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Student auto feed template (#791)
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* Accounts creation script

NEW FILE: accounts.php

Creates auth/svn accounts based on user_ids in Submitty course DBs.

WIP: submitty_student_auto_feed.php

Reads CSV dump from registrar and upserts student users in course DBs.
Not yet committed to repo.

* Update accounts.php

FILE: accounts.php

Update to code comments

* Student Auto Feed

New file: submitty_student_auto_feed.php

This script will read a student enrollment data CSV dump provided by a
University’s registrar and/or data warehouse, and update/insert
(“upsert”) student enrollment in the courses’ databases used in Submitty.

* Readme File

Some more documentation for these scripts.

* Update submitty_student_auto_feed.php

Add NULL option for Preferred Name.  Some Universities may not have
this in their student enrollment data model.
  • Loading branch information
pbailie authored and MasterOdin committed Dec 15, 2016
1 parent ed4c603 commit 584b5a5
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Showing 3 changed files with 801 additions and 0 deletions.
236 changes: 236 additions & 0 deletions Docs/student_auto_feed/accounts.php
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
#!/usr/bin/env php

/* HEADING ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* accounts.php
* By Peter Bailie, Systems Programmer (RPI dept of computer science)
* This script is intended to be run from the CLI as a scheduled cron job, and
* should not be executed as part of a website.
* This script will read all user IDs of all active Submitty courses and create
* auth and svn access accounts on the Submitty server.
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

ini_set('display_errors', 0);

//list of courses that also need SVN accounts as serialized array.
//NOTE: Serializing the array allows the list to be defined as a constant.
define('SVN_LIST', serialize( array (

//Database access
define('DB_LOGIN', 'hsdbu');
define('DB_PASSWD', 'hsdbu_pa55w0rd');
define('DB_HOST', '');

//Location of accounts creation log file
define('LOG_FILE', '/var/local/submitty/bin/accounts.log');

//Where to email error messages so they can get more immediate attention.
define('ERROR_E_MAIL', '');

/* SUGGESTED SETTINGS FOR TIMEZONES IN USA -------------------------------------
* Eastern ........... America/New_York
* Central ........... America/Chicago
* Mountain .......... America/Denver
* Mountain no DST ... America/Phoenix
* Pacific ........... America/Los_Angeles
* Alaska ............ America/Anchorage
* Hawaii ............ America/Adak
* Hawaii no DST ..... Pacific/Honolulu
* For complete list of timezones, view
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

//Univeristy campus's timezone.

/* EXAMPLE CRONTAB -------------------------------------------------------------
* This will run the script every hour at the half-hour (e.g. 8:30, 9:30, etc),
* and any stdout/stderr output will be emailed to a sysadmin mailing list.
30 * * * * /var/local/submitty/bin/accounts.php
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

/* MAIN ===================================================================== */
//IMPORTANT: This script needs to be run as root!
if (posix_getuid() !== 0) {
echo "This script must be run as root." . PHP_EOL;

$semester = determine_semester();
$courses = determine_courses($semester);

write_to_log("BEGIN auto account creation.");
foreach($courses as $course) {

write_to_log("processing course {$course}");

if (array_search($course, unserialize(SVN_LIST)) !== false) {
//Create both auth account and SVN account

//First make sure SVN repo exists
if (!file_exists("/var/lib/svn/{$course}")) {

$user_list = get_user_list_from_course_db($semester, $course);
foreach($user_list as $user) {
//Let's make sure SVN account doesn't already exist before making it.
if (!file_exists("/var/lib/svn/{$course}/{$user}")) {
system ("/usr/sbin/adduser --quiet --home /tmp --gecos 'RCS auth account' --no-create-home --disabled-password --shell /usr/sbin/nologin {$user} > /dev/null 2>&1");
system ("svnadmin create /var/lib/svn/{$course}/{$user}");
system ("touch /var/lib/svn/{$course}/{$user}/db/rep-cache.db");
system ("chmod g+w /var/lib/svn/{$course}/{$user}/db/rep-cache.db");
system ("chmod 2770 /var/lib/svn/{$course}/{$user}");
system ("chown -R www-data:svn-{$course} /var/lib/svn/{$course}/{$user}");
system ("ln -s /var/lib/svn/hooks/pre-commit /var/lib/svn/{$course}/{$user}/hooks/pre-commit");

//Restart Apache
system ("/root/bin/regen.apache > /dev/null 2>&1");
system ("/usr/sbin/apache2ctl -t > /dev/null 2>&1");
} else {
//Only create auth account
$user_list = get_user_list_from_course_db($semester, $course);
foreach($user_list as $user) {
//We don't care if user already exists as adduser will skip over any account that already exists.
system ("/usr/sbin/adduser --quiet --home /tmp --gecos 'RCS auth account' --no-create-home --disabled-password --shell /usr/sbin/nologin {$user} > /dev/null 2>&1");

write_to_log("FINISHED auto account creation." . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL);
/* END MAIN ================================================================= */

function determine_semester() {
//IN: No parameters
//OUT: Returns a string representing the current semester
// (e.g. "f16" for Fall 2016)
//PURPOSE: The semester string is needed to access the appropriate Submitty
// course databases.
//IMPORTANT: This operates from the server's clock. It is important to set the
// timezone correctly.

$month = intval(date("m"));
$year = intval(date("y"));

if ($month <= 5) {
//spring is between months 1 - 5.
$semester = "s{$year}";
} else if ($month >=8 ) {
//fall is between months 8 - 12.
$semester = "f{$year}";
} else {
//maybe it is a summer class...?
$semester = "u{$year}";

return $semester;

function determine_courses($semester) {
//IN: Parameter has the current semester code (e.g. "f16" for Fall 2016)
//OUT: Array of courses used in Submitty. Determined from data file structure.
//PURPOSE: A list of active courses is needed so that user lists can be read
// from current class databases.

$path = "/var/local/submitty/courses/{$semester}/";
$courses = scandir($path);

if ($courses === false) {
$err_msg = "Submitty Auto Account Creation: Cannot parse {$path}, CANNOT MAKE ACCOUNTS";
error_log($err_msg, 1, ERROR_E_MAIL);
error_log($err_msg, 4);

//remove "." and ".." entries
foreach ($courses as $index => $course) {
if ($course[0] === '.') {

return $courses;

function get_user_list_from_course_db($semester, $course) {
//IN: The current course code with semester code (needed to access course DB)
//OUT: An array containing the user list read from the course's database
//PURPOSE: Read all user_ids from the user list to create auth/svn accounts.

$db_user = DB_LOGIN;
$db_pass = DB_PASSWD;
$db_host = DB_HOST;
$db_name = "submitty_{$semester}_{$course}";

$user_list = array();

$db_conn = pg_connect("host={$db_host} dbname={$db_name} user={$db_user} password={$db_pass}");
if ($db_conn === false) {
$err_msg = "Submitty Auto Account Creation: Cannot connect to DB {$db_name}, skipping...";
error_log($err_msg, 1, ERROR_E_MAIL);
error_log($err_msg, 4);
return array();

$db_query = pg_query($db_conn, "SELECT user_id FROM users;");
if ($db_query === false) {
$err_msg = "Submitty Auto Account Creation: Cannot read user list for {$course}, skipping...";
error_log($err_msg, 1, ERROR_E_MAIL);
error_log($err_msg, 4);
return array();

$row = pg_fetch_row($db_query);
while($row !== false) {
$user_list[] = $row[0];
$row = pg_fetch_row($db_query);

return $user_list;

function write_to_log($msg) {
//IN: Message to write to log file
//OUT: No return, although log file is updated
//PURPOSE: Log messages to a text file.
//NOTE: This script has no log file maintenance code.

$log = fopen(LOG_FILE, "a");
if ($log === false) {
//If the log cannot be opened for some reason, print the message to
//stdout so that it will be emailed to sysadmins as configured in the
echo "CANNOT ACCESS LOG FILE, message follows" . PHP_EOL .
date('m/d/y H:i:s : ', time()) . $msg . PHP_EOL;
} else {
fwrite($log, date('m/d/y H:i:s : ', time()) . $msg . PHP_EOL);

/* EOF ====================================================================== */
45 changes: 45 additions & 0 deletions Docs/student_auto_feed/readme.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
Submitty Student Auto Feed PHP Scripts Readme, Nov 21 2016

The following scripts are provided to assist in setting up an automatic update
of student enrollments in Submitty courses.

This is a command line script (requires minimum PHP 5.4 with pgsql and iconv
extensions) to read a student enrollment data form in CSV format and "upsert"
(update/insert) student enrollment for all registered courses in Submitty.

This script assumes that all student enrollments for all courses are in a single
CSV file. Extra courses can exist in the data (such as a department wide CSV),
and any enrollments for courses not registered in Submitty are ignored.

Conceptually, a University's registrar and/or data warehouse will provide a
regular data dump, uploaded somewhere as a CSV file. Then with the automatic
uploads scheduled, a sysadmin should setup a cron job to regularly trigger this
script to run sometime after the data dump is uploaded.

This script does not need to be run specifically on the Submitty server, but it
will need access to the Submitty course databases and the CSV data dump file.

This is a command line script that will auto-create user authentication accounts
for all Submitty users. It should be noted that Submitty authentication is not
tied to the databases' users table. Instead, authentication requires local
Linux user accounts, which can also work with other campus authentication
mechanisms like PAM and Kerberos. Therefore, submitty_student_auto_feed.php
will not create authentication access for new students upserted into any course

accounts.php is also intended to be run as a cron job, but the requirements are
more stringent.

* Must be run on the Submitty server as root. Consult a sysadmin for help.
* This is intended to be run as a cron job. However, because professors can
manually add users, this script needs to be run more frequently than the
student auto feed script.
* Recommendation: if this script is run every hour by cronjob, professors can
advise students who are manually added that they "will have access to Submitty
within an hour."


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