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Terraform Kubernetes Istio Operator


This module installs the Istio Operator v1.16.1. It attempts to replicate the installation via:

istioctl operator init

The ability to specify the tag of the image is available, however, this may cause issues since this module uses the manifests of a specific version.

Security Controls

The following security controls can be met through configuration of this template:

  • TBD


  • The namespace where Istio Operator is to be installed should already be created. (default istio-operator)
  • Terraform v0.13+
  • terraform-provider-kubernetes 2.4+
  • terraform-provider-helm 2.0+

Namespace Label Requirements

The namespace provided as the namespace variable requires the following labels:

  • istio-operator-managed=Reconcile
  • istio-injection=disabled

Module Versioning

As of release v2.0.0, versioning will return to SEMVER so as to simplify releases.

Optional (depending on options configured):

  • None


module "istio_operator" {
  source = "git::"

  # The following are variables that can be specified, but come with sane defaults
  namespace        = "istio-operator"
  watch_namespaces = ["istio-system"]

Variables Values

Name Type Required Default Value Description
namespace string no "istio-operator" The namespace in which to install the Istio Operator.
hub string no "" The hub where the image repositories are located.
node_selector map(string) no {} nodeSelectors that should be added to the operators Pod.
resources object no see The resource requests and limits for the deployment.
tag string no "1.16.1" The tag of the image to use. WARNING: Use at own risk.
wait_for_resources_timeout number no 300 The amount of seconds that the operator should wait for a timeout.
watch_namespaces list(string) no ["istio-system"] The namespaces that the Operator should watch for IstioOperator manifests. Empty for all Namespaces.

Updating Modules

Migrating to v2+

There are 4 major changes in v2.0.0:

  • Labels on the namespace are no longer being set by the module (see Namespace Label Requirements)
  • Use of a Helm chart to deploy CRDs via helm_release resource instead of kubectl via the null_resource Note: the terraform-provider-kubernetes kubernetes_manifest was attempted to be used, however, in its current beta state it has difficulties reconciling resources and is still in beta.
  • Extracting the deployment of the IstioOperator manifest to allow for multiple IstioOperator configuration (important for Canary deployments)
  • Change of the istio_namespace variable to watch_namespaces for configurations that are more contextualized to the operator. This allows for the IstioOperator manifest to be deployed and actioned by the controller in these namespaces.

To ensure the successful upgrade , the following commands will need to be run:

module_name=istio_operator; # The label used for the module. Change based on your usage.
namespace=istio-operator; # Value entered as namespace in module < v2.0.0

# Labels are no longer being modified by the module
terraform state rm module.$module_name.null_resource.istio_operator_namespace_label;

# The IstioOperator manifest is no longer being deployed in this module.
# Please see:
terraform state rm module.$module_name.null_resource.istio_operator;

# istio-operator Deployment can now be deployed with the provider due
# to fieldRefs being added.
terraform state rm module.$module_name.null_resource.istio_operator_controller

# Remove the installation of the CRD via null_resource
terraform state rm module.$module_name.null_resource.istio_operator_crd;

# Replace istio-operator namespace if not in default location
terraform import module.$module_name.kubernetes_deployment.istio_operator_controller $namespace/istio-operator;

CRD Installation

There seem to be some regressions when it comes to the CRD that is installed via istioctl. Following is a table of the CRD versions that are installed in each istioctl version:

istioctl Version CRD Version

Note: the v1beta1 CRDs are missing the type parameter under spec.validation.openAPIV3Schema which causes some validation issues with kubernetes_manifest resources.

To combat this, the v1 CRD has been backported to v2.0.0 to simplify installations.


Date Release Change
20200821 v1.0.0 1st release
20210204 v1.6.14 Update to use the manifest dump of Istio Operator 1.6.14.
20210824 v1.0.1-tf13 Align module to work with Terraform v0.13
20210830 v2.0.0 Use new kubernetes_manifest resource from provider 2.4+
- - Move out the installation of the IstioOperator manifest
20210831 v2.1.0 Update resources for Istio 1.7.8
20211021 v2.1.1 Add ability to specify resources.
20220225 v2.2.0 Add output of tag
20220511 v2.3.0 Add ability to set nodeSelectors.
20220607 v2.4.0 Update resources for Istio 1.8.6
20220628 v2.5.0 Update resources for Istio 1.10.6
20220628 v2.6.0 Update resources for Istio 1.16.1