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Steffion committed May 23, 2013
1 parent 06d5a1a commit 45e047a
Showing 1 changed file with 2 additions and 1 deletion.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/main/java/messages.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
version: 0prefix: main: '&6[&4&lSG&6]' states: info: '' warning: '&c[Warning] ' error: '&4[Error] 'messages: game: playerjoingame: '&a{$player} joined the game! {$activeplayers}/{$maxplayers}' playerleavegame: '&b{$player} left the arena!' playervote: '&b{$player} voted to start the game!' countdown: '&6Game starting in {$t}' goodluck: '&6Good luck!' playersremaining: '&2There are &e{$activeplayers} &2remaining!' playerwin: '&e{$player} &3killed&e {$victim} &3to win the Survival Games on &3arena {$arena}' disablegame: '&cGame disabled!' spectate: '&aYou are now spectating! Use /sg leave to return to the lobby' graceperiodend: '&5Grace period has ended!' restockchest: '&5Chest have been restocked!' playerjoinqueue: '&aAdded to queue. You are {$queuesize} in line' playercheckqueue: '&aYou are number {$queuepos} in line' state: '&cArena {$arena} has been {$input}!' all: '&aAll arenas have been {$input}.' started: '&aStarted game {$arena}.' players: '&aThere are {$activeplayers}/{$maxplayers}' killtime: '&aHurry up! This game is ending!' deathmatch: '&6Death match has started!'
playersingame: '&6There are &a{$activeplayers}&6 in this game!' info: success: '&e{$command} &aexecuted successfuly.' unsuccess: '&e{$command} &cexecuted unsuccessfuly.' stats: '&9Your SurvivalGames stats so far.' deleted: '&a{$input} deleted.' lobbyspawn: '&aLobby spawnpoint set.' spawnset: '&aSpawn &e{$num} &ain arena &e{$arena} &aset.' words: points: 'Points' kills: 'Kills' deaths: 'Deaths' killstreaks: 'KillStreaks' noarenas: "No arenas" arenas: "Arenas" error: gamefull: '&cArena {$arena} is full!' alreadyingame: '&cArena already ingame' nopermission: '&cYou do not have permission to preform this action' gamedisabled: '&cArena {$arena} is disabled!' joinmultiplegames: '&cCannot join multiple games!' notenoughtplayers: '&cNot enought players to start!' gamedosentexist: '&cArena {$arena} dosen''t exist!' input: '&cInput error: {$message}' notingame: '&cMust be in a game to preform this action!' command: '&cThe command {$command} returned an error' nolobbyspawn: '&cLobby spawn is not set!' wrongtarget: '&cThe block you are looking at is not {$type}.' notanumber: '&e{$input} &cis not a number!' notspecified: '&c{input} not specified!' argumentsnotneeded: '&cArguments not needed!' gamenotexist: "&cGame doesn''t exist!" notinarena: '&cNot in arena!' between: '&cSpawn must be between 1 & {$num}.' badinput: '&cInput must be "next" or number.' notinside: '&cYou are not inside an arena!' nospawns: '&cNo spawns yet.' specingame: '&cCannot spectate while ingame!' death: DEFAULT: '&e{$player} &2died!' BLOCK_EXPLOSION: '&e{$player} &2exploded!' ENTITY_EXPLOSION: '&e{$player} &2exploded!' DROWNING: '&e{$player} &2drowned!' FALL: '&e{$player} &2hit the ground to hard!' FIRE: '&e{$player} &2burned to death!' FIRE_TICK: '&e{$player} &2burned to death!' LAVA: '&e{$player} &2burned in lava!' LIGHTING: '&e{$player} &2was electrocuted!' MAGIC: '&e{$player} &2was killed by &faa&2magic&ff' POISON: '&e{$player} &2was posioned' PROJECTILE: '&e{$player} &2was shot' STARVATION: '&e{$player} &2starved to death!' SUICIDE: '&e{$player} &2killed themselfs' VOID: '&e{$player} &2fell into void' WITHER: '&e{$player} &2was killed by a wither!' CREEPER: '&e{$player} &2was creeper bombed!' SKELETON: '&e{$player} &2was shot by a skeleton!' ZOMBIE: '&e{$player} &2was killed by a zombie!' PIG_ZOMBIE: '&3{$player} &2was killed by a pig zombie!' SPIDER: '&e{$player} &2was killed by a spider!' CAVE_SPIDER: '&e{$player} &2was killed by a cave spider!' GHAST: '&e{$player} &2was killed by a ghast!' PLAYER: '&e{$player} &2was killed by &e{$killer} &2with a {$item}!' killstreak: level1: '&e{$player}&7 got a Double Kill!' level2: '&e{$player}&9 got a Multi Kill!' level3: '&e{$player}&5 got an Ultra Kill!' level4: '&e{$player}&4 got an Unbelievable Kill!' level5: '&a7l{$player} is Legendary!' help: createarena: 'Create a new arena with the current WorldEdit selection' delarena: 'Delete an arena' disable: 'Disables arena <id>' enable: 'Enables arena <id>' flag: 'Modifies an arena-specific setting' forcestart: 'Forces the game to start' join: 'Join the lobby' leave: 'Leaves the game' leavequeue: 'Leave the queue for any queued games' lisarenas: 'List all available arenas' listplayers: 'List all players in the arena you are playing in' resetspawns: 'Resets spawns for Arena <id>' setlobbyspawn: 'Set the lobby spawnpoint' addlobbywall: 'Add a lobby stats wall for Arena <id>' setspawn: 'Sets a spawn for the arena you are located in' setstatswall: 'Sets the stats wall' spectate: 'Spectate a running arena' stats: 'Shows you your own stats' vote: 'Votes to start the game' teleport: 'Teleport to an arena'
playersingame: '&6There are &a{$activeplayers}&6 players in this game!'
start: '&6Arena &e{$name}&6 will start in &e{$count}&6 seconds.' info: success: '&e{$command} &aexecuted successfuly.' unsuccess: '&e{$command} &cexecuted unsuccessfuly.' stats: '&9Your SurvivalGames stats so far.' deleted: '&a{$input} deleted.' lobbyspawn: '&aLobby spawnpoint set.' spawnset: '&aSpawn &e{$num} &ain arena &e{$arena} &aset.' words: points: 'Points' kills: 'Kills' deaths: 'Deaths' killstreaks: 'KillStreaks' noarenas: "No arenas" arenas: "Arenas" error: gamefull: '&cArena {$arena} is full!' alreadyingame: '&cArena already ingame' nopermission: '&cYou do not have permission to preform this action' gamedisabled: '&cArena {$arena} is disabled!' joinmultiplegames: '&cCannot join multiple games!' notenoughtplayers: '&cNot enought players to start!' gamedosentexist: '&cArena {$arena} dosen''t exist!' input: '&cInput error: {$message}' notingame: '&cMust be in a game to preform this action!' command: '&cThe command {$command} returned an error' nolobbyspawn: '&cLobby spawn is not set!' wrongtarget: '&cThe block you are looking at is not {$type}.' notanumber: '&e{$input} &cis not a number!' notspecified: '&c{input} not specified!' argumentsnotneeded: '&cArguments not needed!' gamenotexist: "&cGame doesn''t exist!" notinarena: '&cNot in arena!' between: '&cSpawn must be between 1 & {$num}.' badinput: '&cInput must be "next" or number.' notinside: '&cYou are not inside an arena!' nospawns: '&cNo spawns yet.' specingame: '&cCannot spectate while ingame!' death: DEFAULT: '&e{$player} &2died!' BLOCK_EXPLOSION: '&e{$player} &2exploded!' ENTITY_EXPLOSION: '&e{$player} &2exploded!' DROWNING: '&e{$player} &2drowned!' FALL: '&e{$player} &2hit the ground to hard!' FIRE: '&e{$player} &2burned to death!' FIRE_TICK: '&e{$player} &2burned to death!' LAVA: '&e{$player} &2burned in lava!' LIGHTING: '&e{$player} &2was electrocuted!' MAGIC: '&e{$player} &2was killed by &faa&2magic&ff' POISON: '&e{$player} &2was posioned' PROJECTILE: '&e{$player} &2was shot' STARVATION: '&e{$player} &2starved to death!' SUICIDE: '&e{$player} &2killed themselfs' VOID: '&e{$player} &2fell into void' WITHER: '&e{$player} &2was killed by a wither!' CREEPER: '&e{$player} &2was creeper bombed!' SKELETON: '&e{$player} &2was shot by a skeleton!' ZOMBIE: '&e{$player} &2was killed by a zombie!' PIG_ZOMBIE: '&3{$player} &2was killed by a pig zombie!' SPIDER: '&e{$player} &2was killed by a spider!' CAVE_SPIDER: '&e{$player} &2was killed by a cave spider!' GHAST: '&e{$player} &2was killed by a ghast!' PLAYER: '&e{$player} &2was killed by &e{$killer} &2with a {$item}!' killstreak: level1: '&e{$player}&7 got a Double Kill!' level2: '&e{$player}&9 got a Multi Kill!' level3: '&e{$player}&5 got an Ultra Kill!' level4: '&e{$player}&4 got an Unbelievable Kill!' level5: '&a7l{$player} is Legendary!' help: createarena: 'Create a new arena with the current WorldEdit selection' delarena: 'Delete an arena' disable: 'Disables arena <id>' enable: 'Enables arena <id>' flag: 'Modifies an arena-specific setting' forcestart: 'Forces the game to start' join: 'Join the lobby' leave: 'Leaves the game' leavequeue: 'Leave the queue for any queued games' lisarenas: 'List all available arenas' listplayers: 'List all players in the arena you are playing in' resetspawns: 'Resets spawns for Arena <id>' setlobbyspawn: 'Set the lobby spawnpoint' addlobbywall: 'Add a lobby stats wall for Arena <id>' setspawn: 'Sets a spawn for the arena you are located in' setstatswall: 'Sets the stats wall' spectate: 'Spectate a running arena' stats: 'Shows you your own stats' vote: 'Votes to start the game' teleport: 'Teleport to an arena'
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