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Stefan Schutte - Personal Website

Welcome to my personal website! This website serves as a portfolio and online presence for showcasing my experience, education, projects, and more. Below, you'll find information on how to navigate the site and what you can expect to find.

Table of Contents

Deployed Site

Deployed Site


This website is designed to provide visitors with a comprehensive overview of my background, skills, and projects. Whether you're an employer, colleague, or simply interested in learning more about me, this site offers valuable insights into my professional journey and achievements.


  • Experience: Explore my professional experience, including past roles, responsibilities, and achievements.
  • Education: Learn about my educational background, qualifications, and academic accomplishments.
  • About: Get to know me better! This section provides insights into my interests, passions, and personal values.
  • Projects: Browse through a curated selection of my projects, each accompanied by detailed descriptions and links for further exploration.
  • Skills: Discover the skills and technologies I specialize in, ranging from programming languages to tools and frameworks.
  • Contact: Reach out to me directly via email or social media platforms to connect, collaborate, or discuss potential opportunities.


The website features a user-friendly navigation menu located at the top of each page. Simply click on the desired section (e.g., Experience, Education) to access the corresponding content. Additionally, you can use the navigation links within each section to explore further details or related pages.

Technologies Used

  • Frontend: The frontend of this website is built using modern web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Vue.js: Vue.js is utilized for creating dynamic and interactive user interfaces, facilitating seamless navigation and content rendering.
  • Vite: Vite is used as the build tool for bundling and optimizing the frontend assets, ensuring fast and efficient performance.
  • Router: Vue Router is employed for managing the navigation and routing within the single-page application.
  • Responsive Design: The website is designed to be fully responsive, ensuring compatibility and optimal viewing experience across various devices and screen sizes.


My personal website.






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