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An example Alexa skill project that is using kask library.


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Kask example skill

An example Alexa skill project that is using Kask library.

Kask is designed to improve developer experience for Alexa skills on JVM.
This example demonstrates it's usage in Kotlin and Java. This example can run both on AWS Lambda and as a JVM servlet (so you can run it locally or on your own server).

Run it

  1. Clone this repository.

  2. cd to the code location

  3. Run ./gradlew appRun.

    Alternatively, you can open and run the project from within your favorite IDE.

At this point, you have a fully functional Alexa skill running at http://localhost:8080/hello-kask/skill.

Test it using bespoken cli

  1. Install bespoken cli

  2. Make your skill accessible via public https endpoint: bst proxy http 8080
    This command will give you a publicly accessible url in a form of https://<unique-id>, where unique id would be specific for you. It will redirect all requests to http://localhost:8080/.

  3. Now you can test your skill by running commands like these (from within the project directory):

    • bst launch -u https://<unique-id> - to send LaunchRequest to your skill;
    • bst intend RepeatDurationIntent durationSlot=PT10S -u https://<unique-id> - send a request with the RepeatDurationIntent intent, providing the durationSlot slot value to your skill;
    • bst utter "repeat PT10S" -u https://<unique-id> - send an utterance to your skill resulting in the same invocation to your skill as in previous command.

    See more at:

Make Alexa talk to it

To actually make Alexa talk to your skill you need to create a skill in Alexa skills Kit Developer Console.
Afterward, you can either run skill on AWS Lambda as the link above suggest (to create a Lambda package - run ./gradlew buildLambdaArchive). Or make Alexa talk directly to the skill running on your computer.
If you'd like to go with the second option - you need to follow the skill creation guide in all points but one. When it's time to set up endpoint:

  1. Select HTTPS instead of AWS Lambda
  2. Make your skill accessible via public https endpoint, as described in a section above.
  3. For endpoint URI enter: <URL you've obtained in the previous step>/hello-kask/skill.
  4. For "Select SSL certificate type" select My development endpoint is a sub-domain of a domain that has a wildcard certificate from a certificate authority option.

Now Alexa should be able to talk to your skill.

Please refer to official ASK SDK Documentation for more guides and examples on general skill development.
And to Kask repository on more details how to use it.

How do I

Create an AWS Lambda deployment archive

./gradlew buildLambdaArchive

Easily deploy Lambda function with my skill

See example here:


  • Alexa Life Advice - a skill that I'm developing using kask. It can serve as a further inspiration and source of examples.


An example Alexa skill project that is using kask library.








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