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Rebecka Isaksson edited this page Jun 3, 2024 · 15 revisions

Welcome to the CNP11-DENVRdrp-LifeChem wiki!

This repository outlines one of several projects related to our efforts to identify a small molecule that binds to the Dengue virus RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (Rdrp). This specific repository describes our efforts at identifying a new tool compound from the Life Chemicals Life Chemicals 50K Diversity library.

Below is a summary of the project, and the sidebar to the the right allows you to explore each step if the process further; linking to additional data, tables, and other overviews we might only reference below.

To get an overview of the READDI-AViDD project please read the Rules of Participation and Origins of the Project.

You can also explore Other Repositories related to Dengue RdRp campaign.

The Story So Far

This project commenced in mid-2023 with a single-point screen of 50K Life Chemicals Diversity library. Of the top-100 highest inhibiting compounds, 64 were available for purchasing. After determining the IC50 in a picogreen DENV2 assay, 5 compounds showed inhibition below 20 μM. Additional tests in an nano-luciferase DENV2 and DENV4 whole cell activity assay, showed that none of the compounds were active, possibly due to permeability issues. Testing the compounds on a gelbased DENV2 RdRp assay as well as activity on hmtRNA production showed that all compounds, except RA-2923 were active on both, indicating possible toxicity issues.

A small expansion of 12 compounds focusing on RA-2923 was purchased, but only 3 compounds showed any activity and none better than the parent compound.


This avenue was paused as a new selection from the HTS was done, generating 50 new compounds for testing.

May 2024

Update on expansion: 50 compounds were tested at single point in the nano-luciferase whole cell assay, 15 showed activity above 50% inhibition and the EC50 and whole cell toxicity are now being determined.