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SteamTracker committed Dec 19, 2019
1 parent 7e84a5d commit 9b93473
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Showing 76 changed files with 201 additions and 599 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion game/bin/built_from_cl.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
163 changes: 83 additions & 80 deletions game/dota/pak01_dir.txt

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"[english]DOTA_Tooltip_ability_life_stealer_open_wounds_heal_percent" "%LIFE STEAL:"
"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_life_stealer_infest" "Infestar"
"[english]DOTA_Tooltip_ability_life_stealer_infest" "Infest"
"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_life_stealer_infest_Description" "Em inglês: <b><font color='#F2A93E'>Infest</font></b>\n \nInfesta o corpo da unidade-alvo, tornando-se indetectável. O usuário pode explodir do corpo do hospedeiro, causando dano a unidades inimigas próximas. Se a unidade infestada for uma criatura neutra ou inimiga, o usuário pode tomar controle da habilidade da mesma de se mover e atacar e, quando devorada, recuperará vida igual à vida atual da criatura. Não funciona em heróis inimigos.\n\nTIPO DE DISSIPAÇÃO: Básica"
"[english]DOTA_Tooltip_ability_life_stealer_infest_Description" "Lifestealer infests the body of a target unit, becoming undetectable inside. He can then explode from the host body, dealing damage to nearby enemies. If the infested unit is an enemy creep or a neutral creep, he can take control of the unit's ability to move and attack, and when consumed the creep will heal Lifestealer's health equal to the creep's current health. Does not work on enemy heroes.\n\nDISPEL TYPE: Basic Dispel"
"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_life_stealer_infest_damage" "DANO:"
"[english]DOTA_Tooltip_ability_life_stealer_infest_damage" "DAMAGE:"
"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_life_stealer_infest_radius" "RAIO DO DANO:"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -11849,8 +11847,6 @@
"[english]DOTA_Tooltip_ability_mud_golem_rock_destroy" "Shard Split"
"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_mud_golem_rock_destroy_Description" "Em inglês: <font color='#F2A93E'>Shard Split</font>\n \nAo morrer, Golens de Lama se dividem em 2 Fragmentos de Golem. Fragmentos de Golem têm %shard_health_tooltip% de vida, causam %shard_damage_tooltip% de dano por ataque e duram %shard_duration_tooltip% segundos."
"[english]DOTA_Tooltip_ability_mud_golem_rock_destroy_Description" "On death, Mud Golems shatter into 2 Shard Golems. Shard Golems have %shard_health_tooltip% health, deal %shard_damage_tooltip% damage per attack, and live for %shard_duration_tooltip% seconds."
"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_abyssal_blade_Note2" "Este item não fornece Pancada aos seguintes heróis: Spirit Breaker, Faceless Void, Slardar e Troll Warlord."
"[english]DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_abyssal_blade_Note2" "The following heroes cannot trigger Bash on this item: Spirit Breaker, Faceless Void, Slardar, and Troll Warlord."
"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_basher_Note1" "Este item não fornece Pancada aos seguintes heróis: Spirit Breaker, Faceless Void e Slardar."
"[english]DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_basher_Note1" "The following heroes cannot trigger Bash on this item: Spirit Breaker, Faceless Void, and Slardar."
"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_gem_Lore" "Sequer um lacaio das profundezas geladas,\nOu almas penadas eternamente afogadas,\nAté mesmo Maelrawn, O Tentacular,\nJamais descansará até aos mares, a gema venha deitar."
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -16943,10 +16939,6 @@
"[english]DOTA_Tooltip_ability_seasonal_throw_snowball_Description" "Throw a snowball at an ally or enemy."
"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_seasonal_throw_snowball_Lore" "Feita à mão na temperatura perfeita."
"[english]DOTA_Tooltip_ability_seasonal_throw_snowball_Lore" "Hand crafted at the perfect temperature."
"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_seasonal_summon_snowman" "Invocar Boneco de Neve"
"[english]DOTA_Tooltip_ability_seasonal_summon_snowman" "Summon Snowman"
"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_seasonal_summon_snowman_Description" "Invoca um boneco de neve festivo."
"[english]DOTA_Tooltip_ability_seasonal_summon_snowman_Description" "Summons a jolly snowman."
"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_seasonal_summon_snowman_Lore" "Ele fará companhia, enquanto puder."
"[english]DOTA_Tooltip_ability_seasonal_summon_snowman_Lore" "He'll stay friends as long as he can."
"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_seasonal_decorate_tree" "Decorar Árvore"
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12 changes: 0 additions & 12 deletions game/dota/pak01_dir/resource/localization/abilities_bulgarian.txt
Expand Up @@ -254,8 +254,6 @@
"[english]DOTA_Tooltip_ability_life_stealer_open_wounds_heal_percent" "%LIFE STEAL:"
"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_life_stealer_infest" "Infest"
"[english]DOTA_Tooltip_ability_life_stealer_infest" "Infest"
"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_life_stealer_infest_Description" "Lifestealer влиза в тялото на целевата единица, ставайки недоловим, докато е вътре. След това може да изригне от тялото на своя приемник, нанасяйки щети върху враговете в близост. Ако единицата под влияние на Infest е вражески или неутрален крийп, Lifestealer може да поеме контрол над възможността ѝ да се движи и атакува. Когато единицата бъде консумирана ще излекува здравето на Lifestealer до еквивалентното текущо такова на крийпа. Не работи върху вражески герои.\n\nТИП НА РАЗСЕЙВАНЕ: Основно"
"[english]DOTA_Tooltip_ability_life_stealer_infest_Description" "Lifestealer infests the body of a target unit, becoming undetectable inside. He can then explode from the host body, dealing damage to nearby enemies. If the infested unit is an enemy creep or a neutral creep, he can take control of the unit's ability to move and attack, and when consumed the creep will heal Lifestealer's health equal to the creep's current health. Does not work on enemy heroes.\n\nDISPEL TYPE: Basic Dispel"
"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_life_stealer_infest_damage" "ЩЕТИ:"
"[english]DOTA_Tooltip_ability_life_stealer_infest_damage" "DAMAGE:"
"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_life_stealer_infest_radius" "РАДИУС НА ЩЕТИТЕ:"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -388,8 +386,6 @@
"[english]DOTA_Tooltip_ability_vengefulspirit_wave_of_terror_vision_duration" "VISION DURATION:"
"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_vengefulspirit_command_aura" "Vengeance Aura"
"[english]DOTA_Tooltip_ability_vengefulspirit_command_aura" "Vengeance Aura"
"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_vengefulspirit_command_aura_Description" "Присъствието на Vengeful Spirit увеличава обсега на далекобойната атака и основния атрибут за приятелските единици наблизо. Призовава силна илюзия на Vengeful Spirit, когато тя умре, траеща докато Vengeful Spirit е убита или се съживи."
"[english]DOTA_Tooltip_ability_vengefulspirit_command_aura_Description" "Vengeful Spirit's presence increases the ranged attack range and primary attribute of nearby friendly units. Spawns a Strong Illusion when of Vengeful Spirit when she dies that lasts until it is killed or Vengeful Spirit revives."
"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_vengefulspirit_command_aura_Lore" "Въпреки че те не могат да споделят страстта ѝ за отмъщение, съюзниците ѝ се възползват от нейния фанатизъм в сраженията."
"[english]DOTA_Tooltip_ability_vengefulspirit_command_aura_Lore" "Although they may not share her undying passion for revenge, allies do draw on her fanaticism in combat."
"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_vengefulspirit_command_aura_bonus_damage_pct" "%БОНУС ЩЕТИ:"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -5814,8 +5810,6 @@
"[english]DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_forest_troll_high_priest_mana_aura_bonus" "Mana Aura"
"DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_forest_troll_high_priest_mana_aura_bonus_Description" "Регенерацията на мана е увеличена с %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MANA_REGEN_CONSTANT%."
"[english]DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_forest_troll_high_priest_mana_aura_bonus_Description" "Mana Regeneration increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MANA_REGEN_CONSTANT%."
"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_abyssal_blade_Description" "<h1>Активно: Overwhelm</h1> Ползва Blink, така че да достигне и зашемети целева вражеска единица за %stun_duration% секунди.<br><br>Прониква през имунитет срещу заклинания.<br><br>Обсег: %abilitycastrange%\n<h1>Пасивно: Bash</h1> Предоставя %bash_chance_melee%%% шанс на ръкопашните герои да зашеметят целта при удар за %bash_duration% секунди, нанасяйки %bonus_chance_damage% бонус магически щети. Шансът за Bash на далекобойни герои е %bash_chance_ranged%%%.\n<h1>Пасивно: Damage Block</h1> Предоставя %block_chance%%% шанс да блокира %block_damage_melee% щети от входящи атаки при ръкопашни и %block_damage_ranged% за далекобойни герои."
"[english]DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_abyssal_blade_Description" "<h1>Active: Overwhelm</h1> Blinks to and stuns a target enemy unit for %stun_duration% seconds. <br><br>Pierces Spell Immunity.<br><br>Range: %abilitycastrange%\n<h1>Passive: Bash</h1> Grants melee heroes a %bash_chance_melee%%% chance on hit to stun the target for %bash_duration% seconds and deal %bonus_chance_damage% bonus magical damage. Bash chance for ranged heroes is %bash_chance_ranged%%%.\n<h1>Passive: Damage Block</h1> Grants a %block_chance%%% chance to block %block_damage_melee% damage from incoming attacks on melee heroes, and %block_damage_ranged% damage on ranged."
"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_abyssal_blade_Lore" "Загубеното острие на Командващия пропастта, краят му се врязва в душата на врага."
"[english]DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_abyssal_blade_Lore" "The lost blade of the Commander of the Abyss, this edge cuts into an enemy's soul."
"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_abyssal_blade_bonus_strength" "+$str"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -12142,8 +12136,6 @@
"[english]DOTA_Tooltip_ability_mud_golem_rock_destroy" "Shard Split"
"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_mud_golem_rock_destroy_Description" "При смърт, Mud Golems се разтрошават в 2 Shard Golems. Shard Golems имат %shard_health_tooltip% здраве, нанасят %shard_damage_tooltip% щети за атака и живеят %shard_duration_tooltip% секунди."
"[english]DOTA_Tooltip_ability_mud_golem_rock_destroy_Description" "On death, Mud Golems shatter into 2 Shard Golems. Shard Golems have %shard_health_tooltip% health, deal %shard_damage_tooltip% damage per attack, and live for %shard_duration_tooltip% seconds."
"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_abyssal_blade_Note2" "Следните герои не могат да задействат Bash на този предмет: Spirit Breaker, Faceless Void, Slardar и Troll Warlord."
"[english]DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_abyssal_blade_Note2" "The following heroes cannot trigger Bash on this item: Spirit Breaker, Faceless Void, Slardar, and Troll Warlord."
"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_basher_Note1" "Следните герои не могат да задействат Bash на този предмет: Spirit Breaker, Faceless Void и Slardar."
"[english]DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_basher_Note1" "The following heroes cannot trigger Bash on this item: Spirit Breaker, Faceless Void, and Slardar."
"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_gem_Lore" "Ни едно поробено създание от дълбините\nили окованите духове на удавници отколешни,\nнито пък самия Малуран Пипалестия,\nще намерят покой, догде скъпоценния камък не се разкрие."
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -17322,10 +17314,6 @@ Disarmed. Armor reduced by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_PHYSICAL_ARMOR_BONUS%. Movement s
"[english]DOTA_Tooltip_ability_seasonal_throw_snowball_Description" "Throw a snowball at an ally or enemy."
"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_seasonal_throw_snowball_Lore" "Ръчно изработена при перфектната температура."
"[english]DOTA_Tooltip_ability_seasonal_throw_snowball_Lore" "Hand crafted at the perfect temperature."
"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_seasonal_summon_snowman" "Summon Snowman"
"[english]DOTA_Tooltip_ability_seasonal_summon_snowman" "Summon Snowman"
"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_seasonal_summon_snowman_Description" "Призовава весел снежен човек."
"[english]DOTA_Tooltip_ability_seasonal_summon_snowman_Description" "Summons a jolly snowman."
"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_seasonal_summon_snowman_Lore" "Ще останете приятели толкова дълго, колкото може."
"[english]DOTA_Tooltip_ability_seasonal_summon_snowman_Lore" "He'll stay friends as long as he can."
"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_seasonal_decorate_tree" "Decorate Tree"
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