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A Kerbal Space Program Mod.
The KerbalX Mod enables you to upload your craft to from within the game and download craft directly into your current save.


Download the latest release zip and unpack the contents (single folder named KerbalX) into the GameData folder of KSP.


  • To use the KerbalX Mod you need an account on
  • After installing the mod when you start KSP there will be a login window on the game's main menu. Enter your KerbalX login details and continue into the game.
  • In either the SPH or VAB, load a craft and then click the upload icon in the toolbar. From there you can add some pictures and click upload.
  • If it's a craft you've already uploaded the interface will automatically switch to update mode and select the matching craft on the site. Click update to update the craft on the site with the one loaded. You can change which craft will be updated frmo the dropdown menu.
  • From the space center you can open the download interface. From there you can download your own craft, craft you've downloaded in the past and also craft you've tagged for download on the site.

see for more detailed info.


Licenced under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) CC logo
Copyright (c) 2016,

See LICENCE.txt for full licence which should be included (or see for simplified version || full version)