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FUI StoreConnect Sensor API's client

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Java-based client library for the FUI StoreConnect Sensor API.

Based on the FROST-Client.

How to get it

Via Maven Central


Compile from sources

Package can be built and installed by executing the following Maven command from the root folder:

$ mvn install

How to use it

OGC SensorThings' features

As based on the FROST-Client, the FUI StoreConnect Sensor API's client:

  • Supports:
    • Operate CRUD operations on OGC SensorThings API's entities
    • Execute queries on entity sets
    • Load referenced entities
    • Is compatible with the MultiDatastream extension
    • Is compatible with the Data Array extension for creating observations only
  • Does not support:
    • Batch requests
    • dataArray for requesting observations
    • MQTT

API use case example

Let's say we have a phone (a Thing), named MyPhone, that contains a Sensor, named MySensor. Let's say our MySensor can observes human motions, i.e., a ObservedProperties#MOTION ObservedProperty.

How could be the way to publish MySensor's Observations?

Simple example

Create one ObservedProperties#MOTION ObservedProperty can be done in the following way:

// Create the access point to the StoreConnnect Sensor API's server
final SensorThingsService service = new SensorThingsService(URI.create("http://localhost:8080/SensorThingsService/v1.0").toURL());

// Create a new MotionEvent Observation
                .phenomenonTime(new TimeObject(
                .datastream(datastream) // Predefined Datastream
                .featureOfInterest(featureOfInterest) // Predefined FeatureOfInterest
                                .geometry(new Point(new LngLatAlt(1.0, 2.0)))
                                .property(FeatureProperty.BUILDING.getName(), 1)
                                .property(FeatureProperty.FLOOR.getName(), 2)
Use of the Data Array extension

Send Observations one by one can be network-intensive. The SensorThings Data Array extension allow you to aggregate multiple Observations together and send them with only one POST request. Hereafter an example of use of Data Array extension:

// Declare the set of Observation properties that have to be included in the dataArray
final Set<DataArrayValue.Property> properties = new HashSet<>();

// Create the dataArray associated to the datastream
final DataArrayValue observations = new DataArrayValue(datastream1, properties);

// Add observations
        .phenomenonTime(new TimeObject(
                        .geometry(new Point(new LngLatAlt(10.0, 2.0)))
                        .property(FeatureProperty.BUILDING.getName(), 1)
                        .property(FeatureProperty.FLOOR.getName(), 2)
        .phenomenonTime(new TimeObject(
                        .geometry(new Point(new LngLatAlt(11.0, 2.0)))
                        .property(FeatureProperty.BUILDING.getName(), 1)
                        .property(FeatureProperty.FLOOR.getName(), 2)

// Create the DataArrayDocument that gathers all dataArray to be sent to the FUI StoreConnect Sensor API's server
final DataArrayDocument dataArrayDocument = new DataArrayDocument();

// Finally send the create request to the FUI StoreConnect Sensor API's server 
Initialize MySensor's Observations context

Following the OGC SensorThings' API entity model, any Observation is contained into a dedicated Datastream. This Datastream represents a sequence of Observations made by a specific Sensor, from a specific Thing and associated to a specific ObservedProperty. This way, before to publish MySensor's Observations, we need to create the following entities:

  • The MySensor Sensor
  • The MyThing Thing

For the specific ObservedProperty(in your case ObservedProperties#MOTION), instance is already available from the FUI StoreConnect's Sensor API server. Hence, we do not need to create it, but we need to retrieve its identifier to be able to use it.

Finally, any Observation is also associated to a given FeatureOfInterest. In the FUI StoreConnect Sensor API's context, this FeatureOfInterest represents the venue referential from which the Observation has been observed.

With the FUI StoreConnect Sensor API's client API, all these entities can be created and retrieved as the following:

// Create the access point to the StoreConnnect Sensor API's server
final SensorThingsService service = new SensorThingsService(URI.create("http://localhost:8080/SensorThingsService/v1.0").toURL());

// Create our MyPhone Thing locally
final Thing myPhone = ThingBuilder.builder()
        .description("My Phone Thing.")

// Finally create our myPhone Thing remotely and set its identifier

// Create our MySensor Sensor locally
final Sensor mySensor = SensorBuilder.builder()
        .description("My Sensor.")

// Finally create our mySensor Sensor remotely and set its identifier

// Retrieve the reference to the ObservedProperties#MOTION instance
final EntityList<ObservedProperty> observedProperties = service.observedProperties()
        .filter("name eq 'Motion'")

// We know we have at least one ObservedProperty, because FUI StoreConnect Sensor API server already created it.
final ObservedProperty motion = observedProperties.iterator().next();

// Create the Datastream that will contain our MySensor's Observations and link our previously created entities together
final Datastream datastream = DatastreamBuilder.builder()
        .name("Our MySensor's Datastream")
        .description("Contain sequence of MySensor's Observation")

How could be the way to retrieve MySensor's Observations?

// Retrieve any Observation that provides from a Datastream associated with our MySensor
final EntityList<Observation> mySensorObservations = service.observations()
        .filter("Datastream/Sensor/name eq 'MySensor'")

// Finally print them;

Additional notes

More use case of the API can be found from the FROST-Client documentation.

Specialization of the FROST-Client's entity builders

The FUI StoreConnect Sensor API's client is based on the FROST-Client that provides an extensible builder for any OGC SensorThings API's entity to create. Thereby, the FUI StoreConnect Sensor API's client specializes FROST-Client's entities builders to match with the FUI StoreConnect Sensor API's entities:

FUI StoreConnect Sensor API's entity model

This way:

In addition, FUI StoreConnect Sensor API's defines one OGC SensorThings API's ObservedProperty instance by OGC SensorThings API's Observation's result type. All FUI StoreConnect Sensor API's ObservedProperties are defined into the ObservedProperties class. This way:

How to contribute

Feel free to contribute by making a pull request following the contributing instructions.


Copyright 2018 Inria Lille

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.