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MrPurple6411 edited this page Jul 27, 2020 · 1 revision

How can I edit an item's size?

To edit an item's size, you need to call CraftDataHandler.SetItemSize(), a method sitting in the SMLHelper.V2.Handlers namespace


There are two overloads for this method

CraftDataHandler.SetItemSize([TechType] techType, [Vector2int] size);
CraftDataHandler.SetItemSize([TechType] techType, [int] x, [int] y);


  • [TechType] techType is the item for which you want to modify the size. This can be both an existing and a custom item.

Example: TechType.CreepvineSeedCluster

  • [Vector2int] size is the desired size of the item. This value contains an [int] x value which refers to width and an [int] y value which refers to height. You can also use the [int] x and [int] y values outside of the Vector2int, using the other overload

Example: new Vector2int(1, 1)

  • [int] x is the desired width of the item

Example: 1

  • [int] y is the desired height of the item

Example: 1


Using this knowledge, if we wanted to add make the Creepvine Seed Cluster take less space in the inventory, we could do this:

CraftDataHandler.SetItemSize(TechType.CreepvineSeedCluster, 1, 1);

or, this:

CraftDataHandler.SetItemSize(TechType.CreepvineSeedCluster, new Vector2int(1, 1));

Congratulations! You have successfully changed an item's size!

(By the way, there is a mod called Custom Item Sizes made by AlexejheroYTB which allows you to change the size of an item from the config.json file. You can check it out here)