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Andras Serfozo edited this page Jul 31, 2020 · 1 revision

Welcome to the synth wiki!

This is a low-level synthesizer for creating audio samples without using pre-recorded sound files. The original purpose is to help me to make some material for a simple tune for the js13kGames coding competition, keeping the size low is essential. Noises generated by the Web Audio API, even with a sequencer the final size hopefully stay below a kilobyte. This is the plan, there is plenty of code still missing.


The squared background area is the main workplace. You can add nodes from the menu on the top-right corner. Each node represents an AudioNode. Connect them to each other on the top and bottom area of a node, create an audio graph. Start with an Oscillator and end with the preplaced Audio Output that lets you use the piano-like keyboard to test the sound.

You can save and load sounds on the header bar. More functions are likely coming.


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