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Frontend Mentor - Rock, Paper, Scissors solution

Deploy Test Environment

This is a solution to the Rock, Paper, Scissors challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.

Table of contents


The challenge

Users should be able to:

  • View the optimal layout for the game depending on their device's screen size Only basic responsivness, no mobile support
  • Play Rock, Paper, Scissors against the computer
  • Maintain the state of the score after refreshing the browser (optional) Not Implemented
  • Bonus: Play Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock against the computer (optional) Not Implemented

Development Decisions explained:

This project was created with small time boxes, beside my regular job and other higher priority projects, so time was a key here. Just like all other projects from Frontend Mentor it's training project, so no fireworks here, just simple logic and styling, as secondary goal was to practice skills that I already have, no experimenting (pipeline is exception here). Based on that I decided to ommit some features:

  • Only desktop support, no mobile/tablets/laptops dedicated responsivness provided,
  • No outline on winner's option on results state,
  • I didn't buy access to Figma mockups on Frontend Mentor, so all styling that was not provided in styles guide was my guess from graphics editors' color selectors,
  • This funny method of loading background triangle on main view is because GitHub Pages constraints (probably between Angular Routing and Sass paths on server) cousing to throw HTTP 404 on test env for background triangle image. This method works both on dev env and test env. Link to StackOverflow with solution in comment over that code.
  • All images (beside background triangle) were loaded with Angular Material's MatIcon registry, not the best solution for all of them, but the quickest.



Real App (GitHub Pages Test Environment):


Test Environment - GitHub Pages

My process

Built with

  • Angular 14 on Node.js v18.12.0,
  • HTML5,
  • Sass (SCSS notation + BEM),
  • TypeScript,
  • Angular Material library,
  • Husky Pre-Commit hooks + Prettier,
  • Deploy Pipeline - Node.js Build with GitHub Artefacts on GitHub Actions pipeline + GitHub Pages hosting,

Continued development

Things that can be implemented to this project, but I'm not currently intrested to do it:

  • Backend/SignalR/ Links for real multiplayer,
  • Add main menu for control over app,
  • Local/Global Scoreboard,
  • Custom player's nicknames,
  • Some personalisation settings,

Getting Started

  1. Clone repo on your device, enter repo's folder via CLI,
  2. Enter rock-paper-scissors-frontend folder,
  3. Run npm install command,
  4. After successful install, run npm run hooks-setup to make sure, that Husky hooks are working,
  5. Finally, run npm run dev to start dev build and local server for it,
  6. You are ready to go! If not performed automatically, navigate to https://localhost:4200 and see the app's UI.

Process Description


In project, there are two programming environments - development and production. The first one has disabled some of compiler's features, like automatic optimisations and licenses extraction. The secend one has all compiler's features enabled. For test environment deployments production is used.


For deploying on your own hosting (VPS, local web server, Azure etc.) you can use npm run prod-build script command to run default build in production config. This will produce compiled files in repo's dist folder. It is also possible to create new pipeline based on test deploy one and run this command there to push compiled files somewhere else.

To deploy changes on test environment, PR must be created to merge custom branch into develop. After successful merge, GitHub will trigger deploy automatically. GitHub Pages should refresh instantly, but sometimes it can take 5-10 minutes to proceed request, depends probably on server's load.

Do NOT use npm run prod-gh-pages-build script command for custom deployment! This command provides some extra config for compiler and must be used ONLY for GitHub Pages deployment.

Commits and Branching

File Structure

Project in repo was created using create-angular-app template. In docs folder are files provided by Frontend Mentor to create the app's visuals. All code files are located in src folder, other files are documents or config files. Under src there are: app, assets, environments, shared folders and website's files, default to Angular. In app folder, there's files for main component and all other components to build the website, under components folder. assets is used to store non-code data for app, like pictures, icons etc. environments stores config fles for app to run in correct configuration. shared folder holds module, that is used across the howl app to deliver code, data etc. that are used globally.


Product Backlog is stored as GitHub Issues, managed by me with GitHub Projects. In Kanban board on GitHub Projects, there are 5 columns: Backlog, In Progress, Ready, In Test, Done.

The flow of tasks is as follows:

  • Backlog stores all tasks to be done in project,
  • Task is moved to In Progress when work over it just started,
  • Task is moved to Ready after successful merge of PR to develop branch,
  • Task is moved to In Test when testing process is starting on test environment,
  • Task is moved to Done when testing did not find any bugs,



This project is licensed under MIT license, but I don't own files from Frontend Mentor. Please refer to Frontend Mentor for licensing terms for this files.