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Merge pull request #780 from StingraySoftware/power_colors
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Introduce power colors
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matteobachetti committed Jan 15, 2024
2 parents 33647b4 + 83681ca commit 1fc9b90
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Showing 8 changed files with 807 additions and 23 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions docs/changes/780.feature.rst
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
Introduce power colors à la Heil et al. 2015
9 changes: 5 additions & 4 deletions docs/index.rst
Expand Up @@ -24,15 +24,16 @@ Current Capabilities
1. Data handling and simulation

* loading event lists from fits files of a few missions (RXTE/PCA, NuSTAR/FPM, XMM-Newton/EPIC, NICER/XTI)
* constructing light curves from event data, various operations on light curves (e.g. addition, subtraction, joining, and truncation)
* loading event lists from fits files (and generally good handling of OGIP-compliant missions, like RXTE/PCA, NuSTAR/FPM, XMM-Newton/EPIC, NICER/XTI)
* constructing light curves and time series from event data
* various operations on time series (e.g. addition, subtraction, joining, and truncation)
* simulating a light curve with a given power spectrum
* simulating a light curve from another light curve and a 1-d (time) or 2-d (time-energy) impulse response
* simulating an event list from a given light curve _and_ with a given energy spectrum
* Good Time Interval operations
* Filling gaps in light curves with statistically sound fake data

2. Fourier methods
1. Fourier methods
* power spectra and cross spectra in Leahy, rms normalization, absolute rms and no normalization
* averaged power spectra and cross spectra
Expand All @@ -45,6 +46,7 @@ Current Capabilities
* bispectra; *needs testing*
* (Bayesian) quasi-periodic oscillation searches
* Lomb-Scargle periodograms and cross spectra
* Power Colors

3. Other time series methods
Expand All @@ -62,7 +64,6 @@ Other future additions we are currently implementing are:
* bicoherence
* phase-resolved spectroscopy of quasi-periodic oscillations
* Fourier-frequency-resolved spectroscopy
* power colours
* full HEASARC-compatible mission support
* pulsar searches with :math:`H`-test
* binary pulsar searches
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210 changes: 201 additions & 9 deletions stingray/
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from .fourier import avg_cs_from_iterables, error_on_averaged_cross_spectrum
from .fourier import avg_cs_from_events, poisson_level
from .fourier import fftfreq, fft, normalize_periodograms, raw_coherence
from .fourier import get_flux_iterable_from_segments
from .fourier import get_flux_iterable_from_segments, power_color

from scipy.special import factorial

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2028,6 +2028,9 @@ class DynamicalCrossspectrum(AveragedCrossspectrum):
The time resolution of the dynamical spectrum. It is **not** the time resolution of the
input light curve. It is the integration time of each line of the dynamical power
spectrum (typically, an integer multiple of ``segment_size``).
m: int
The number of averaged powers in each spectral bin (initially 1, it changes after rebinning).

def __init__(self, data1, data2, segment_size, norm="frac", gti=None, sample_time=None):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2075,16 +2078,21 @@ def _make_matrix(self, data1, data2):
self.dyn_ps = np.array(avg.cs_all).T
conv = avg.cs_all / avg.unnorm_cs_all
self.unnorm_conversion = np.nanmean(conv)
self.freq = avg.freq
current_gti = avg.gti
self.nphots1 = avg.nphots1
self.nphots2 = avg.nphots2

tstart, _ = time_intervals_from_gtis(current_gti, self.segment_size)

self.time = tstart + 0.5 * self.segment_size
self.df = avg.df
self.dt = self.segment_size
self.m = 1

def rebin_frequency(self, df_new, method="sum"):
def rebin_frequency(self, df_new, method="average"):
Rebin the Dynamic Power Spectrum to a new frequency resolution.
Rebinning is an in-place operation, i.e. will replace the existing
Expand All @@ -2101,24 +2109,26 @@ def rebin_frequency(self, df_new, method="sum"):
Must be larger than the frequency resolution of the old dynamical
power spectrum!
method: {"sum" | "mean" | "average"}, optional, default "sum"
This keyword argument sets whether the counts in the new bins
method: {"sum" | "mean" | "average"}, optional, default "average"
This keyword argument sets whether the powers in the new bins
should be summed or averaged.
new_dynspec_object = copy.deepcopy(self)
dynspec_new = []
for data in self.dyn_ps.T:
freq_new, bin_counts, bin_err, _ = rebin_data(
freq_new, bin_counts, bin_err, step = rebin_data(
self.freq, data, dx_new=df_new, method=method

new_dynspec_object.freq = freq_new
new_dynspec_object.dyn_ps = np.array(dynspec_new).T
new_dynspec_object.df = df_new
new_dynspec_object.m = int(step) * self.m

return new_dynspec_object

def rebin_time(self, dt_new, method="sum"):
def rebin_time(self, dt_new, method="average"):
Rebin the Dynamic Power Spectrum to a new time resolution.
Expand All @@ -2137,8 +2147,8 @@ def rebin_time(self, dt_new, method="sum"):
Must be larger than the time resolution of the old dynamical power
method: {"sum" | "mean" | "average"}, optional, default "sum"
This keyword argument sets whether the counts in the new bins
method: {"sum" | "mean" | "average"}, optional, default "average"
This keyword argument sets whether the powers in the new bins
should be summed or averaged.
Expand All @@ -2156,14 +2166,77 @@ def rebin_time(self, dt_new, method="sum"):

dynspec_new = []
for data in self.dyn_ps:
time_new, bin_counts, _, _ = rebin_data(
time_new, bin_counts, _, step = rebin_data(
self.time, data, dt_new, method=method, dx=self.dt

new_dynspec_object.time = time_new
new_dynspec_object.dyn_ps = np.array(dynspec_new)
new_dynspec_object.dt = dt_new
new_dynspec_object.m = int(step) * self.m
return new_dynspec_object

def rebin_by_n_intervals(self, n, method="average"):
Rebin the Dynamic Power Spectrum to a new time resolution, by summing contiguous intervals.
This is different from meth:`DynamicalPowerspectrum.rebin_time` in that it averages ``n``
consecutive intervals regardless of their distance in time. ``rebin_time`` will instead
average intervals that are separated at most by a time ``dt_new``.
n: int
The number of intervals to be combined into one.
method: {"sum" | "mean" | "average"}, optional, default "average"
This keyword argument sets whether the powers in the new bins
should be summed or averaged.
time_new: numpy.ndarray
Time axis with new rebinned time resolution.
dynspec_new: numpy.ndarray
New rebinned Dynamical Cross Spectrum.
if not np.issubdtype(type(n), np.integer):
warnings.warn("n must be an integer. Casting to int")

n = int(n)

if n == 1:
return copy.deepcopy(self)
if n < 1:
raise ValueError("n must be >= 1")

new_dynspec_object = copy.deepcopy(self)

dynspec_new = []
time_new = []
for i, data in enumerate(self.dyn_ps.T):
if i % n == 0:
count = 1
bin_counts = data
bin_times = self.time[i]
count += 1
bin_counts += data
bin_times += self.time[i]
if count == n:
if method in ["mean", "average"]:
bin_counts /= n
bin_times /= n

new_dynspec_object.time = time_new
new_dynspec_object.dyn_ps = np.array(dynspec_new).T
new_dynspec_object.dt *= n
new_dynspec_object.m = n * self.m

return new_dynspec_object

def trace_maximum(self, min_freq=None, max_freq=None):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2198,6 +2271,125 @@ def trace_maximum(self, min_freq=None, max_freq=None):

return np.array(max_positions)

def power_colors(
freq_edges=[1 / 256, 1 / 32, 0.25, 2.0, 16.0],
Compute the power colors of the dynamical power spectrum.
See Heil et al. 2015, MNRAS, 448, 3348
freq_edges: iterable
The edges of the frequency bins to be used for the power colors.
freqs_to_exclude : 1-d or 2-d iterable, optional, default None
The ranges of frequencies to exclude from the calculation of the power color.
For example, the frequencies containing strong QPOs.
A 1-d iterable should contain two values for the edges of a single range. (E.g.
``[0.1, 0.2]``). ``[[0.1, 0.2], [3, 4]]`` will exclude the ranges 0.1-0.2 Hz and
3-4 Hz.
poisson_power : float or iterable, optional, default 0
The Poisson noise level of the power spectrum. If iterable, it should have the same
length as ``freq``. (This might apply to the case of a power spectrum with a
strong dead time distortion)
pc0: np.ndarray
pc0_err: np.ndarray
pc1: np.ndarray
pc1_err: np.ndarray
The power colors for each spectrum and their respective errors
power_colors = []
if np.iscomplexobj(self.dyn_ps):
warnings.warn("When using power_colors, complex powers will be cast to real.")

for ps in self.dyn_ps.T:

pc0, pc0_err, pc1, pc1_err = np.array(power_colors).T
return pc0, pc0_err, pc1, pc1_err

def compute_rms(self, min_freq, max_freq, poisson_noise_level=0):
Compute the fractional rms amplitude in the power spectrum
between two frequencies.
min_freq: float
The lower frequency bound for the calculation.
max_freq: float
The upper frequency bound for the calculation.
Other parameters
poisson_noise_level : float, default is None
This is the Poisson noise level of the PDS with same
normalization as the PDS.
rms: float
The fractional rms amplitude contained between ``min_freq`` and
rms_err: float
The error on the fractional rms amplitude.
from .fourier import rms_calculation

dyn_ps_unnorm = self.dyn_ps / self.unnorm_conversion
poisson_noise_unnrom = poisson_noise_level / self.unnorm_conversion
if not hasattr(self, "nphots"):
nphots = (self.nphots1 * self.nphots2) ** 0.5
nphots = self.nphots
T = self.dt * self.m
M_freqs = self.m
K_freqs = 1
minind = self.freq.searchsorted(min_freq)
maxind = self.freq.searchsorted(max_freq)
min_freq = self.freq[minind]
freq_bins = maxind - minind
rmss = []
rms_errs = []
for unnorm_powers in dyn_ps_unnorm.T:
r, re = rms_calculation(
return rmss, rms_errs

def crossspectrum_from_time_array(
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