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SteveGilham committed Apr 22, 2018
2 parents b9e064a + 8048828 commit 80b9c89
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Showing 30 changed files with 1,362 additions and 368 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion AltCover/AltCover.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ module Main =
| Right (rest, fromInfo, toInfo, targetInfo) ->
let report = Visitor.ReportPath()
let result = CommandLine.doPathOperation( fun () ->
|> Path.GetDirectoryName
|> CommandLine.ensureDirectory
let (assemblies, assemblyNames) = PrepareTargetFiles fromInfo toInfo targetInfo
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions AltCover/AltCover.fsproj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -83,6 +83,8 @@
<Compile Include="OpenCover.fs" />
<Compile Include="CommandLine.fs" />
<Compile Include="Instrument.fs" />
<Compile Include="LCov.fs" />
<Compile Include="Cobertura.fs" />
<Compile Include="Runner.fs" />
<Compile Include="AltCover.fs" />
<Compile Include="Tasks.fs" />
Expand Down
254 changes: 254 additions & 0 deletions AltCover/Cobertura.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
namespace AltCover

open System
open System.IO
open System.Xml.Linq

// based on the sample file at

module Cobertura =
let internal path : Option<string> ref = ref None
let X = OpenCover.X

let SetRate hits total rate (target:XElement) =
if total > 0 then target.SetAttributeValue(X rate, (float hits)/(float total))

let AddSources (report:XDocument) (target:XElement) tag attribute =
report.Descendants(X tag)
|> (fun s -> s.Attribute(X attribute).Value |> Path.GetDirectoryName)
|> Seq.fold (fun s f -> s |> Set.add f) Set.empty<String>
|> Seq.sort
|> Seq.iter (fun f -> target.Descendants(X "sources")
|> Seq.iter (fun s -> s.Add(XElement(X "source",

let internal NCover (report:XDocument) (packages:XElement) =
let ProcessSeqPnts (``method``:XElement) (lines:XElement) =
``method``.Descendants(X "seqpnt")
|> Seq.fold (fun (h,t) s -> let vc = s.Attribute(X "visitcount")
let vx = if isNull vc then "0" else vc.Value
let line = XElement(X "line",
XAttribute(X "number", s.Attribute(X "line").Value),
XAttribute(X "hits", vx),
XAttribute(X "branch", "false"))
lines.Add line
(h + (if vx = "0" then 0 else 1), t + 1)) (0,0)

let ProcessMethod (methods:XElement) (hits, total) (key, (signature, ``method``)) =
let mtx = XElement(X "method",
XAttribute(X "name", key),
XAttribute(X "signature", signature))
let lines = XElement(X "lines")
let (mHits, mTotal) = ProcessSeqPnts ``method`` lines
SetRate mHits mTotal "line-rate" mtx
SetRate 1 1 "branch-rate" mtx
(hits + mHits, total + mTotal)

let SortMethod (n:String) (methods:XElement) (``method``: XElement seq) =
|> m -> let fn = m.Attribute(X "fullname").Value.Split([| ' '; '(' |])
|> Array.toList
let key = fn.[1].Substring(n.Length + 1)
let signature = fn.[0] + " " + fn.[2]
(key, (signature, m)))
|> LCov.SortByFirst
|> Seq.fold (ProcessMethod methods) (0,0)

let ProcessClass (classes:XElement) (hits, total) ((name,signature),``method``) =
let ``class`` = XElement(X "class",
XAttribute(X "name", name),
XAttribute(X "filename", signature))
let methods = XElement(X "methods")
let (mHits, mTotal) = SortMethod name methods ``method``
SetRate mHits mTotal "line-rate" ``class``
SetRate 1 1 "branch-rate" ``class``
SetRate 1 1 "complexity" ``class``
(hits + mHits, total + mTotal)

let ExtractClasses (``module``:XElement) classes =
``module``.Descendants(X "method")
|> Seq.groupBy(fun ``method`` -> (``method``.Attribute(X "class").Value,
``method``.Descendants(X "seqpnt")
|> (fun s -> s.Attribute(X "document").Value)
|> Seq.head))
|> LCov.SortByFirst
|> Seq.fold (ProcessClass classes) (0,0)

let ProcessModule (hits, total) (``module``:XElement) =
let package = XElement(X "package",
XAttribute(X "name", ``module``.Attribute(X "name").Value))
let classes = XElement(X "classes")
let (cHits, cTotal) = ExtractClasses ``module`` classes
SetRate cHits cTotal "line-rate" package
SetRate 1 1 "branch-rate" package
SetRate 1 1 "complexity" package
(hits + cHits, total + cTotal)

let (hits, total) = report.Descendants(X "module")
|> Seq.fold ProcessModule (0,0)
SetRate hits total "line-rate" packages.Parent
SetRate 1 1 "branch-rate" packages.Parent
AddSources report packages.Parent "seqpnt" "document"

let internal OpenCover (report:XDocument) (packages:XElement) =
let extract (owner:XElement) (target:XElement) =
let summary = owner.Descendants(X "Summary") |> Seq.head
let b = summary.Attribute(X "numBranchPoints").Value |> Int32.TryParse |> snd
let bv = summary.Attribute(X "visitedBranchPoints").Value |> Int32.TryParse |> snd
let s = summary.Attribute(X "numSequencePoints").Value |> Int32.TryParse |> snd
let sv = summary.Attribute(X "visitedSequencePoints").Value |> Int32.TryParse |> snd
SetRate sv s "line-rate" target
SetRate bv b "branch-rate" target

let doBranch bec bev (line:XElement) =
let pc = Math.Round(100.0 * (float bev)/ (float bec)) |> int
line.SetAttributeValue(X "condition-coverage",
sprintf "%d%% (%d/%d)" pc bev bec)
let cc = XElement(X "conditions")
line.Add cc
let co = XElement(X "condition",
XAttribute(X "number", 0),
XAttribute(X "type", "jump"),
XAttribute(X "coverage", sprintf "%d%%" pc))
cc.Add co

let ProcessSeqPnt (lines:XElement) (s:XElement) =
let vc = s.Attribute(X "vc")
let vx = if isNull vc then "0" else vc.Value
let bec = s.Attribute(X "bec").Value |> Int32.TryParse |> snd
let bev = s.Attribute(X "bev").Value |> Int32.TryParse |> snd
let line = XElement(X "line",
XAttribute(X "number", s.Attribute(X "sl").Value),
XAttribute(X "hits", vx),
XAttribute(X "branch", if bec = 0 then "false" else "true"))

if bec > 0 then doBranch bec bev line
lines.Add line

let AddMethod (methods:XElement) (key, signature) =
let mtx = XElement(X "method",
XAttribute(X "name", key),
XAttribute(X "signature", signature))
let lines = XElement(X "lines")
(mtx, lines)

let AddAttributeValue (element:XElement) name v =
v + (element.Attribute(X name).Value |> Int32.TryParse |> snd)

let ProcessMethod (methods:XElement) (b,bv,s,sv,c,cv) (key, (signature, ``method``)) =
let mtx, lines = AddMethod (methods:XElement) (key, signature)
extract ``method`` mtx
``method``.Descendants(X "SequencePoint")
|> Seq.iter(ProcessSeqPnt lines)
let summary = ``method``.Descendants(X "Summary") |> Seq.head
( b |> AddAttributeValue summary "numBranchPoints",
bv |> AddAttributeValue summary "visitedBranchPoints",
s |> AddAttributeValue summary "numSequencePoints",
sv |> AddAttributeValue summary "visitedSequencePoints",
c + 1,
cv |> AddAttributeValue ``method``"cyclomaticComplexity")

let ArrangeMethods (name:String) (methods:XElement) (methodSet:XElement seq) =
|> ``method`` -> let fn = (``method``.Descendants(X "Name")
|> Seq.head).Value.Split([| ' '; '(' |])
|> Array.toList
let key = fn.[1].Substring(name.Length + 2)
let signature = fn.[0] + " " + fn.[2]
(key, (signature, ``method``)))
|> LCov.SortByFirst
|> Seq.filter (fun (_,(_,mt)) -> mt.Descendants(X "SequencePoint") |> Seq.isEmpty |> not)
|> Seq.fold(ProcessMethod methods) (0,0,0,0,0,0)

let ProcessClass (classes:XElement) (cvcum, ccum) ((name, source), methodSet) =
let ``class`` = XElement(X "class",
XAttribute(X "name", name),
XAttribute(X "filename", source))
let methods = XElement(X "methods")
let (b,bv,s,sv,c,cv) = ArrangeMethods name methods methodSet
SetRate sv s "line-rate" ``class``
SetRate bv b "branch-rate" ``class``
SetRate cv c "complexity" ``class``
(cv + cvcum, c + ccum)

let ProcessModule files classes (``module``:XElement) =
``module``.Descendants(X "Method")
|> Seq.filter(fun m -> m.Descendants(X "FileRef") |> Seq.isEmpty |> not)
|> Seq.groupBy(fun ``method`` -> ((``method``.Parent.Parent.Descendants(X "FullName")
|> Seq.head).Value,
``method``.Descendants(X "FileRef")
|> (fun s -> files
|> Map.find (s.Attribute(X "uid").Value))
|> Seq.head))
|> LCov.SortByFirst
|> Seq.fold (ProcessClass classes) (0,0)

let lookUpFiles (``module``:XElement) =
``module``.Descendants(X "File")
|> Seq.fold(fun m x -> m |>
Map.add (x.Attribute(X "uid").Value)
(x.Attribute(X "fullPath").Value))
report.Descendants(X "Module")
|> Seq.filter(fun m -> m.Descendants(X "Class") |> Seq.isEmpty |> not)
|> Seq.iter (fun ``module`` -> let mname = ``module``.Descendants(X "ModuleName")
|> (fun x -> x.Value)
|> Seq.head
let package = XElement(X "package",
XAttribute(X "name", mname))
let files = lookUpFiles ``module``
let classes = XElement(X "classes")

extract ``module`` package
let (cv,c) = ProcessModule files classes ``module``
SetRate cv c "complexity" package)

extract (report.Descendants(X "CoverageSession") |> Seq.head) packages.Parent
AddSources report packages.Parent "File" "fullPath"

let internal Summary (report:XDocument) (format:Base.ReportFormat) result =
let rewrite = XDocument(XDeclaration("1.0", "utf-8", "yes"), [||])
let element = XElement(X "coverage",
XAttribute(X "line-rate", 0),
XAttribute(X "branch-rate", 0),
XAttribute(X "version", AssemblyVersionInformation.AssemblyVersion),
XAttribute(X "timestamp",
int((DateTime.UtcNow -

element.Add(XElement(X "sources"))
let packages = XElement(X "packages")

match format with
| Base.ReportFormat.NCover -> NCover report packages
| _ -> OpenCover report packages

// lines reprise
packages.Descendants(X "class")
|> Seq.iter(fun c -> let reprise = XElement(X "lines")
c.Add reprise
let lines = c.Descendants(X "line")
|> Seq.sortBy(fun l -> l.Attribute(X "number").Value
|> Int32.TryParse |> snd)
|> Seq.toList
|> List.iter (fun l -> let copy = XElement(l)
reprise.Add copy))

rewrite.Save(!path |> Option.get)
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions AltCover/CommandLine.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ module CommandLine =
let internal resources = ResourceManager(resource , Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly())

let conditionalOutput condition output =
if condition()
if condition()
then output()

let ensureDirectory directory =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ module CommandLine =
Write Console.Out ConsoleColor.White line

let internal Filter line f =
if line |> String.IsNullOrEmpty |> not
if line |> String.IsNullOrEmpty |> not
then f line

let internal Launch (cmd:string) args toDirectory =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ module CommandLine =
|> Output.Error

let ReportErrors (tag:string) =
conditionalOutput(fun () -> tag |> String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace |> not &&
conditionalOutput(fun () -> tag |> String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace |> not &&
error |> List.isEmpty |> not)
(fun () -> tag |> resources.GetString |> Output.Error)

Expand Down
17 changes: 13 additions & 4 deletions AltCover/Instrument.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -403,19 +403,19 @@ module Instrument =
MethodWorker = body.GetILProcessor() }
| _ -> state

let private UpdateBranchReferences state instruction injected =
let private UpdateBranchReferences (body:MethodBody) instruction injected =
// Change references in operands from "instruction" to first counter invocation instruction (instrLoadModuleId)
let subs = SubstituteInstruction (instruction, injected)
|> Seq.iter subs.SubstituteInstructionOperand

|> Seq.iter subs.SubstituteExceptionBoundary

let private VisitMethodPoint (state : Context) instruction point included =
if included then // by construction the sequence point is included
let instrLoadModuleId = InsertVisit instruction state.MethodWorker state.RecordingMethodRef.Visit state.ModuleId point
UpdateBranchReferences state instruction instrLoadModuleId
UpdateBranchReferences state.MethodBody instruction instrLoadModuleId

let internal VisitBranchPoint (state:Context) branch =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -504,6 +504,10 @@ module Instrument =
|> Seq.filter (fun i -> i.OpCode = OpCodes.Ret)
|> Seq.toList

let tailcalls = instructions
|> Seq.filter (fun i -> i.OpCode = OpCodes.Tail)
|> Seq.toList

let tail = instructions |> Seq.last
let popper = methodWorker.Create(OpCodes.Call, state.RecordingMethodRef.Pop)
methodWorker.InsertAfter(tail, popper)
Expand All @@ -514,8 +518,13 @@ module Instrument =

|> Seq.iter (fun i -> let leave = methodWorker.Create(OpCodes.Leave, ret)
UpdateBranchReferences body i leave
methodWorker.Replace (i, leave) )

|> Seq.iter (fun i -> UpdateBranchReferences body i i.Next
methodWorker.Remove i)

let handler = ExceptionHandler(ExceptionHandlerType.Finally)
handler.TryStart <- instructions |> Seq.head
handler.TryEnd <- popper
Expand Down

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