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Simulation code and detailed exposition of the free energy princple (FEP).

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Free Energy Principle: Simulation and Explanation

Stuart Truax, 2022-06

This repository contains a detailed explanation and dynamical simulation of the free energy principle (FEP). There are two components to the repo:

  1. An explanation and informal derivation on the FEP, based on [1].
  2. A dynamical simulation of a coupled mechanical-electrochemical system (i.e. the "primordial soup") described in [1].

The simulation is here.

Some results from the primordial soup simulation:

Displacement of the subsystems (macromolecules) in the XY plane

Temporal plots of the displacement variables

Free Energy Principle

The free energy principle (FEP) is a principle that describes how complex systems, through interaction with their surroundings, achieve non-equilibrium steady-states through the minimization of the number of internal states of the system [2]. The FEP utilizes the formalisms of random dynamical systems and Bayesian inference to describe how a complex system can converge to a steady state that is dependent upon feedback from the external environment. The convergence to the steady state is an example of variational inference (i.e. coverging to a probability distribution via an optimization procedure) .

The FEP is useful in describing the formation of self-organizing systems. A claimed consequence of the principle is that self-organization is an emergent property of any ergodic random dynamical system that possesses a Markov blanket [1].

Background and Motivation: Variational Inference

Given some data $\mathcal{D}$, there often arises the task of estimating some posterior distribution $p(\mathbf{x} | \mathcal{D})$, where $\mathbf{x}$ is some set of variables, e.g. a state vector. Often the calculation of $p(\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{\theta}) \equiv p(\mathbf{x} | \mathcal{D})$ is intractable in itself, and must be approximated by a series of converging estimates from some tractable family of probability distributions. This is the method of variational inference [3].

Assume the following definitions:

  • $p(\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{\theta})$ - The "true" yet intractable probability distribution, with random variable $\mathbf{x}$ and parameters $\mathbf{\theta}$.

  • $q(\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{\theta})$ - The variational estimate of $p(\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{\theta})$.

The Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence provides an immediate way of evaluating the distance between the estimate $q$ and the true distribution $p$:

$$KL(p||q) = \sum_{\mathbf{x}} p(\mathbf{x}) \text{log} \left ( \frac{p(\mathbf{x}) }{q(\mathbf{x}) } \right )$$

Evaluating this form of the KL divergence involves calculating the log expectation of $p(\mathbf{x})$, which is intractable. An alternative approach is to use the reverse ordering of the arguments, which is not equivalent to the above definition (due to the asymmetry of the KL divergence), but is more tractable:

$$KL(q||p) = \sum_{\mathbf{x}} q(\mathbf{x}) \text{log} \left ( \frac{q(\mathbf{x}) }{p(\mathbf{x}) } \right )$$

In variational inference, one intentionally chooses $q(\mathbf{x})$ to be from a tractable family of distributions. Therefore, the log-expectation of $q(\mathbf{x})$ in this second equation is tractable. However, the denominator in the $\text{log}()$ term requires some extra work. Recall that $p(\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{\theta}) \equiv p(\mathbf{x} | \mathcal{D})$, which by Bayes' Rule yields:

$$p(\mathbf{x} | \mathcal{D}) = \frac{ p(\mathcal{D}| \mathbf{x}) p(\mathbf{x})}{p(\mathcal{D})}$$

The denominator $Z = p(\mathcal{D})$ is referred to as the partition function (an allusion to the same quantity in statistical mechanics). It is calculated by the (often intractable) operation [4] 1 :

$$Z(\theta) = \int_{\mathbf{x}} p(\mathbf{x}) d\mathbf{x}$$

A workaround for this is to instead use the quantity:

$$\tilde{p} = p(\mathbf{x}, \mathcal{D}) = p(\mathbf{x}) p(\mathcal{D}) = p(\mathbf{x}) Z$$

Using $\tilde{p}$, the KL divergence can be restated as below. We use this restated and tractable KL-divergence to define the loss function $J(q)$ :

$$J(q) = KL(q||\tilde{p}) = \sum_{\mathbf{x}} q(\mathbf{x}) log \left ( \frac{q(\mathbf{x}) }{p(\mathbf{x}) Z} \right ) = KL(q||p) - log(Z)$$

The ultimate goal in variational inference is to find the probability distribution $q(\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{\theta})$ that minimizes $J(q)$.

Interpretation of $J(q)$ as a Variational Free Energy

$J(q)$ can also be expressed as:

$$J(q) = E_{q}[\text{log}(q(\mathbf{x})] + E_{q}[-\text{log}(\tilde{p}(\mathbf{x})] = -H(q) + E_{q}[E(\mathbf{x})]$$

where $E(\mathbf{x}) = -\text{log}(\mathbf{x})$ is the energy of state $\mathbf{x}$, $E_{q}[E(\mathbf{x})]$ is the expected energy of the system, and $H(q)$ is the entropy of the system. In this sense, $J(q)$ is seen as a variational free energy, in an analogy to the Gibbs free energy from physics. As in physics, the variational free energy $J(q)$ is minimized through the maximization of entropy (i.e. the variational distribution $q(\mathbf{x})$ is maximized in terms of entropy).

Free Energy Principle: Theoretical Background

This section will introduce some of the theoretical concepts and structures necessary to understand the FEP and its governing dynamics. The exposition in this and the following section closely follows the exposition and notation found in [1], and uses its terminology.

We begin with a lemma [1], which is a bit informal with its notion of "structural and dynamical integrity", but it broadly states what the FEP seeks to demonstrate:

Lemma: Any ergodic random dynamical system that possesses a Markov blanket will appear to actively maintain its structural and dynamical integrity.

To add more detail to this statement, some informal definitions of ergodic systems and Markov blankets follow:

  1. Ergodic system: A dynamical system for which the time average of a measurable function of the system converges almost surely over some finite time T.

    Call $p(\mathbf{x})$ the ergodic density of state $\mathbf{x}$, which is the probability that the ergodic system is in state $\mathbf{x}$. An ergodic system has the following property:

    $$ p(\mathbf{x}) = \text{average proportion of time spent in state } \mathbf{x}$$

  2. Markov blanket: A Markov blanket of a random variable $Y$ in a set of random variables $S = {X_0, ..., X_1}$ is a set $S' \subseteq S$ such that $S'$ contains at least all the information needed to infer $Y$ (i.e. the remaining random variables in $S$ are redundant for the purpose of inference of $Y$) [5] . In the context of a Bayesian network, the Markov blanket of a node $Y$ consists of:

    1. The parents of $Y$.

    2. $Y$ itself.

    3. The children of $Y$.

    4. The other parents of the children of $Y$.

With these informal definitions in hand, one can define an ergodic random dynamical system $m$ that contains a Markov blanket. Although ergodicity and the existence of a Markov blanket are the necessary conditions for the FEP to attain, one must add some further structure to the system to illustrate the full results of the FEP. In [1], this is referred to as a "self-organizing architecture". The particular definition of the states in this architecture, and the coupling between them, is essential in producing the results of the FEP.

Let the state space of the system be partitioned into external, sensory, active, and internal states. These states and their dependencies are defined below. We shall refer to an "agent" as the portion of the system constituted by the internal states and its Markov blanket.

  • $\Omega$ Fluctation Sample Space A sample space from which random fluctuations are drawn (similar to the fluctuations of Boltzmann's microcanonical ensemble).

  • $\Psi : \Psi \times A \times \Omega \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ External (Hidden) States (i.e. of the world "outside the banket") that cause the sensory states of the agent and depend on actions by the agent.

  • $S: \Psi \times A \times \Omega \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ Sensory States, which are the agent's sensations, and constitute a probabilistic mapping from action and external states.

  • $A: S \times \Lambda \times \Omega \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ Action, an agent's action that depends on its sensory and internal states.

  • $\Lambda : \Lambda \times S \times \Omega \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ -Internal States (i.e. the states of the agent), which cause action and depend on sensory states $S$.

  • $p(\Psi,s,a, \lambda | m)$ - Generative density, a probability over external states $\psi \in \Psi$, sensory states $s \in S$, active states $a \in A$ and external states $\lambda \in \Lambda$ for a system $m$ .

  • $q(\psi | \lambda)$ - Variational density , an arbitrary probability probability density over external states $\psi \in \Psi$ that is parameterized by internal states $\lambda \in \Lambda$.

The Markov blanket that interests us is the one defined with respect to the internal states $\Lambda$, for it is the self-organization of these internal states that is the key result of the FEP. Note that the Markov blanket with respect to $\Lambda$ is implicit in the definition of the states and their dependencies. If one chose different definitions of the states and their dependencies, the boundary of the Markov blanket, and therefore our definition of "agent", would change.

The coupling between the states of this system can be illustrated in the causality graph of Figure 1. The blue oval in Figure 1 denotes the Markov blanket with respect to the internal states (i.e. the "agent").

Figure 1. _The casuality graph for the FEP. The state variables and their dynamics are represented by the nodes. The couplings between nodes are represented by the arrows. The Markov blanket of the internal state $\lambda$ is represented by the blue oval (i.e. it encompasses the sensory, active, and internal states)\label{markov_blanket}

Figure 1. The casuality graph for the FEP. The state variables and their dynamics are represented by the nodes. The couplings between nodes are represented by the arrows. The Markov blanket of the internal state $\lambda$ is represented by the blue oval (i.e. it encompasses the sensory, active, and internal states).

The dynamics of the interaction between these states will be described in next section.

Free Energy Principle: Dynamics

With the definition of the ergodic dynamical system $m$ and its states in hand, this section is spent deriving some mathematical results that describe the general the dynamics of $m$. The ergodicity of the system and the existence of the Markov blanket will ultimately yield what Friston calls "a fundamental and ubiquitious causal architecture for self organization" [1], which is no small claim.

Let the dynamics of the system be generally defined as follows:

$$\dot{x} = \underbrace{f(x)}\text{a flow} + \underbrace{\omega}\text{random fluctuation} \tag{1} $$

wherein the flow can be decomposed into the following:

$$f(x) = \begin{bmatrix} f_{\psi}(\psi,s,a) \\ f_{s}(\psi,s,a) \\ f_{a}(s,a,\lambda) \\ f_{\lambda}(s,a,\lambda) \end{bmatrix} \tag{2} \label{eq:dynamics_vector}$$

with each function $f$ describing the dynamics for the respective state variable.

As stated previously, the system is ergodic, which implies that it will eventually converge to a random global attractor. Define the ergodic density $p(x|m)$. Since this system is perturbed by random fluctuations $\omega$ in combination with the deterministic flow $f(x)$, the dynamics of $p(x|m)$ are governed by the Fokker-Plank equation (also known as the Kolmogorov forward equation):

$$\dot{p}(x|m) = \nabla \cdot \Gamma \nabla p - \nabla \cdot (fp) \tag{3} \label{eq:fp}$$

where $\Gamma$ is the diffusion tensor. Given a covariance matrix $\Sigma_{\omega}$ of the fluctuations $\omega$, the diffusion tensor is defined by $\Gamma = \frac{1}{2} \Sigma_{\omega}$.

Since $f$ is a flow, it follows that the Fundamental Theorem of Vector Calculus (a.k.a. the Helmholtz decomposition) can be applied to $f$ to decompose it into conservative (i.e. curl-free) and solenoidal (i.e. divergence-free) fields:

$$f = - (\Gamma + R) \cdot \nabla G \tag{4} \label{eq:helmholtz}$$


  • $R(x)$ is an asymmetric matrix such that $R(x) = - R(x)^{T}$

  • $G(x)$ is a scalar potential called the "Gibbs energy"

Inserting (4) into (3) and using some vector calculus identities, one finds that $p(x|m) = \text{exp}(-G(x))$ satisfies the equilibrium condition $\dot{p} = 0$, and is thus an equilibrium solution to (3).

Now the flow $f$ can now be expressed in terms of the ergodic density $p$:

$$f = -(\Gamma + R) \cdot \nabla \text{log} (p(x|m)) \tag{5} \label{eq:helmholtz2}$$

which is just (4) with $p(x|m) = \text{exp}(-G(x))$ inserted. From [5] and [2] it follows that:

$$f_{\lambda}(s,a,\lambda) = (\Gamma + R) \cdot \nabla_{\lambda} \text{log}(p(\psi,s,a,\lambda | m)) \tag{6} \label{eq:active_states_grad}$$ $$f_{a}(s,a,\lambda) = (\Gamma + R) \cdot \nabla_{a} \text{log}(p(\psi,s,a,\lambda | m)) \tag{7} \label{eq:internal_states_grad}$$

With (6) and (7) in hand, one can observe that the flow is a gradient ascent (i.e. a positive gradient) of the log ergodic density $p$. In other words, the flow performs an implicit maximization of the joint probability $p(\psi,s,a,\lambda | m)$ as a function of active and internal states. It is this result that establishes these dynamics as a framework for variational inference. Furthermore, as pointed out in [1], the flow follows the isocontours of $p$ in an ascending circular manner while being influenced by the external states, which are hidden behind the Markov blanket.

At this point, one can invoke the ergodic theorem to deduce that for any point $v \in V = S \times A \times \Lambda$ (i.e. any point within the Markov blanket of the internal states $\Lambda$), the flow through this point is the average flow under the posterior density over the external states. (NB: This introduction of an average of a posterior density is an explicit connection to Bayesian inference.)

The application of the ergodic theorem yields the following:

$$f_{\lambda}(v) = E_{t}[\dot{\lambda}(t) \cdot [x(t) \in v]] = \int_{\Psi} p(\psi | v) \cdot (\Gamma + R) \cdot \nabla_{\lambda} \text{log}(p(\psi,v | m)) d\Psi \tag{8}$$ $$f_{a}(v) = E_{t}[\dot{a}(t) \cdot [x(t) \in v]] = \int_{\Psi} p(\psi | v) \cdot (\Gamma + R) \cdot \nabla_{a} \text{log}(p(\psi,v | m)) d\Psi \tag{9}$$


$$f_{\lambda}(v) = (\Gamma + R) \cdot \nabla_{\lambda} \text{log}(p(v | m)) \tag{10} \label{eq:internal_states_grad_2}$$ $$f_{a}(v) = (\Gamma + R) \cdot \nabla_{a} \text{log}(p(v | m)) \tag{11} \label{eq:active_states_grad_2}$$

In essence, (10) and (11) have shown that the time average of the internal and active states passing through a point $v$ is obtained by taking an expectation of the dynamics over the posterior probability density of external states $p(\psi | v)$.

Here, the structure $[x(t) \in v]$ is called an Iverson bracket, which is an indicator function which equals 1 when trajectory $x(t)$ passes through $v$, and 0 otherwise. This allows the expectation to be taken over only those trajectories that pass through $v$.

The important result of (10) and (11) is that the expectation over a posterior probability $p(\psi, v | m)$ over external states (which are hidden from the internal states), has yielded the evolution of the ergodic density for a point $v$ within the Markov blanket of the internal states. More precisely, the $p(v | m)$ for a given point $v$ within the Markov blanket is evolving due to posterior beliefs about external states.

For subsequent derivations, Friston introduces a density to quantify these posterior beliefs :

Def.: Let $q(\psi | \lambda)$ be a density over external states parameterized by internal states $\lambda$. Call this the variational density or "belief".

At this point, the Bayesian nature of the variational density $q(\psi | \lambda)$ and $p(\psi, v | m)$ is clear. It will be shown that the dynamics of the system $m$ implicitly perform an optimization procedure on $q(\psi | \lambda)$ through the gradient ascent. In this manner, the dynamical system $m$ implicitly performs Bayesian variational inference.

Properties of the Free Energy $F$

Up to this point, the "Gibbs energy' $G(x)$ has not been specified, and can thus act as a "free parameter" to adapt the general dynamical equations of the previous section to a variety of systems. Just as in other differential equations within physics, $G(x)$ is simply a scalar potential that influences how the trajectories behave within the dynamical system. We will now define a further quantity, the free energy $F$, which is directly equivalent, term for term, to the variational free energy $J(q)$ of variational inference.

Lemma: For any Gibbs energy $G(\psi,s,a,\lambda) = - \text{log}(p(\psi,s,a,\lambda))$, there is a free energy $F(s,a,\lambda)$ that describes the flow of internal and active states:

$$f_{\lambda}(s,a,\lambda) = -(\Gamma + R) \cdot \nabla_{\lambda} F \tag{12} \label{eq:internal_states_free}$$

$$f_{a}(s,a,\lambda) = -(\Gamma + R) \cdot \nabla_{a} F \tag{13} \label{eq:active_states_free}$$

and furthermore:

$$\boxed{ F(s,a,\lambda) = -\int_{\Psi} q(\psi | \lambda) ln \left (\frac{p(\psi,s,a,\lambda | m}{q(\psi | \lambda)} \right ) d\Psi = E_{q}[G(\psi,s,a,\lambda)] - H[q(\psi | \lambda)] \tag{14} \label{eq:free_energy} }$$

Notice that in (13) and (12), $F$ has taken the place of $\text{log}(p(\psi,s,a,\lambda | m))$ in (6) and (7), with a change in sign and no $\psi$ dependence, which means it should be seen as a log density over sensory, active, and internal states.

The equality in (14) is equivalent to the variational free energy $J(q)$. The minimization of the free energy $F$ corresponds to maximizing the entropy of the variational density $q(\psi | \lambda)$ (i.e. the posterior beliefs).

The proof of (14) relies on breaking down the integral using Bayes' Rule to obtain:

$$F(s,a,\lambda) = -\text{log}(p(\psi,s,a,\lambda | m) + D_{KL}[q(\psi | \lambda) || p(\psi | s,a,\lambda)] \tag{15}$$

where $D_{KL}$ is the Kullback--Leibler divergence. (15) can then be inserted into (12) and (13). The gradients of the $D_{KL}$ terms in these new equations can then be shown to be zero, yielding the dynamics of (6) and (7).

To conclude, due to the ergodicity of the system, the free energy $F$ is also bounded in the following manner:

$$F(s,a,\lambda) \geq -\text{log}(p(s,a,\lambda | m)) \tag{16}$$ which further implies:

$$E_{t}[F(s,a,\lambda)] \geq E_{t}[-\text{log}(p(s,a,\lambda | m)] = H[p(s,a,\lambda | m)] \tag{17} \label{eq:fe_bounds}$$

That is, the time average of the free energy $F$ is bounded below by the entropy (complexity) of the ergodic density of the internal states' Markov blanket. Conversely, the entropy of the internal states is bounded above by the free energy $F$, which is minimized by the action of the flow. That is to say that the complexity of the internal states is limited by be behavior of the system. One way of interpreting this is that action will limit the information content of an agent's beliefs. Alternatively, Friston sees it as preserving the structural integrity of the agent: " ... then action places and upper bound on (the internal states) dispersion (entropy) and will appear to conserve their structural and dynamical integrity"[1].

Interpretation of the Free Energy $F$ in a Variational Inference Context

Interpreting the individual terms of (14) in a variational inference context would yield:

$$F(s,a, \lambda) = \underbrace{E_{q}[G(\psi,s,a,\lambda)]}\text{Energy (accuracy of model)} - \underbrace{H[q(\psi | \lambda)]}\text{Entropy (complexity of model)} \tag{16}\label{eq:fe_expanded}$$

The first term (i.e. the "accuracy") of the equation is the cross entropy of the distributions $p$ and $q$, which quantify the amount of information one needs under $p$ to code an event from $q$ [6]. Minimizing this quantity therefore corresponds to a more accurate generative model $p$ (i.e. outlier events from $q$ are better accounted for by $p$).

The second term quantifies the amount of complexity (i.e. information) in the external states can be captured by an internal state. This quantity is sought to be maximized via the maximum entropy (MaxEnt) principle[7].

A further manipulation of (16) puts it into a more usable form. Expanding the first term yields:

$$E_{q}[-\text{log} (p(\psi,s,a | m))] - H[q(\psi|\lambda)]$$

$$= H[q(\psi|\lambda)] + D_{KL}[q(\psi | m)||(p(\psi,s,a | m))] - H[q(\psi|\lambda)]$$

$$= D_{KL}[q(\psi | \lambda)||(p(\psi,s,a | m))] \tag{17}\label{eq:KL_expanded}$$

which is the Kulbeck-Leibler divergence between $p$ and $q$. Expressed in this way, the FEP simply seeks to minimize the difference between the generational and variational densities.

Expanding further, and using the chain rule of probability, (17) can be broken down into two more terms:

$$D_{KL}[q(\psi | \lambda)||(p(\psi,s,a | m))]$$

$$= - \int q(\psi | \lambda) \text{log} \left ( \frac{q(\psi | \lambda)}{p(\psi,s,a | m)} \right ) d \psi$$

$$= - \int q(\psi | \lambda) \text{log} \left ( \frac{q(\psi | \lambda)}{p(\psi | s, a, m)} \right ) d \psi - \text{log} (p(s | m))\int d \psi$$

$$= \underbrace{-\text{log} (p(s | m))}\text{surprise} + \underbrace{D{KL} [ q(\psi | \lambda) || p(\psi | s,a, m) ]}_\text{divergence} \tag{18}$$

The first term (surprise) quantifies the degree to which a sensory state $s$ is not predicted by $p$. The second term accounts for the divergence between the generative and variational densities conditioned on the sensory states. That is, the divergence term quantifies the difference between the generative model and the hidden model of the environment.

The final statement of the principle is that:

$$\boxed{ \underbrace{-\text{log} (p(s,a | m))}\text{surprise} + \underbrace{D{KL} [ q(\psi | \lambda) || p(\psi | s, a, m) ]}\text{divergence} \geq \underbrace{-\text{log} (p(s,a | m))}\text{surprise}} \tag{19}$$

Results of the FEP

Some informal and general results of the FEP follow:

For an ergodic dynamical system $m$ possessing a Markov blanket on internal states $\Lambda$:

  • The dynamics of the system causes the internal states to perform Bayesian inference on their surroundings [8]. This takes the form of encoding beliefs about the external states of the system.

  • The entropy over $p(\lambda)$ (i.e. complexity of the internal states) will be maximized, but limited by the action of the flow $f$. That is, an agent's internal states (and therefore beliefs) will not become disproportionately complex relative to its surroundings.

  • The surprise of an agent is limited by distance between an agent's beliefs $q(\psi|\lambda)$ and "reality" $p(\psi)$.

Friston's Conclusions from the FEP about the Properties of Biological Systems

Friston concludes that biological systems contain the following universal properties as a result of the FEP[1]:

  • Ergodicity

  • Possession of a Markov Blanket

  • Engagement in Active Inference

  • Autopoiesis (i.e. the maintenance of structural integrity through the creation and regeneration of oneself)


[1] K. Friston,"Life as we know it," J. of the Royal Society Interface, 10(86):20130475, 2013

[2] Free Energy Principle, Wikipedia

[3] K. P. Murphy, Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective, MIT Press, 2012, Section 21.2

[4] I. Goodfellow, Y. Bengio, A. Courville, Deep Learning, MIT Press, 2016, Chapters 18 and 19

[5] Markov blanket, Wikipedia

[6] Cross Entropy, Wikipedia

[7] Principle of maximum entropy, Wikipedia

[8] M. Aguilera, B. Millidge, A. Tschantz, C.L. Buckley, "How particular is the physics of the free energy principle?," Physics of Life Reviews_, vol. 10, pp.24-50, 2022


  1. In statistical mechanics, the partition function $Z$ is often given in terms of the system Hamiltonian $H$, which for many systems can be derived analytically and often lends itself to calculable integrals. In the context of inference, the partition function instead requires integrating over all possible hypotheses $\mathbf{x}$ consistent with $\mathcal{D}$, often making the integral intractable.


Simulation code and detailed exposition of the free energy princple (FEP).







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