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File metadata and controls

270 lines (157 loc) · 8.07 KB



Configuration is something that is often an afterthought, its varies by developer to developer, project to project.

The purpose of the @Configured annotation is to allow the developer to simply declare a field value as being source outside their control.

This means the developer only needs to decide that they need a value and defer the resolution of it. It makes it an easy decision and encourages deliberate programming.

There are three kinds of configuration:


Configuration that is applied to components when assembled into an application. This configuration is constant across deployments and environments.

Developers can choose these values and they cannot be overridden by environmental configuration

For example a database component defines the database schema, that is common across environments but specific to an application.


Configuration that is different across environment deployments, but may be common across applications.

This configuration should not be defined by the developer as there is no reasonable values they can choose.

An example of this would be the size of the thread pool


Configuration that can be defined at development time, setting sensible values

The value can be overridden at run time to allow for that fact that developers are not omniscient

An example might be a timeout which can have a very sensible default at development time but due to environmental conditions or changes in third parties that make it invalid later on.


The lifecyle of configuration for a system fits into wiring like this

  1. Construct
  2. PostConstruct
  3. Wiring Injection
  4. Configuration resolution
  5. BeforeConfiguration
  6. For each configured component
  1. PreConfigured
  2. Configuration Injection
  3. PostConfigured
  1. AfterConfiguration


The DI container creates the component


The DI container invokes methods annotated with @PostConstruct

Wiring Injection

The DI container injects all fields marked with @Inject

I recommend using javax.inject and not framework annotations to avoid unnecessary dependencies

Lots of frameworks include Spring do configuration at Injection time, but it violates the separation of concerns and fail fast paradigms.


Hook for action before the configuration system is invoked, perhaps to affect the running of the configuration system

Configuration Resolution

All configuration type information is derived and fails fast for anything that cannot be coerced

All sources are merged and configuration values are resolved


Methods marked with @PreConfigured are invoked to prepare for configured fields, it was added for symmetry, not sure if its that useful

Configuration Injection

Fields marked with @Configured are injected by the relevant Coercion


Methods marked with @PostConfigured are invoked to act on the inject configuration

For example you might set a URI and then create a client for it


Once all method hooks are invoked and configured fields are injected



The configured annotation is the key for the developer. It allows for a simple declaration that a field should be set externally.

In contrast to other frameworks the develoer is not allowed to choose a name for the configuration other than the component and field name.

The reason being that the developer has already reasoned about those names, there is not need to add an indirection.

In my experience you end up with large variation and confusion when the decisions about naming are declared at development time.:

public class Bean { (1)

  @Configured("Description of the configured field") (2)(3)
  Period cycle; (4)(5)(6)

  @Configured("The timeout for sending email")
  Duration timeoutInSeconds = Duration.ofSeconds(10); (7)(8)

  1. The name of the component is bean
  2. The configuration annotation marked the field as injected by configuration
  3. The description of the configuration, shown when there are failures in configuration or in exports describing the system
  4. The type of the configured field, a Coercion is used to convert the Configuration value into this type, in this case a java.util.time.Period,
  5. Because this field does not have a value providing configuration at run time is mandatory.
  6. The name of the field cycle, its combined to define the configuration lookup bean.cycle in properties format
  7. The name of the timeout includes seconds, this convention is very useful for configurators to know the scale of the value.
  8. The default value is defined using plain old java which makes unit test super easy and saves on indirection. This field does not need to be configured at runtime as it has a default


Method hook for the developer to execute code as part of the configuration lifecycle:

public class Bean {

  @Configured("Description of the configured field")
  URL url;

  Client client;

  @PostConfigured (1)
  public void createClient() { (2)
    client = new Client(url); (3)

  1. Post configured annotation declares the hook called createClient
  2. The result is not used so void is fine, the hook can have any access modifier. Standard practice to to scope it for ease of unit testing.
  3. The url is used to create the client object. The url value can be used freely without error checking because
  • the framework makes sure that there is a value
  • the url is typed so must be a value URL or whatever the type should be
  • sophisticated coercions can do extra checked to ensure the validaty as a cross cutting concern saving the developers cognitive load to just the business value they are adding


Method hook for the developer to execute code after everything is configured:

public class Bean {

  ConfigurationSytem system;

  public void showConfiguration() {"configuration {}", system.exportTree());



Method hook for the developer to execute code as part of the configuration lifecycle:

public class Bean {

  public void example() {
    // contrived example to show off before configuration



Method hook for the developer to execute code as part of the configuration lifecycle:

public class Bean {

  @PreConfigured (1)
  public void resetSomething() { (2)
    // contrived example to show off pre configuration



The configuration system collects all the defined sources of configuration together, the default configuration sources are

  • Application - loads from META-INF/sticky/ in the form bean.field
  • File - loads a property file based on the system property configuration.path
  • System - load system properties in the form bean.field
  • Environment - loads environment properties in the form BEAN_FIELD
  • Default - loads a properties file from META-INF/sticky/

The resolution builds the list of values for each field, with different sources having precedence.:

Application > File > System > Environment > Default

Resolution can be nested for example given some configuration sources


System properties:



some.other.value=found it


This will result in aBean.field having value found it and anotherBean.veryNested having value azul


.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 4
