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SPOG+ (Stellar Parameters of Giants and more)

License: MIT

Have you ever wanted to determine the stellar mass for your star using easily accessible observational data? SPOG+ is a Python script for uncomplicated determination of stellar parameters based on the original unpublished IDL code used and outlined in Stock et al. (2018). Originally specifically written to determine masses of red-giant branch and horizontal branch stars, the plus version additionally allows fitting of main-sequence and pre-main sequence stars.

SPOG+ requires only four parameters and their uncertainties to derive the stellar mass, radius, surface gravity, age, effective temperature, luminosity, evolutionary stage, and even the current phase within the evolutionary stage. All that is needed is photometry in two different bands, a distance estimate in terms of trigonometric parallax, and the metallicity of the star.

The code uses Bayesian inference and provides publication quality plots, ascii parameter files readable by Topcat and complete weighted posterior samples can be saved in the form of HDF5 files for direct analysis on the probability density functions of the derived stellar parameters. The accuracy of the results was scientifically validated in our study (Stock et al. 2018) for giant stars (red-giant-branch and horizontal-branch stars) by comparing the stellar parameters of a sample of stars derived with our method with the results based on asteroseismic measurements. An independent follow-up study (Malla et al. 2020) confirmed that the results based on the unpublished IDL version of this code have the best agreement with asteroseismic stellar parameters among the sources they compared.


Using pip

Downloads and installs the newest version from github using pip and git:

pip install git+

From source

If you want to download the directory to a local path:

git clone
pip install .

If you have an existing install, and want to ensure package and dependencies are updated use

pip install --upgrade .


Simply run the following command:

pip uninstall SPOG


SPOG+ is written in Python 3 and should run with a standard Anaconda distribution. The requirements are:

  • astropy
  • numpy
  • matplotlib
  • SciPy
  • yaml
  • pandas
  • corner
  • h5py
  • tqdm
  • tables
  • requests

Testing the installation

To test the functionality of SPOG+ after installing the program run:

SPOG /path/to/param.yaml

Proceed through the program.

"param.yaml" is a file in the "yaml"-format that contains the parameters with which the script is to be executed. All possible options are listed and explained in the example file:

# Input file to define the parameters for the script.

#Essential parameters
object_name : 'Test_1p95msun_RGB'  # Name of the object, must be a python string, outputfiles will begin witht this name

save_path : './output/test/' # Path were the results will be saved

model_path : './models/models_professional.h5'  # Path to the hdf5 file of the evolutionary models

photometric_band_A: 'V_johnson' #photometric band that defines the ordinate, currently supported kewords are V_johnson, B_johnson, I_johnson, J_2mass, H_2mass, Ks_2mass, G_gaia, G_BP_gaia, G_RP_gaia

photometric_band_B: 'B_johnson' #secondary photometric band, currently supported kewords are V_johnson, B_johnson, I_johnson, J_2mass, H_2mass, Ks_2mass, G_gaia, G_BP_gaia, G_RP_gaia

reverse: False   # if True: color equals photometric_band_A-photometric_band_B ; if False color equals photometric_band_B-photometric_band_A

mag_star : [7.18264, 0.010] # [magnitude of star, uncertainty] magnitude of star in photometric_band_A [mag]

color_star : [0.8788, 0.013] #[color of star, uncertainty] color in star [mag]

met_star : [0.05979, 0.01] #[metallicity, uncertainty] in Fe/H [dex]

par_star : [8.2719, 0.02] #[parallax, uncertainty] in [mas]

evolutionary_stage_prior : ['RGB', 'HB'] #[Include here a list of evolutionary stages that should be considered, you can mix any combination of subgiant or red-giant phase (RGB), red clump or horizontal branch phase (HB), main-sequence phase (MS), premain-sequence phase (PMS). ]

#Optional Parameters

par_err_dom : False #If the parallax error is assumed to dominate the uncertainty set to TRUE, if False slight BIAS is introduced since magnitude uncertainty is non-linear with respect to ABL

use_extinction : True  # Use extinction estimate

A_lambda : [0.21,0.1]      # [extinction A in photometric_band_A, uncertainty] in mag

E_color : [0.06,0.02]          # [reddening in color, uncertainty] in mag

parameterization: 'default'      # parametrization of derived paramers: default, default2 (as default but includes phase and mass loss), log, linear

mode: 'new'  # 'new': final parameters and uncertainties are sample quartiles [0.16, 0.5, 0.84] of weighted posterior (recommended and robust way as it is independent of binning!). 'classic': final parameters and uncertainties are weighted posterior modes (derived by spline interpolation) and uncertainties are calculated as in Eq. 11&12 of Stock et al., A&A 616, A33 (2018). This method may depend slightly on binning. This mode is only available in default parametrization.

smooth: 1.0 #Default should be 1. Posteriors are smoothed using a gaussian filter. This parameters sets the standard deviation for the Gaussian kernel. In classic mode it may effect the derived posterior modes.

model_sampling: 1           # Default is 1, higher integer value to use sparser sampling on the models by using every nth model in terms of metallicity, improving model load times but possibly affecting parameter precision and accuracy. Not recommended for final calculations

plot_corner: True #if True saves a corner plot

return_ascii: True # if True saves an ascii file (readable by Topcat)

plot_posterior: True #if True saves a posterior plot (without cornerplot)

posterior_bins: 20 #send the bin argument to astropy.stats.histogram (can be float or sting), if set to -1 the optimal number of bins will be calculated by using a self-implemented algorithm provided in Hogg (2008) (arkiv:0807.4820v1). Important note: The number of bins does not affect the results but only influences the visualised posterior plots!

posterior_fig_kwargs: {} #kwargs to sent to matplotlib.pyplot.subplot to influence the figure style, set empty {} for default

posterior_plot_kwargs: {} #kwargs to sent to matplotlib.pyplot.plot() to influence the plotting style, set empty {} for default

save_posterior: True    #if True saves all posterior results into a single hdf5 file, use pandas.read_hdf('filename.h5', 'key') where key is RGB or HB to reload the posterior into a Pandas dataframe

Take note that model_sampling is set to 1 if you want to get the best possible accuracy.

Stellar Evolutionary Tracks

The code uses the stellar models based on the PAdova and TRieste Stellar Evolution Code Bressan et al. (2012) available under this link.

However, the models require a particular preparation and certain modifications which are explained in more detail in Chapter 3 of Stock et al. (2018) or further down in this readme.

When SPOG is run for the first time and you have not yet downloaded any models manually, the script can do this for you if you give your permission.For this just provide the path where you want to store the models in the param file below.

You will be asked to choose between three different versions of the models:

Welcome to SPOG+ V1.0

Author: Stephan Stock @ ZAH, Landessternwarte Heidelberg

Required evolutionary models were not found or do not exist on the disk.
Do you want to download the models to the following path: /home/sstock/SPOG_Models_student ?
Type (y)es or (n)o:
Which version of the models do you want to download?
(1) Minimal, recommended for testing only (830M)
(2) Student, a good compromise between accuracy, model load time and disk space usage (11.0G)
(3) Professional, recommended for scientists who would like to publish their results (54.5G)
Please type either 1, 2, 3, (c)ancel to abort, or d(etails) get more information about which models to download.
 (1) The minimal version consists of the following metallicities: Z0.0005, Z0.001, Z0.002, Z0.004, Z0.006, Z0.008, Z0.01, Z0.014, Z0.017, Z0.02, Z0.03,  Z0.04, Z0.06.
     The mass grid is 0.05 Msun.

 (2) The student version consists of 1/5th of the metallicities provided in the professional version. The mass grid is 0.025 Msun.
     If the uncertainty of the metallicity of your star is larger than 0.1 in [Fe/H] than this grid might be enough, even as a professional user.

 (3) The professional version consists of metallicities ranging from Z0.005 to Z0.06 in steps of Z=0.0000125. The mass grid is 0.025 Msun.

 Which version of the models do you want to download?
 (1) Minimal, recommended for testing only (830M)
 (2) Student, a good compromise between accuracy, model load time and disk space usage (12G)
 (3) Professional, recommended for scientists who would like to publish their results (90G)
 Please type either 1, 2, 3, to chose, (c)ancel to cancel or d(etails) get more information:
 Downloading medium number of models...
  22%|████████████████▍                                                        | 2.44G/11.0G [14:43<28:04, 5.47MB/s]

Alternatively, the prepared models can be downloaded manually from this Link. Without downloading any models this script will not work and raise an exception.

Note: The models are provided in form of an HDF5 file and compressed with gzip. If you want to improve the runtime of SPOG which is I/O limited you could produce an uncompompressed HDF5 File which will be significantly larger but allow faster runtime (about 1.5s per each metallicty steps of the models to be loaded.)

Applied changes to the evolutionary model by Bressan et al. (2012)

Here you find some information about how the evolutionary models have been prepared and which parameter ranges are included in this routine.

  1. A mass loss of $\eta=0.2$ was applied to the RGB models.

  2. The ages of the ZAHB models for stars experiencing a helium flash were corrected according to the applied mass loss in the RGB.

  3. The evolutionary models have been interpolated to a much finer grid, each in mass and metallicity. For this interpolation the phase value apparent in each evolutionary track has been used. For details see Stock et al. (2018). The meaning of the phase value is given here:

    1 PMS_BEG Track begins here (Pre main sequence)
    2 PMS_MIN
    3 PMS_END PMS is near to end
    4 NEAR_ZAM This point is very near the ZAMS
    5 MS_BEG H burning fully active
    6 POINT_B Almost end of the H burning. Small contraction phase begins here for interm. & massive stars \
    7 POINT_C Small contraction ends here and star move toward RG
    8 RG_BASE RG base
    9 RG_BMP1 RGB bump in Low Mass Stars (marked also for other masses)
    10 RG_BMP2 RGB bump end in Low Mass Stars (marked also for other masses)
    11 RG_TIP Helium Flash or beginning of HELIUM Burning in intermediate and massive stars
    12 Loop_A Base of Red He burning, before possible loop
    13 Loop_B Bluest point of the loop (He burning
    14 Loop_C central He = 0 almost
    15 TPAGB begins or c_burning begins (massive stars, generally if LC > 2.9)

    Note that the ZAHB of stars undergoing a helium flash have a different definition starting from 1 to 5.

  4. The following transformation from Z to [Fe/H] has been applied:

    Y_{Sun}=0.2485+1.78Z_{Sun} ;Padova relation

  5. Bolometric corrections were applied so that the evolution models contain absolute magnitudes of different photometric bands. The mass loss along the RGB was taken into account when calculating the absolute brightness in different photometric bands. The bands supported are V, B, I calculated based on Worthey & Lee (2011), J, H, Ks based on the 2MASS filters, and G, G_BP, G_RP based on the GAIA DR2 filters. The source for the latter correction is dustyAGB07, available at this link.

  6. A cut on the evolutionary models was applied, which is based on the age of the universe. Only models with ages less than 13 Gyr are considered.

  7. The metallicity range of the models available for this routine is from Z=0.0005 to Z=0.06 ([Fe/H] from ~ -1.51 to ~ +0.68).

  8. The range of masses for this routine is from about 0.1 M_{Sun} to 12 M_{Sun}. Higher mass models are currently not supported due to a difference of how the phase value is defined for these models compared to models with smaller mass.


If you are using SPOG+ for your research please cite our paper Stock et al. (2018) and link this github repository. The BibTeX entry is:

       author = {{Stock}, Stephan and {Reffert}, Sabine and {Quirrenbach}, Andreas},
        title = "{Precise radial velocities of giant stars. X. Bayesian stellar parameters and evolutionary stages for 372 giant stars from the Lick planet search}",
      journal = {\aap},
     keywords = {stars: fundamental parameters, stars: late-type, stars: evolution, Hertzsprung-Russell and C-M diagrams, planetary systems, methods: statistical, Astrophysics - Solar and Stellar Astrophysics, Astrophysics - Earth and Planetary Astrophysics},
         year = 2018,
        month = aug,
       volume = {616},
          eid = {A33},
        pages = {A33},
          doi = {10.1051/0004-6361/201833111},
archivePrefix = {arXiv},
       eprint = {1805.04094},
 primaryClass = {astro-ph.SR},
       adsurl = {},
      adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}

Please make sure to also acknowledge the python packages required for SPOG+ as well as the stellar evolutionary models by Bressan et al. (2012) and the sources for the bolometric corrections given in the chapter before.