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Go Reports is a set of collectors, generators, dispatchers and other auxiliar microservices that allows generate reports in different formats, collecting data from different sources and dispatching the reports to different targets, with an Event-Driven architecture using Redis Messaging Queue, Redis Steams and Protocol Buffers for communicating data.



go get

Setup environment


export JWT_SECRET_KEY=secret!


export REDIS_ADDR=localhost:6379
export REDIS_DB=10
export REDIS_PASS=secret

Reports API

A Go-Kit implementation that handles REST and gRPC requests to generate reports. Each endpoint calls a service which creates a Job that will be sent to the Messaging Queue. The Job has all the information needed to collect the data, generate the report and send it to a target.


A Job consist on a task that should be performed by a microserive, a channel to be sent in the Messaging Queue, a pattern that is used to select an specific microservice that should perform the task and other Jobs that should be executed after the current taks is completed. The Job is defined using protocol buffers

job := &jobs.Job{
	Name: "SalesReportExcel-collector",
	Channel: collectorChannel,
	Pattern: "mysql",
	Task: &any.Any{
		TypeUrl: typeUrlPrefix + proto.MessageName(task),
		Value: serTask,
	Next: getOtherJob(),


Task is any struct that contains the information needed by a microservice to be executed. It could be for example a task that will collect data from MySQL

var queryList []*collectors.Query
for name, sql := range s.repo.MySQLExcelEmailQuery() {
	query := &collectors.Query{
		Name: name,
		Sql: sql,
		UsePagination: false,
	queryList = append(queryList, query)
task := &collectors.MysqlCollector{
	Instance: "SalesReportExcel-mysql-collector",
	QueryList: queryList,
	DbName: "connect",
	UseCache: true,
	CredentialsId: "abc-123",
serTask, _ := proto.Marshal(task)

Concatenated Jobs

As mentioned earlier, a Job could have a sequence of jobs that will be executed once the previous is done. With this approach, is possible define a sequence like: Collect > Generate > Dispatch or Collect > Validate > Integrate > Generate > Dispatch > Notify So, when a Job is performed, the last operation of the microservice which is executing the related Task is to send Next to the Messaging Queue

Service example

func (as *analyticsService) SalesReportExcel(dispatchTo string) string {
  report := NewSalesService(as.repo)
  queueName, job := report.SalesReportExcel(dispatchTo)

  as.logger.Info("About to send a job into queue " + queueName)
  errorChan := make(chan error)
  queue, err := as.redis.CreateQueue(queueName, errorChan)
  if err != nil {
    as.logger.Error("Error sending job to queue", queueName, err)

func (s *salesService) SalesReportExcel(dispatchTo string) (string, []byte) {
  collectorJob := s.createMysqlCollectorJob()
  generatorJob := s.createExcelGeneratorJob()
  switch dispatchTo {
  case "S3":
    generatorJob.Next = s.createS3DispatcherJob()
  case "email":
    generatorJob.Next = s.createEmailDispatcherJob()
  collectorJob.Next = generatorJob
  serJob, _ := proto.Marshal(collectorJob)
  return collectorJob.GetChannel(), serJob

Collector microservices

The goal of this set of services is to collect the data needed for each report. There are generic microservices that could connect to specific databases or perform calls to APIs. On the other hand, it is possible to add specialized microservices that collects the information with extended business logic.

Collectors sends the collected data into Messaging Queue using Redis Streams so that if the Generator service is down, it can get the data when is it back. The Collector service will create a new stream, publish the stream name (so that the Generator will know which stream should listen) and then send the collected dataset.

Listen for jobs in Messaging Queue

func (s *service) ListenForJobs(queueName string) error {
  errorChan := make(chan error) // TODO: listen for errors in the messaging queue
  // Create a messaging queue for listen jobs
  queue, err := s.redis.CreateQueue(queueName, errorChan)
  if err != nil {
    s.logger.Error("Error creating queue", err)
    return err
  receiver := make(chan []byte)
  // Go routine that process the incoming messages
  go s.processMessages(receiver)
  // Add a consumer to the messaging queue
  queue.Subscribe(receiver, errorChan)
  s.logger.Info("Listen for Collector jobs...")
  return nil

func (s *service) processMessages(receiver chan []byte) {
  for message := range receiver {
    s.logger.Info("Message get from queue")
    var job jobs.Job
    if err := proto.Unmarshal(message, &job); err != nil {
      s.logger.Error("Error unmarshalling the message into a Job", err)
    s.logger.Info("Job name: " + job.GetName())
    s.logger.Info("Job pattern: " + job.Pattern)

    go s.collect(&job)
    // Send next job in stack of jobs
    go s.sendNextJob(job.Next)


func (s *service) collect(job *jobs.Job) {
  feedStream := s.redis.CreateStream(job.StreamName, 1)
  switch job.Pattern {
  case "mysql":
    var task collectors.MysqlCollectorTask
    if err := proto.Unmarshal(job.Task.Value, &task); err != nil {
      s.logger.Info("Unable to deserialize task into MysqlCollector")
    mysqlCollector, _ := collector.NewMySQLCollector(&task, feedStream, s.logger)
    s.logger.Info("Collect data and send it to stream", job.StreamName)
    go mysqlCollector.Collect()
  case "api":
    // TODO: add collector
    // TODO: notify about unsupported collector type

Send dataset into stream

func (c *mysqlCollector) Collect() {
  log := fmt.Sprintf("Collecting from database [%s] using cache [%t] and credential IDs [%s]",
    c.task.DbName, c.task.UseCache, c.task.CredentialsId)
  c.logger.Info("running the following queries")
  for _, query := range c.task.QueryList {
    log = fmt.Sprintf("Query name [%s]; using pagination [%t]; query: [%s]",
      query.Name, query.UsePagination, query.Sql)

func (c *mysqlCollector) runQuery(sql string) {
  c.logger.Info("Query executed, returning results")
  var lastID string
  // Fake data
  for i := 1; i <= 15; i++ {
    result := make(map[string]interface{})
    result["id"] = i
    result["name"] = fmt.Sprintf("Name-%d", i)
    result["email"] = fmt.Sprintf("", i)
    result["active"] = i%2 == 0

    // Binary marshal
    b, err := msgpack.Marshal(result)
    // Send to stream
    lastID, err =
    if err != nil {
      c.logger.Error("Unable to marshal stream message", err)
    fmt.Printf("Published row : %v\n", result)
    time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond)
  c.logger.Info("Last stream ID: " + lastID)
  // TODO: send message with the last stream ID

Sending next jobs to the messaging queue

func (s *service) sendNextJob(job *jobs.Job) {
  if job == nil {
  s.logger.Info("Sending next job", job.Channel)
  errorChan := make(chan error)
  queue, err := s.redis.CreateQueue(job.Channel, errorChan)
  if err != nil {
    s.logger.Error("Error creating queue", job.Channel, err)
  serJob, _ := proto.Marshal(job)

Generator microservices

The goal of these microservices is use the data that is comming from Collectors through the Redis Stream and generate a report in an specific format. There are genercic microservices that uses predefined templates with Mustache and also specialized generators. The files are stored in a temporal location from where the Dispatchers will get them

func (s *service) ListenForJobs(queueName string) error {
  go s.processMessages(receiver)

func (s *service) processMessages(receiver chan []byte) {
   go s.listenForData(&job)

func (s *service) listenForData(job *jobs.Job) {
  feedStream := s.redis.CreateStream(job.StreamName, 0)
  go feedStream.Consume(0)

  go func() {
    for {
      select {
      case m := <-feedStream.MessageChannel():
        fmt.Printf("message from stream: %v\n", m)
        // TODO: process message (i.e.: add row to excel)
      case e := <-feedStream.ErrorChannel():
        fmt.Printf("error from stream: %v\n", e)
        // TODO: process error
      case f := <-feedStream.FinishedChannel():
        fmt.Printf("Finish collecting data %v\n", f)
        // TODO: store the file in temp location and send next job

Dispatcher microservices

Once the Generator sevice creates a report file, one of this set of services dispatch the file to the target, which could be an Email, AWS S3, Drive, etc., or even an API.

Other microservices

It is possible to add any microservice that listen for Jobs in the Messaging Queueand works over the data, keeping in mind that a Job's task is defined as an abstract structure, there is a lot of flexibility for process the data that is flowing. For example:

  • Validators: which can perform a Broken Access Controlof the collected data against a JWT
  • Agregators: which can combine the result of multiple queries before sending them to the Collectors
  • Notifiers: which can notify by Email or an API call that a report is ready or that something went wrong
  • Monitoring: which can collect metrics, store audit logs, send alerts, etc.


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