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A style guide for writing safe, predictable, and portable bash scripts (not sh!). As a note, this repo is a detached fork of


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Bash Style Guide

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This style guide outlines how to write bash scripts with a style that makes them safe and predictable. Most of this guide is based on this wiki, specifically this page:

If anything is not mentioned explicitly in this guide, it defaults to matching whatever is outlined in the wiki.

You can fork this style guide on GitHub:


This guide will try to be as objective as possible, providing reasoning for why individual decisions were made. For choices that are purely aesthetic (and may not be universally agreeable), refer to the Aesthetics section below.



Indents should be four spaces. Don't use tabs.


if [[ var = true ]]; then
    echo "true"


It's preferred that columns are 88 characters or less. The only reason that the character limit should be exceeded is if it would negatively affect readability.


Do not use semicolons where they are not needed.

## Wrong.
echo "hello $name";

## Right.
echo "hello $name"

# Also right.
name="dave"; echo "hello $name"

The exception to this rule is outlined in the Block Statements section below. Namely, semicolons should be used for control statements like if or while.


Don't use the function keyword. Instead, () should be appended to the end of the function name. All variables created in a function should be made local unless you plan on calling them from outside of the function they're defined in.

## Wrong, if $i isn't used outside of 'foo'.
function foo {
    i=foo  # This is now global, wrong depending on intent.

## Right.
foo() {
    local i=foo  # This is local, preferred.

Block Statements

then should be on the same line as if, and do should be on the same line as while.

## Wrong.
if true

## Also wrong.
true && {

## Right.
if true; then

Single line block statements

Block statements, such as if, for, and while loops, can be placed on a single line, as long as they fit within the preferred character limit, and don't negatively affect readability. It is required, though, that the end of the block statement, like fi and done, are placed on a separate line.

## Wrong.
if [[ -f $file_name ]]; then echo "$file_name exists!"; fi

## Also wrong.
if [[ -f $file_name ]]; then echo "$file_name exists!"; echo "Done"

## Right.
if [[ -f $file_name ]]; then echo "$file_name exists!"


No more than three consecutive newline characters, meaning, no more than two blank lines.



In general, the first letter of a comment, unless referencing a variable, should be capitalized, and end with a period. Allow for two spaces when appending comments to the end of a piece of code. Finally, don't change someone's comments for aesthetic reasons unless you are rewriting or updating them.

var=$(echo "True")  # This prints "True".  (Two spaces between ')' and '#')
box="Box"           # This is a box.       (Aligned with the comment above for better readability)


When commenting a function and describing its purpose, always follow the format below:

func() {
    # Function Info: Description of the function and/or its purpose.
    # Parameters:
    #   $1 - Specify if the parameter is required or optional: required OR optional
    #       Description of the parameter and/or its purpose.
    #   $2 - Specify if the parameter is required or optional: required OR optional
    #       Description of the parameter and/or its purpose.


Number of pound signs

When a comment refers to a single line of code, a singular pound sign (#) should be used. This includes when describing what the if statement checks for.

# Contains the raw URL link to this ''.
export _RAW_URL=""
# Describe what the if statement is looking for.
if [[ ...code to be commented on... ]]; then

When describing, say, what the code inside of an if statement does, always begin the comment with two pound signs instead of one. Two # indicate that the comment refers to a block of code instead of a single line/command. This is also applicable when making a single comment that applies for several adjacent lines of code. In this case, a blank line should be used to signify that the comment no longer applies to the code after it.

## Describe what the code inside the if statement does.
if [[ ... ]]; then
    ...code to be commented on...
## Variables that modify output color.
export _YELLOW="$(printf '\033[1;33m')"
export _GREEN="$(printf '\033[0;32m')"
export _CYAN="$(printf '\033[0;36m')"
export _RED="$(printf '\033[1;31m')"
export _NC="$(printf '\033[0m')"
export _GREY="$(printf '\033[0;90m')"
export _CLRLN="$(printf '\r\033[K')"

In the case of an if statement containing an elif or else, three pound signs should be used when the comment refers to the entire if statement. If the comment is made for a single section of the if statement, double pound signs should be used instead.

### Describe what the entire if statement does.
if [[ ... ]]; then
    ...code to be commented on...
    ...code to be commented on...
## Describe what the code inside the FIRST section does.
if [[ ... ]]; then
    ...code to be commented on...
## Describe what the code inside the SECOND section does.
    ...code to be commented on...


This style guide is for bash. This means when given a choice, always prefer bash builtins or keywords instead of external commands or sh(1) syntax.


Use [[ ... ]] for conditional testing, not [ .. ] or test ....

# Wrong.
test -d /etc

# Also wrong.
[ -d /etc ]

# Right.
[[ -d /etc ]]

See for more information.


Use bash builtins for generating sequences.


## Wrong.
for f in $(seq 1 5); do

## Wrong.
for f in $(seq 1 "$n"); do

## Right.
for f in {1..5}; do

## Right.
for ((i = 0; i < n; i++)); do

Command Substitution

Use $(...) for command substitution.

foo=`date`   # Wrong.
foo=$(date)  # Right.

Math / Integer Manipulation

Use ((...)) and $((...)).


## Wrong.
if [[ $a -gt $b ]]; then

## Right.
if ((a > b)); then

Do not use the let command.

Parameter Expansion

Always prefer parameter expansion over external commands like echo, sed, awk, etc.


## Wrong.
prog=$(basename "$0")
nonumbers=$(echo "$name" | sed -e 's/[0-9]//g')

## Right.

Listing Files

Do not parse ls(1), instead use bash builtin functions to loop files

## Very wrong and potentially unsafe
for f in $(ls); do

## Right
for f in *; do

Arrays and lists

Use bash arrays instead of a string separated by spaces (or newlines, tabs, etc.) whenever possible:

## Wrong.
modules="json httpserver jshint"
for module in $modules; do
    npm install -g "$module"

## Right.
modules=(json httpserver jshint)
for module in "${modules[@]}"; do
    npm install -g "$module"

Of course, in this example, it may be better expressed as:

npm install -g "${modules[@]}"

... if the command supports multiple arguments, and you are not interested in catching individual failures.

read builtin

Use the bash read builtin whenever possible to avoid forking external commands.



IFS=. read -r hostname domain tld <<< "$fqdn"
echo "$hostname is in $domain.$tld"
# => "computer1 is in"

External Commands

GNU userland tools

The whole world doesn't run on GNU or Linux; try to avoid GNU-specific options when forking external commands like awk, sed, grep, etc., to be as portable as possible.

When writing bash and using all the powerful tools and builtins bash gives you, you'll find it rare that you need to fork external commands to do simple string manipulation.


Don't use cat(1) when you don't need it. If programs support reading from stdin, pass the data in using bash redirection.

# Wrong.
cat file | grep foo

# Right.
grep foo < file

# Also right.
grep foo file

Prefer the use of the command-line tools built-in method of reading a file instead of passing in stdin. This is where we make the inference that if a program says it can read a file passed by name, it's probably more performance to do that.



Use double quotes for strings that require variable expansion, command substitution interpolation, and almost everything in between.


  1. When you don't want ANY form of variable expansion. Many situations where this is necessary or desired, is when using commands such as sed or awk.
## Right.
foo='$USER contains your username'
bar="You are a user"
bar="You are $USER"
bar="\$USER = $USER"

## Wrong.
foo='Hello World'

All variables should be quoted, whether or not they undergo word-splitting.

Two exceptions:

  1. The first exception to this rule is if you call a variable within double brackets, like shown below.
  2. The second exception is if you would like the variable to be ignored if it is empty or does not exist. (Empty or non-existent variables that are quoted leave an empty string where called, while an unquoted variable completely ignores the variable)
foo="hello world"

if [[ -n $foo ]]; then  # No quotes needed.
    echo "$foo"         # Quotes needed.

bar="$foo"              # Quotes needed.

Variable Declaration

Unless exported, all variables should be lowercase. If a variable is being exported, it should be completely uppercase with _ placed to the beginning of the variable and between each word.

Don't use let or readonly to create variables. declare should only be used for associative arrays. local should always be used in functions unless the variable is called outside of the function.

## Wrong.
declare -i foo=5
let foo++
readonly bar="something"
export food=5
export food_cart=5

## Right.
export _FOOD=5
export _FOOD_CART=5


As a general rule, scripts that are designed to run on anything other than Linux, such as BSD or macOS, should use #!/usr/bin/env bash. Otherwise, #!/bin/bash should be used instead.

The reasoning is that bash is located in a different location on BSD. On macOS, users will often install a newer version of bash via homebrew, as the default version is much older. So it's ideal for the shebang to be more flexible. These are neither of the case for Linux, as bash is generally updated when a new version of the distribution is released, and is always located in #!/bin/bash.

Error Checking

cd, for example, doesn't always work. Make sure to check for any possible errors when using cd (or commands like it) and perform the proper action.

## Wrong.
cd /some/path  # This could fail.
rm file        # If cd fails, where am I? What am I deleting?

## Right.
cd /some/path || exit
rm file


Trapping is very useful for catching system signals such as SIGTERM, SIGINT, and so on. Make sure to use it where necessary.

set -e

Don't set errexit. Like in C, sometimes you want an error, or you expect something to fail, and that doesn't necessarily mean you want the program to exit.

This is a controversial opinion that I have on the surface, but the link below will show situations where set -e can do more harm than good because of its implications.



Redirecting Errors

When echoing an error message, always redirect the message to stderr:

echo "Failed to execute file" >&2

Common Mistakes

Using {} instead of quotes

Using ${f} is potentially different than "$f" because of how word-splitting is performed. For example:

for f in "1 space" "2  spaces" "3   spaces"; do
    echo ${f}


1 space
2 spaces
3 spaces

Notice that it loses the number of spaces. This is because the variable is expanded and undergoes word-splitting because it is unquoted. This loop results in the three following commands being executed:

echo 1 space
echo 2  spaces
echo 3   spaces

The extra spaces are effectively ignored here, and only two arguments are passed to the echo command in all three invocations.

If the variable was quoted instead:

for f in "1 space" "2  spaces" "3   spaces"; do
    echo "$f"


1 space
2  spaces
3   spaces

The variable $f is expanded but doesn't get split by bash, so it is passed as a single string (with spaces) to the echo command in all three invocations.

Note that, for the most part, $f is the same as ${f}, and "$f" is the same as "${f}". The curly braces should only be used to ensure the variable name is expanded properly. For example:

$ echo "$HOME is $USERs home directory"
/home/dave is the home directory
$ echo "$HOME is ${USER}s home directory"
/home/dave is daves home directory

In this example, the braces were the difference between $USER vs. $USERs being expanded.

Abusing for-loops when while would work better

for loops are great for iteration over arguments or arrays. Newline separated data is best left to a while read -r ... loop.

users=$(awk -F: '{print $1}' /etc/passwd)
for user in $users; do
    echo "user is $user"

This example reads the entire /etc/passwd file to extract the usernames into a variable separated by newlines. The for loop is then used to iterate over each entry.

This approach has many issues if used on other files with data that may contain spaces or tabs.

  1. This reads all usernames into memory instead of processing them in a streaming fashion.
  2. If the first field of that file contained spaces or tabs, the for loop would break on that as well as newlines
  3. These only works because $users is unquoted in the for loop - if variable expansion only works for your purposes while unquoted, this is a good sign that something isn't implemented correctly.

To rewrite this:

while IFS=: read -r user _; do
    echo "$user is user"
done < /etc/passwd

This will read the file in a streaming fashion, not pulling it all into memory, and will break on colons extracting the first field and discarding (storing as the variable _) the rest - using nothing but bash built-in commands.



MIT License


A style guide for writing safe, predictable, and portable bash scripts (not sh!). As a note, this repo is a detached fork of








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