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separated graph related stuff to a new module and class graph.Graph -…
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… will be beneficial in the future for stream optimization magic and abstraction (like SQL-only parts and callable chaining,…)
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Stiivi committed Apr 11, 2012
1 parent 4e23129 commit c83cfb9
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213 changes: 213 additions & 0 deletions brewery/
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
from collections import OrderedDict
from brewery.utils import get_logger

class Graph(object):
"""Data processing stream"""
def __init__(self, nodes=None, connections=None):
"""Creates a node graph with connections.
* `nodes` - dictionary with keys as node names and values as nodes
* `connections` - list of two-item tuples. Each tuple contains source and target node
or source and target node name.

super(Graph, self).__init__()
self.nodes = OrderedDict()
self.connections = set()

self.logger = get_logger()

self._name_sequence = 1

if nodes:
for name, node in nodes.items():
self.add(node, name)
raise ValueError("Nodes should be a dictionary, is %s" % type(nodes))

if connections:
for connection in connections:
self.connect(connection[0], connection[1])

def _generate_node_name(self):
"""Generates unique name for a node"""
while 1:
name = "node" + str(self._name_sequence)
if name not in self.nodes.keys():
self._name_sequence += 1

return name

def add(self, node, name=None):
"""Add a `node` into the stream. Does not allow to add named node if
node with given name already exists. Generate node name if not
provided. Node name is generated as ``node`` + sequence number.
Uniqueness is tested."""

name = name or self._generate_node_name()

if name in self.nodes:
raise KeyError("Node with name %s already exists" % name)

self.nodes[name] = node

return name

def node_name(self, node):
"""Returns name of `node`."""
# There should not be more
if not node:
raise ValueError("No node provided")

names = [key for key,value in self.nodes.items() if value==node]

if len(names) == 1:
return names[0]
elif len(names) > 1:
raise Exception("There are more references to the same node")
else: # if len(names) == 0
raise Exception("Can not find node '%s'" % node)

def node(self, name):
"""Return node with name `name`."""
return self.nodes[name]

def rename_node(self, node, name):
"""Sets a name for `node`. Raises an exception if the `node` is not
part of the stream, if `name` is empty or there is already node with
the same name. """

if not name:
raise ValueError("No node name provided for rename")
if name in self.nodes():
raise ValueError("Node with name '%s' already exists" % name)

old_name = node_name(node)

del self.nodes[old_name]
self.nodes[name] = node

def coalesce_node(self, reference):
"""Coalesce node reference: `reference` should be either a node name
or a node. Returns the node object."""

if isinstance(reference, basestring):
return self.nodes[reference]
elif reference in self.nodes.values():
return reference
raise ValueError("Unable to find node '%s'" % reference)

def remove(self, node):
"""Remove a `node` from the stream. Also all connections will be

# Allow node name, get the real node object
if isinstance(node, basestring):
name = node
node = self.nodes[name]
name = self.node_name(node)

del self.nodes[name]

to_be_removed = set()
remove = [c for c in self.connections if c[0] == node or c[1] == node]

for connection in remove:

def connect(self, source, target):
"""Connects source node and target node. Nodes can be provided as
objects or names."""
connection = (self.coalesce_node(source), self.coalesce_node(target))

def remove_connection(self, source, target):
"""Remove connection between source and target nodes, if exists."""

connection = (self.coalesce_node(source), self.coalesce_node(target))

def sorted_nodes(self):
Return topologically sorted nodes.
L = Empty list that will contain the sorted elements
S = Set of all nodes with no incoming edges
while S is non-empty do
remove a node n from S
insert n into L
for each node m with an edge e from n to m do
remove edge e from the graph
if m has no other incoming edges then
insert m into S
if graph has edges then
raise exception: graph has at least one cycle
return proposed topologically sorted order: L
def is_source(node, connections):
for connection in connections:
if node == connection[1]:
return False
return True

def source_connections(node, connections):
conns = set()
for connection in connections:
if node == connection[0]:
return conns

nodes = set(self.nodes.values())
connections = self.connections.copy()
sorted_nodes = []

# Find source nodes:
source_nodes = set([n for n in nodes if is_source(n, connections)])

# while S is non-empty do
while source_nodes:
# remove a node n from S
node = source_nodes.pop()
# insert n into L

# for each node m with an edge e from n to m do
s_connections = source_connections(node, connections)
for connection in s_connections:
# remove edge e from the graph
m = connection[1]
# if m has no other incoming edges then
# insert m into S
if is_source(m, connections):

# if graph has edges then
# output error message (graph has at least one cycle)
# else
# output message (proposed topologically sorted order: L)

if connections:
raise Exception("Steram has at least one cycle (%d connections left of %d)" % (len(connections), len(self.connections)))

return sorted_nodes

def node_targets(self, node):
"""Return nodes that `node` passes data into."""
node = self.coalesce_node(node)
nodes =[conn[1] for conn in self.connections if conn[0] == node]
return nodes

def node_sources(self, node):
"""Return nodes that provide data for `node`."""
node = self.coalesce_node(node)
nodes =[conn[0] for conn in self.connections if conn[1] == node]
return nodes

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