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Surface load

Defines actions on surfaces – plates, walls. The surface load is defined on the whole slab automatically. If only a part of the main slab is supposed to be subject to this load, a subregion (StructuralSurfaceMemberRegion) must be defined inside the main slab.

Specification in the excel

Column header Data type Example / enum definition Required Description
Name String PF3 yes Human readable unique name of the force
Direction Enum




yes Specifies the base direction of the load
Type String Standard no This property defines what the load is caused by, E.g. Standard, Wind, Snow, Self weight, Hoar Frost, Predefined, Plane Load, Water Pond, Water Pressure, Soil Pressure, Generated Water, Generated Soil
Force action Enum

On 2D member

On 2D member region

On 2D member distribution

yes Specifies on which type of object the load acts
Value [kN/m2] Double -10 yes Specifies the size of the load in kiloNewtons per square meter.
2D Member String S15 yes, if Force action = On 2D member The name of the StructuralSurfaceMember to which is the surface load related to
2D Member Region String R1 yes, if Force action = On 2D member region The name of the StructuralSurfaceMemberRegion to which is the surface load related to
2D Member Distribution String FL1 yes, if Force action = On 2D member distribution The name of StructuralSurfaceActionDistribution to which is the surface load related to
Load case String LC5 yes The name of StructuralLoadCase the load case to which the force belongs
Coordinate system Enum



yes Defines the coordinate system in which the load is defined.

For 'Local': the coordinate system is defined by the member on which the load is applied.

Location Enum



yes Specifies whether the load is "put directly on an inclined 2D member" or whether the "projection on plan" is defined.

For the ‘Local’ coordinate system, the only applicable option is ‘Length’. For the ‘Global’ coordinate system choose between ‘Length’ and ‘Projection’.
Parent ID String 67b35d84-3d04-47aa-aa4a-dc1263982320 no

Is filled for objects created be dividing curved geometry to series of straight line objects.

Parent ID will ensure that curved edge is imported as straight parts to nonsupporting application, and back to original supporting application as curved geometry.

To ensure successful round trip of segmented objects and their related objects, Parent ID needs to be present in both directions.

Id String 39f238a5-01d0-45cf-a2eb-958170fd4f39 no Unique attribute designation