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25 Jan 2023 Meeting notes

Eric O. Korman edited this page Jan 25, 2023 · 1 revision


  • Tom
  • George
  • Abe
  • Eric

What's currently being worked:

  • Eric: backend AP
  • George: looking at SQL model package. kinda works with geoalchemy2, some hacky things with polygons
  • Abe:
    • looked into alembic. will it work well with geoalchemy2? put on backburner.
    • now looking into converter scripts from common annotation formats. blocked a bit by first needing to have the db schema.
  • Tom meeting with platform team to prototype inference store and model remediation workflow. can decouple from velour for now, see convergence points later

Decided #1 velour priority is to come up with schema. George, Abe, Eric to marinate on it and at next week's sync collaborate to come up with final decision.

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