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What is it?

checkt is a small library for safe (chainable) type checks written in CoffeeScript and usable in any JavaScript environment.

Currently supported are:

  • Browser
  • CommonJS environments (Node.js)

The checkt library exposes the checkt function. (An alias is the check object, which has exactly the same functionality.)

Embed js/checkt.js in your HTML file for development purposes and js/checkt.min.js for production use.

Either use npm with
npm install checkt
or add checkt to to the package.json of your project.



// Method chaining examples
check('test').not.string(function() {
 console.log('not a string');
}).otherwise(function() {
 console.log('Logically, should be a string');
}).number(function(v) {
 console.log("its a number with value: " + v);

// Instead of using method chaing, you can also use
// a plain object with the type as the key and the value is the callback function
check({}, {
  object: function() {
   console.log('Is an object');
  number: function() {
   console.log('Is a number');

// Multiple keys seperated by a comma also work, just make sure the key is
// written as a string
check('test', {
  'string, number': function() {
   console.log('Either string or number');


# Method chaining examples
  .not.string(-> console.log 'not a string')
  .else(-> console.log 'Logically, should be a string')
  .number((v) -> console.log("its a number with value: #{v}"))

# Instead of using method chaing, you can also use
# a plain object with the type as the key and the value is the callback function
check {},
  object: -> console.log 'Is an object'
  number: -> console.log 'Is a number'

# Multiple keys seperated by a comma also work, just make sure the key is
# written as a string
check 'test',
  'string, number': -> console.log 'Either string or number'


checkt is public domain. See for more information.