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Restore subset tests
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pfernique committed Aug 24, 2016
1 parent bc0e07c commit 81e51dd
Showing 1 changed file with 138 additions and 138 deletions.
276 changes: 138 additions & 138 deletions test/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,154 +1,154 @@
# import os
# import unittest
# from path import path
# from git import Repo
# import subprocess
# import sys

# import autowig

# class TemplateRender(object):

# def __get__(self, obj, objtype, **kwargs):
# code = obj.code
# code = code.replace('\n __M_caller = context.caller_stack._push_frame()', '', 1)
# code = code.replace('\n __M_caller = context.caller_stack._push_frame()', '', 1)
# code = code.replace(" return ''\n finally:\n context.caller_stack._pop_frame()\n", " return __M_string\n except:\n return ''", 1)
# code = code.replace("context,**pageargs", "**context", 1)
# code = code.replace("\n __M_locals = __M_dict_builtin(pageargs=pageargs)", "", 1)
# code = code.replace("__M_writer = context.writer()", "__M_string = u''")
# code = code.replace("__M_writer(", "__M_string = operator.add(__M_string, ")
# code = "import operator\n" + code
# exec code in globals()
# def __call__(**context):
# context['int'] = int
# return globals()["render_body"](**context)
# return __call__

# from autowig.boost_python_generator import Template

# Template.render = TemplateRender()

# class TestSubset(unittest.TestCase):
# """Test the wrapping of a library subset"""

# @classmethod
# def setUpClass(cls):
# autowig.parser.plugin = 'libclang'
# srcdir = path('PyClangLite')
# repo = Repo.clone_from('', srcdir.relpath('.'))
# cls.srcdir = srcdir/'src'/'py'
# subprocess.check_output(['scons', 'cpp', '--prefix=' + sys.prefix, '-C', cls.srcdir.parent.parent.abspath()])

# def test_libclang_parser(self):
# """Test `libclang` parser"""

# for wrapper in self.srcdir.walkfiles('*.cpp'):
# wrapper.unlink()
import os
import unittest
from path import path
from git import Repo
import subprocess
import sys

import autowig

class TemplateRender(object):

def __get__(self, obj, objtype, **kwargs):
code = obj.code
code = code.replace('\n __M_caller = context.caller_stack._push_frame()', '', 1)
code = code.replace('\n __M_caller = context.caller_stack._push_frame()', '', 1)
code = code.replace(" return ''\n finally:\n context.caller_stack._pop_frame()\n", " return __M_string\n except:\n return ''", 1)
code = code.replace("context,**pageargs", "**context", 1)
code = code.replace("\n __M_locals = __M_dict_builtin(pageargs=pageargs)", "", 1)
code = code.replace("__M_writer = context.writer()", "__M_string = u''")
code = code.replace("__M_writer(", "__M_string = operator.add(__M_string, ")
code = "import operator\n" + code
exec code in globals()
def __call__(**context):
context['int'] = int
return globals()["render_body"](**context)
return __call__

from autowig.boost_python_generator import Template

Template.render = TemplateRender()

class TestSubset(unittest.TestCase):
"""Test the wrapping of a library subset"""

def setUpClass(cls):
autowig.parser.plugin = 'libclang'
srcdir = path('PyClangLite')
repo = Repo.clone_from('', srcdir.relpath('.'))
cls.srcdir = srcdir/'src'/'py'
subprocess.check_output(['scons', 'cpp', '--prefix=' + sys.prefix, '-C', cls.srcdir.parent.parent.abspath()])

def test_libclang_parser(self):
"""Test `libclang` parser"""

for wrapper in self.srcdir.walkfiles('*.cpp'):

# prefix = path(sys.prefix)
prefix = path(sys.prefix)

# headers = [prefix/'include'/'clanglite'/'tool.h']
headers = [prefix/'include'/'clanglite'/'tool.h']

# asg = autowig.AbstractSemanticGraph()
# asg = autowig.parser(asg, headers,
# flags = ['-x', 'c++', '-std=c++11',
# '-I' + str((prefix/'include').abspath())],
# bootstrap = False,
# silent = True)
asg = autowig.AbstractSemanticGraph()
asg = autowig.parser(asg, headers,
flags = ['-x', 'c++', '-std=c++11',
'-I' + str((prefix/'include').abspath())],
bootstrap = False,
silent = True)

# def clanglite_controller(asg):
def clanglite_controller(asg):

# from autowig.boost_python_generator import BoostPythonExportBasicFileProxy
# BoostPythonExportBasicFileProxy.HELDTYPE = "namespace autowig { template<class T> using HeldType = T*; }"
from autowig.boost_python_generator import BoostPythonExportBasicFileProxy
BoostPythonExportBasicFileProxy.HELDTYPE = "namespace autowig { template<class T> using HeldType = T*; }"

# for node in asg['::boost::python'].classes(nested = True):
# node.is_copyable = True
for node in asg['::boost::python'].classes(nested = True):
node.is_copyable = True

# for node in asg.classes():
# node.boost_python_export = False
# for node in asg.enumerations():
# node.boost_python_export = False
# for node in asg.enumerators():
# if node.parent.boost_python_export:
# node.boost_python_export = False
for node in asg.classes():
node.boost_python_export = False
for node in asg.enumerations():
node.boost_python_export = False
for node in asg.enumerators():
if node.parent.boost_python_export:
node.boost_python_export = False

# for node in asg.functions(free = True):
# node.boost_python_export = False
# for node in asg.variables(free = True):
# node.boost_python_export = False
for node in asg.functions(free = True):
node.boost_python_export = False
for node in asg.variables(free = True):
node.boost_python_export = False

# from autowig.default_controller import refactoring
# asg = refactoring(asg)
# for fct in asg['::clanglite'].functions():
# if not fct.localname == 'build_ast_from_code_with_args':
# fct.parent = fct.parameters[0].qualified_type.desugared_type.unqualified_type
from autowig.default_controller import refactoring
asg = refactoring(asg)
for fct in asg['::clanglite'].functions():
if not fct.localname == 'build_ast_from_code_with_args':
fct.parent = fct.parameters[0].qualified_type.desugared_type.unqualified_type

# subset = []
# classes = [asg['class ::clang::Type'], asg['class ::clang::Decl']]
# subset += classes
# subset += classes[0].subclasses(recursive=True)
# subset += classes[1].subclasses(recursive=True)
# subset.append(asg['class ::llvm::StringRef'])
# subset.append(asg['class ::clang::ASTUnit'])
# subset.append(asg['class ::clang::ASTContext'])
# subset.append(asg['class ::clang::FileID'])
# subset.append(asg['class ::clang::SourceLocation'])
# subset.append(asg['class ::clang::CXXBaseSpecifier'])
# subset.append(asg['class ::clang::DeclContext'])
# subset.append(asg['enum ::clang::AccessSpecifier'])
# subset.append(asg['enum ::clang::LinkageSpecDecl::LanguageIDs'])
# subset.append(asg['enum ::clang::BuiltinType::Kind'])
# subset.append(asg['enum ::clang::TemplateArgument::ArgKind'])
# subset.append(asg['enum ::clang::Decl::Kind'])
# subset.extend(asg['::boost::python'].classes(nested = True))
# subset.extend(asg['::boost::python'].enumerations(nested = True))
# subset.extend(asg.nodes('::clanglite::build_ast_from_code_with_args'))

# for node in subset:
# node.boost_python_export = True

# if autowig.parser.plugin == 'libclang':
# for node in (asg.functions(pattern='.*(llvm|clang).*_(begin|end)')
# + asg.functions(pattern='.*(llvm|clang).*getNameAsString')
# + asg.nodes('::clang::NamedDecl::getQualifiedNameAsString')
# + asg.nodes('::clang::ObjCProtocolDecl::collectInheritedProtocolProperties')
# + asg.nodes('::clang::ASTUnit::LoadFromASTFile')
# + asg.nodes('::clang::ASTUnit::getCachedCompletionTypes')
# + asg.nodes('::clang::ASTUnit::getBufferForFile')
# + asg.nodes('::clang::CXXRecordDecl::getCaptureFields')
# + asg.nodes('::clang::ASTContext::SectionInfos')
# + asg.nodes('::clang::ASTContext::getAllocator')
# + asg.nodes('::clang::ASTContext::getObjCEncodingForFunctionDecl')
# + asg.nodes('::clang::ASTContext::getObjCEncodingForPropertyDecl')
# + asg.nodes('::clang::ASTContext::getObjCEncodingForMethodDecl')
# + asg.nodes('::clang::ASTContext::getAllocator')):
# node.boost_python_export = False
subset = []
classes = [asg['class ::clang::Type'], asg['class ::clang::Decl']]
subset += classes
subset += classes[0].subclasses(recursive=True)
subset += classes[1].subclasses(recursive=True)
subset.append(asg['class ::llvm::StringRef'])
subset.append(asg['class ::clang::ASTUnit'])
subset.append(asg['class ::clang::ASTContext'])
subset.append(asg['class ::clang::FileID'])
subset.append(asg['class ::clang::SourceLocation'])
subset.append(asg['class ::clang::CXXBaseSpecifier'])
subset.append(asg['class ::clang::DeclContext'])
subset.append(asg['enum ::clang::AccessSpecifier'])
subset.append(asg['enum ::clang::LinkageSpecDecl::LanguageIDs'])
subset.append(asg['enum ::clang::BuiltinType::Kind'])
subset.append(asg['enum ::clang::TemplateArgument::ArgKind'])
subset.append(asg['enum ::clang::Decl::Kind'])
subset.extend(asg['::boost::python'].classes(nested = True))
subset.extend(asg['::boost::python'].enumerations(nested = True))

for node in subset:
node.boost_python_export = True

if autowig.parser.plugin == 'libclang':
for node in (asg.functions(pattern='.*(llvm|clang).*_(begin|end)')
+ asg.functions(pattern='.*(llvm|clang).*getNameAsString')
+ asg.nodes('::clang::NamedDecl::getQualifiedNameAsString')
+ asg.nodes('::clang::ObjCProtocolDecl::collectInheritedProtocolProperties')
+ asg.nodes('::clang::ASTUnit::LoadFromASTFile')
+ asg.nodes('::clang::ASTUnit::getCachedCompletionTypes')
+ asg.nodes('::clang::ASTUnit::getBufferForFile')
+ asg.nodes('::clang::CXXRecordDecl::getCaptureFields')
+ asg.nodes('::clang::ASTContext::SectionInfos')
+ asg.nodes('::clang::ASTContext::getAllocator')
+ asg.nodes('::clang::ASTContext::getObjCEncodingForFunctionDecl')
+ asg.nodes('::clang::ASTContext::getObjCEncodingForPropertyDecl')
+ asg.nodes('::clang::ASTContext::getObjCEncodingForMethodDecl')
+ asg.nodes('::clang::ASTContext::getAllocator')):
node.boost_python_export = False

# import sys
# from path import path
# for header in (path(sys.prefix)/'include'/'clang').walkfiles('*.h'):
# asg[header.abspath()].is_external_dependency = False
import sys
from path import path
for header in (path(sys.prefix)/'include'/'clang').walkfiles('*.h'):
asg[header.abspath()].is_external_dependency = False

# return asg
return asg

# autowig.controller['clanglite'] = clanglite_controller
# autowig.controller.plugin = 'clanglite'
# asg = autowig.controller(asg)
autowig.controller['clanglite'] = clanglite_controller
autowig.controller.plugin = 'clanglite'
asg = autowig.controller(asg)

# autowig.generator.plugin = 'boost_python_internal'
# wrappers = autowig.generator(asg,
# module = self.srcdir/'_clanglite.cpp',
# decorator = self.srcdir/'clanglite'/'',
# closure = False)
autowig.generator.plugin = 'boost_python_internal'
wrappers = autowig.generator(asg,
module = self.srcdir/'_clanglite.cpp',
decorator = self.srcdir/'clanglite'/'',
closure = False)

# for wrapper in wrappers:
# wrapper.write()
for wrapper in wrappers:

# # def test_pyclanglite_parser(self):
# # """Test `pyclanglite` parser"""
# # plugin = autowig.parser.plugin
# # autowig.parser.plugin = 'pyclanglite'
# # self.test_libclang_parser()
# # autowig.parser.plugin = plugin
# def test_pyclanglite_parser(self):
# """Test `pyclanglite` parser"""
# plugin = autowig.parser.plugin
# autowig.parser.plugin = 'pyclanglite'
# self.test_libclang_parser()
# autowig.parser.plugin = plugin

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