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Hosting A File With Dropbox

Nicholas Feldman edited this page Jan 8, 2018 · 1 revision

Naturally, you're probably going to want to use your own music files with this mod, not just ones you find randomly hosted online.

The quickest and most sure fire way to do so is with Dropbox.

  1. Create an account on Dropbox

  2. Click on "Upload Files"

  3. Select the mp3, wav, or ogg file, and upload it.

  4. Click on "Share" on the file

  5. Select "Create a link"

  6. Select "Copy Link"

  7. Paste the link into your browser. You should see a page like this

  8. Replace in the url with The new page should look like this.

  9. Paste it into the record etcher, and etch your record!

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