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feat: example contact form using VueForms
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jptissot committed Sep 29, 2020
1 parent 2c8454d commit 273bd21
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Showing 2 changed files with 372 additions and 0 deletions.
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@@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
"name": "VueForm.ContactForm",
"displayName": "Contact form example",
"description": "An example french/english contact form that creates a ContentItem from the form data. Requires you to have french and english as locales on the site.",
"author": "StatCan Digital Innovation",
"website": "",
"version": "1.0.0",
"issetuprecipe": false,
"categories": ["VueForm"],
"tags": ["Example","Form","ContactForm"],
"steps": [
"name": "feature",
"disable": [],
"enable": [
"name": "content",
"data": [
"ContentItemId": "4ty56s2p8vfhmxp76p4f37b1c3",
"ContentItemVersionId": "485ekvx99njnp2eb7rrsnw2p4j",
"ContentType": "VueForm",
"DisplayText": "Contact Us",
"Latest": true,
"Published": true,
"ModifiedUtc": "2020-09-29T19:37:46.1721707Z",
"PublishedUtc": "2020-09-29T19:37:46.2024049Z",
"CreatedUtc": "2020-09-22T15:00:20.3579397Z",
"Owner": "inno",
"Author": "admin",
"TitlePart": {
"Title": "Contact Us"
"VueForm": {
"Enabled": {
"Value": true
"DisabledHtml": {
"Html": "<div class=\"container text-center mt-2\">\nThe contact form is currently disabled.\n</div>"
"SuccessMessage": {
"Text": "Your contact request was sucessfully recieved"
"ErrorMessage": {
"Text": "Please correct the errors above."
"FlowPart": {
"Widgets": [
"ContentItemId": "44wyajnahrbgq4an4rpz45cgc1",
"ContentItemVersionId": null,
"ContentType": "VueComponent",
"DisplayText": "Contact Us",
"Latest": false,
"Published": false,
"ModifiedUtc": "2020-09-29T19:37:46.1890406Z",
"PublishedUtc": null,
"CreatedUtc": null,
"Owner": "",
"Author": "admin",
"TitlePart": {
"Title": "Contact Us"
"VueComponent": {
"Template": {
"Text": "<v-container >\r\n <v-card-text>\r\n <v-row justify=\"center\">\r\n <v-col cols=\"8\">\r\n <validation-provider name=\"name\" rules=\"\" v-slot=\"{ errors, valid }\">\r\n <v-text-field name=\"name\" v-model=\"name\" :error-messages=\"errors\" filled=\"filled\" label=\"{{ \"nameLabel\" | localize }}\"></v-text-field>\r\n </validation-provider>\r\n </v-col>\r\n <v-col cols=\"8\">\r\n <validation-provider name=\"email\" rules=\"required\" v-slot=\"{ errors, valid }\">\r\n <v-text-field name=\"email\" v-model=\"email\" :error-messages=\"errors\" filled=\"filled\" label=\"{{ \"emailLabel\" | localize }}\"></v-text-field>\r\n </validation-provider>\r\n </v-col>\r\n <v-col cols=\"8\">\r\n <validation-provider name=\"message\" rules=\"required\" v-slot=\"{ errors, valid }\">\r\n \t <v-textarea name=\"message\" v-model=\"message\" :error-messages=\"errors\" counter=\"true\" filled=\"filled\" label=\"{{ \"messageLabel\" | localize }}\" rows=\"5\">\r\n </v-textarea>\r\n \t</validation-provider>\r\n </v-col>\r\n <v-col cols=\"8\">\r\n <v-alert type=\"success\" v-if=\"formSuccessMessage\">\r\n {% raw %}{{ formSuccessMessage }}{% endraw %}\r\n </v-alert>\r\n <v-alert type=\"error\" v-if=\"formErrorMessage\">\r\n {% raw %}{{ formErrorMessage }}{% endraw %}\r\n </v-alert>\r\n </v-col>\r\n <v-col cols=\"8\">\r\n \t<v-btn type=\"submit\" color=\"#000\" depressed block dark @click=\"formHandleSubmit\" :disabled=\"formSubmitting\">{{ \"submitLabel\" | localize }}</v-btn>\r\n </v-col>\r\n </v-row>\r\n </v-card-text>\r\n</v-container>"
"Script": {
"Text": "{\r\n data: () => ({\r\n name: \"\",\r\n\temail: \"\",\r\n message: \"\",\r\n })\r\n}"
"FlowMetadata": {
"Alignment": 3,
"Size": 100
"VueFormScripts": {
"ClientInit": {
"Text": "VeeValidate.setInteractionMode('passive');\r\nVeeValidate.localize({\r\n {{Culture.Name}}: {\r\n fields: {\r\n name: {\r\n required: '{{ \"nameRequiredError\" | localize }}',\r\n },\r\n email: {\r\n required: '{{ \"emailRequiredError\" | localize }}',\r\n email: '{{\"emailInvalidError\" | localize}}'\r\n },\r\n message: {\r\n required: '{{ \"messageRequiredError\" | localize }}' \r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n});\r\nreturn new Vuetify();"
"OnValidation": {
"Text": "var data = requestFormAsJsonObject();\r\nvar localizedText = getLocalizedTextValues(getFormContentItem());\r\n\r\nif( == \"\") {\r\n addError('name', localizedText.nameRequiredError);\r\n}\r\n\r\nif( == \"\") {\r\n addError('email', localizedText.emailRequiredError);\r\n}\r\nfunction validateEmail(email) {\r\n const re = /^(([^<>()\\[\\]\\\\.,;:\\s@\"]+(\\.[^<>()\\[\\]\\\\.,;:\\s@\"]+)*)|(\".+\"))@((\\[[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\])|(([a-zA-Z\\-0-9]+\\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/;\r\n return re.test(String(email).toLowerCase());\r\n}\r\nif(!validateEmail( {\r\n addError('email', localizedText.emailInvalidError);\r\n}\r\nif(data.message == \"\") {\r\n addError('message', localizedText.messageRequiredError);\r\n}"
"OnSubmitted": {
"Text": "var data = requestFormAsJsonObject();\r\n\r\nvar item = createContentItem(\"ContactRequest\", true, {\r\n \"ContactRequest\": {\r\n \"Name\": {\r\n \"Text\":\r\n },\r\n \"Email\": {\r\n \"Text\":\r\n },\r\n \"Message\": {\r\n \"Text\": data.message\r\n }\r\n }\r\n});\r\n\r\nhttpRedirect('Contents/ContentItems/' + item.ContentItemId);"
"LocalizedText": {},
"LocalizedTextPart": {
"Data": [
"Name": "nameRequiredError",
"LocalizedItems": [
"Culture": "fr",
"Value": "Votre nom est requis."
"Culture": "en",
"Value": "Your name is required."
"Name": "emailRequiredError",
"LocalizedItems": [
"Culture": "fr",
"Value": "Votre courriel est requis."
"Culture": "en",
"Value": "Your email is required."
"Name": "emailInvalidError",
"LocalizedItems": [
"Culture": "en",
"Value": "Your email is invalid."
"Culture": "fr",
"Value": "Vôtre courriel est invalide."
"Name": "messageRequiredError",
"LocalizedItems": [
"Culture": "fr",
"Value": "Un message est requis."
"Culture": "en",
"Value": "A message is required."
"Name": "nameLabel",
"LocalizedItems": [
"Culture": "fr",
"Value": "Nom"
"Culture": "en",
"Value": "Name"
"Name": "emailLabel",
"LocalizedItems": [
"Culture": "fr",
"Value": "Adresse courriel"
"Culture": "en",
"Value": "Email Address"
"Name": "messageLabel",
"LocalizedItems": [
"Culture": "fr",
"Value": "Message"
"Culture": "en",
"Value": "Message"
"Name": "submitLabel",
"LocalizedItems": [
"Culture": "fr",
"Value": "Envoyer"
"Culture": "en",
"Value": "Send"
"name": "ContentDefinition",
"ContentTypes": [
"Name": "ContactRequest",
"DisplayName": "ContactRequest",
"Settings": {
"ContentTypeSettings": {
"Listable": true
"FullTextAspectSettings": {
"IncludeBodyAspect": false,
"IncludeDisplayText": false
"ContentTypePartDefinitionRecords": [
"PartName": "ContactRequest",
"Name": "ContactRequest",
"Settings": {
"ContentTypePartSettings": {
"Position": "0"
"PartName": "TitlePart",
"Name": "TitlePart",
"Settings": {
"ContentTypePartSettings": {
"Position": "1"
"TitlePartSettings": {
"Options": 2,
"Pattern": "{{Model.ContentItem.Content.ContactRequest.Name.Email}}"
"ContentIndexSettings": {}
"ContentParts": [
"Name": "ContactRequest",
"Settings": {},
"ContentPartFieldDefinitionRecords": [
"FieldName": "TextField",
"Name": "Name",
"Settings": {
"ContentPartFieldSettings": {
"DisplayName": "Name",
"Position": "0"
"FieldName": "TextField",
"Name": "Email",
"Settings": {
"ContentPartFieldSettings": {
"DisplayName": "Email",
"Position": "1"
"FieldName": "TextField",
"Name": "Message",
"Settings": {
"ContentPartFieldSettings": {
"DisplayName": "Message",
"Position": "2"
"name": "WorkflowType",
"data": [
"WorkflowTypeId": "4fx1kseezbkcw1e4gcfqn1vkms",
"Name": "Form Submit",
"IsEnabled": true,
"IsSingleton": false,
"DeleteFinishedWorkflows": false,
"Activities": [
"ActivityId": "4qwshsfxs9m4303n0csm0n86m1",
"Name": "VueFormSubmittedEvent",
"X": 40,
"Y": 40,
"IsStart": true,
"Properties": {
"ActivityMetadata": {
"Title": null
"ExecuteForAllForms": false,
"VueFormIds": [
"ActivityId": "4w0he132d2svsw991qb4764hxp",
"Name": "EmailTask",
"X": 340,
"Y": 40,
"IsStart": false,
"Properties": {
"Sender": {
"Expression": "{{}}"
"Author": {
"Expression": null
"Recipients": {
"Expression": ""
"ReplyTo": {
"Expression": null
"Subject": {
"Expression": "Contact request"
"Body": {
"Expression": "From: {{}} </br>\r\nEmail: {{}} </br>\r\nMessage: {{Request.Form.message}} </br>"
"IsBodyHtml": true,
"ActivityMetadata": {
"Title": "Send email to admin"
"Transitions": [
"Id": 0,
"SourceActivityId": "4qwshsfxs9m4303n0csm0n86m1",
"SourceOutcomeName": "Done",
"DestinationActivityId": "4w0he132d2svsw991qb4764hxp"
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions test/cypress/integration/contact-form.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
/// <reference types="Cypress" />
import { generateTenantInfo } from '../support/objects';

const contentId = "45kdfafn7sv6racbrhaarghjma"

describe("ContactForm Test", function() {
it("Create ContactForm tenant ", function() {
let tenant = generateTenantInfo("bootstrap-setup-recipe")
cy.runRecipe(tenant, 'VueForms Contact form example');


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