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Live Digital Mood Clock

This responsive app is designed for people to have a live clock running on their screens with their goal for the day as a reminder.



This app was designed, with simplistic and responsive features which helps benefit the user by being a daily reminder of the time and their goals. It includes a live clock, a task input, and beautiful landscape backgrounds to make the user's screen pop.

Existing Features:

Interchangable Backgrounds:

  • Beautiful landscape portrait backgrounds that change based on the local's time of the day.

    • If the hour is less than 8 AM, then the backgroud automatically switches to a morning type background. Morning-BG

    • If the hour is less than 11 AM, then the background automatically switches to a day type background. Day-BG

    • If the hour is less than 8 PM, then the background automatically switches to an afternoon type background. Afternoon-BG

    • If the hour is more than 8 PM, then the background automatically switches to a night type background. Night-BG

Live Clock:

  • Live Clock that presents the time(hours, minutes & seconds) of day based on local host, with an AM/PM session. Live-Clock

Good Morning, Good Day, Good Afternoon, Good Evening:

  • Good Morning text

    • If the hour is less than 8 AM, then a 'Good Morning' text shows up. Good-Morning
  • Good Day text

    • If the hour is less than 11 AM, then a 'Good Day' text shows up. Good-Day
  • Good Afternoon text

    • If the hour is less than 8 PM, then a 'Good Afternoon' text shows up. Good-Afternoon
  • Good Night text

    • If the hour is more than 8 PM, then a 'Good Night' text shows up. Good-Night

Daily Task Reminder

  • 'What is your focus today?' text.
    • Includes input field where the user put their today's task in and have it as a reminder on the screen. Focus-Today Once the input is given, the task will stay on the screen underneath 'Today': Today-Task

Features left to implement

  • User 24h format instead of 12.
  • Add more inputs for daily tasks
  • Add a deadline feature.
  • Design and style the live clock feature.
  • Add feature where user can choose from various backgrounds and set them manually.


All app's features and interactivity function as intended, various testings were conducted. Lighthouse-Report

Validator Testing

  • HTML

    • No errors returned when passing through the official W3C Validator
  • CSS

  • JS

    • No errors were found when passing through JSHint

Unfixed Bugs

None found.


  • The site was deployed to GitHub pages.

Live link:

Github link:


  • Credits Code Institude, tasks taught me a lot on how to put together. Help from mentor, and the slack community.

  • Credits Udemy for also offering me a course that I have undertaken.

  • Credits W3schools.

The concept of this app is not original.


APP Wireframe
