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File metadata and controls

313 lines (228 loc) · 8.15 KB



Hood is a database agnostic ORM for Go developed by @eaignr. It was written with following points in mind:

  • Chainable API
  • Transaction support
  • Model validations
  • Model event hooks
  • Database dialect interface
  • No implicit fields
  • Clean and testable codebase

Dialects currently supported

** not registered by default, requires some packages installed on the system

Adding a dialect is simple. Just create a new file named <dialect_name>.go and the corresponding struct type, and mixin the Base dialect. Then implement the methods that are specific to the new dialect (for an example see postgres.go).


You can find the documentation over at GoDoc

Opening a Database

If the dialect is registered, you can open the database directly using

hd, err := hood.Open("postgres", "user=<username> dbname=<database>")

or you can pass an existing database and dialect to hood.New(*sql.DB, hood.Dialect)

hd := hood.New(db, NewPostgres())


Schemas can be declared using the following syntax (only for demonstration purposes, would not produce valid SQL since it has 2 primary keys)

type Person struct {
	// Auto-incrementing int field 'id'
	Id hood.Id

	// Custom primary key field 'first_name', with presence validation
	FirstName string `sql:"pk" validate:"presence"`

	// Varchar field 'last_name' with size 128, NOT NULL
	LastName hood.VarChar `sql:"size(128),notnull"`

	// Varchar field 'tag' with size 255, default value 'customer'
	Tag hood.VarChar `sql:"default('customer')"`

	// You can also combine tags, default value 'orange'
	CombinedTags hood.VarChar `sql:"size(128),default('orange')"`
	Updated      time.Time    // timestamp field 'updated'
	Data         []byte       // data field 'data'
	IsAdmin      bool         // boolean field 'is_admin'
	Notes        string       // text field 'notes'

	// Validates number range
	Balance int `validate:"range(10:20)"`

	// ... and other built in types (int, uint, float...)

Schema creation is completely optional, you can use any other tool you like.

The following built in field properties are defined (via sql: tag):

  • pk the field is a primary key
  • notnull the field must be NOT NULL
  • size(x) the field must have the specified size, e.g. for varchar size(128)
  • default(x) the field has the specified default value, e.g. default(5) or default('orange')


To use migrations, you first have to install the hood tool. To do that run the following:

go get
cd $GOPATH/src/

Assuming you have your $GOPATH/bin directory in your PATH, you can now invoke the hood tool with hood. Before we can use migrations we have to create a database configuration file first. To do this type

hood create:config

This command will create a db/config.json file relative to your current directory. It will look something like this:

  "development": {
    "driver": "",
    "source": ""
  "production": {
    "driver": "",
    "source": ""
  "test": {
    "driver": "",
    "source": ""

Populate it with your database credentials. The driver and source fields are the strings you would pass to the sql.Open(2) function. Now hood knows about our database, so let's create our first migration with

hood create:migration CreateUserTable

This command creates a new migration in db/migrations/<timestamp>_CreateUserTable.go. Next we have to populate the generated migrations Up and Down methods like so:

func (m *M) CreateUserTable_1357605106_Up(hood *hood.Hood) {
	// users is the schema struct for the table, see the schema
	// section for more info on this topic

The passed in hood instance is a transaction that will be committed after this method.

Now we can run migrations with

hood db:migrate

and roll back with

hood db:rollback

If you want to run a environment configuration other than development, you have to set an environment variable first like this:

export HOOD_ENV=production


Besides the sql: struct tag, you can specify a validate: tag for model validation:

  • presence validates that a field is set
  • len(min:max) validates that a string or VarChar field’s length lies within the specified range
    • len(min:) validates that it has the specified min length,
    • len(:max) or max length
  • range(min:max) validates that an int value lies in the specific range
    • range(min:) validates that it has the specified min value,
    • range(:max) or max value

You can also define multiple validations on one field, e.g. validate:"len(:12),presence"

For more complex validations you can use custom validation methods. The methods are added to the schema and must start with Validate and return an error.

For example:

func (u *User) ValidateUsername() error {
	rx := regexp.MustCompile(`[a-z0-9]+`)
	if !rx.MatchString(u.Name) {
		return NewValidationError(1, "username contains invalid characters")
	return nil


You can add hooks to a model to run on a specific action like so:

func (u *User) BeforeUpdate() error {
	u.Updated = time.Now()
	return nil

If the hook returns an error on a Before- action it is not performed!

The following hooks are defined:

  • Before/AfterSave
  • Before/AfterInsert
  • Before/AfterUpdate
  • Before/AfterDelete

Basic Example

package main

import (

func main() {
	// Open a DB connection, use New() alternatively for unregistered dialects
	hd, err := hood.Open("postgres", "user=hood dbname=hood_test sslmode=disable")
	if err != nil {

	// Create a table
	type Fruit struct {
		Id    hood.Id
		Name  string `validate:"presence"`
		Color string

	err = hd.CreateTable(&Fruit{})
	if err != nil {

	fruits := []Fruit{
		Fruit{Name: "banana", Color: "yellow"},
		Fruit{Name: "apple", Color: "red"},
		Fruit{Name: "grapefruit", Color: "yellow"},
		Fruit{Name: "grape", Color: "green"},
		Fruit{Name: "pear", Color: "yellow"},

	// Start a transaction
	tx := hd.Begin()

	ids, err := tx.SaveAll(&fruits)
	if err != nil {

	fmt.Println("inserted ids:", ids) // [1 2 3 4 5]

	// Commit changes
	err = tx.Commit()
	if err != nil {

	// Ids are automatically updated
	if fruits[0].Id != 1 || fruits[1].Id != 2 || fruits[2].Id != 3 {
		panic("id not set")

	// If an id is already set, a call to save will result in an update
	fruits[0].Color = "green"

	ids, err = hd.SaveAll(&fruits)
	if err != nil {

	fmt.Println("updated ids:", ids) // [1 2 3 4 5]

	if fruits[0].Id != 1 || fruits[1].Id != 2 || fruits[2].Id != 3 {
		panic("id not set")

	// Let's try to save a row that does not satisfy the required validations
	_, err = hd.Save(&Fruit{})
	if err == nil || err.Error() != "value not set" {
		panic("does not satisfy validations, should not save")

	// Find
	// The markers are db agnostic, so you can always use '?'
	// e.g. in Postgres they are replaced with $1, $2, ...
	var results []Fruit
	err = hd.Where("color = ?", "green").OrderBy("name").Limit(1).Find(&results)
	if err != nil {

	fmt.Println("results:", results) // [{1 banana green}]

	// Delete
	ids, err = hd.DeleteAll(&results)
	if err != nil {

	fmt.Println("deleted ids:", ids) // [1]

	results = nil
	err = hd.Find(&results)
	if err != nil {

	fmt.Println("results:", results) // [{2 apple red} {3 grapefruit yellow} {4 grape green} {5 pear yellow}]

	// Drop
