use paper-toggle-button instead.

s-checkbox is up-to-date fork of paper-checkbox.

New Features


Full demo


<s-checkbox checked>Checked</s-checkbox>

  <span prefix>&bull;</span>
  With prefix

<s-checkbox class="styled">
  <span class="subtitle">
    With a longer label

<s-checkbox disabled>Disabled</s-checkbox>


bower i s-checkbox -S

Install the Polymer-CLI

First, make sure you have the Polymer CLI installed. Then run polymer serve to serve your application locally.

Viewing Your Application

$ polymer serve

Building Your Application

$ polymer build

This will create a build/ folder with bundled/ and unbundled/ sub-folders containing a bundled (Vulcanized) and unbundled builds, both run through HTML, CSS, and JS optimizers.

You can serve the built versions by giving polymer serve a folder to serve from:

$ polymer serve build/bundled

Running Tests

$ polymer test

Your application is already set up to be tested via web-component-tester. Run polymer test to run your application's test suite locally.


MIT: StartPolymer/license