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Seamless Kubernetes Deployment Orchestration using GitHub, Jenkins, Argo CD, and GitOps ..

Screenshot 2023-02-01 at 2 48 06 PM

Project Flow :

GitHub Repository: The journey starts with the source code residing in a GitHub repository. Developers collaborate and commit code changes, fostering version control and teamwork.

Jenkins Automation: Jenkins, the automation server, takes over by monitoring the GitHub repository. Upon detecting code changes, it initiates the pipeline.

Kubernetes Manifests: Jenkins compiles code, generates Kubernetes manifests, and prepares the application for deployment in a Kubernetes cluster. Argo CD Deployment: The pipeline seamlessly transitions to Argo CD, a GitOps tool. Argo CD continuously monitors the Git repository for changes in the Kubernetes manifests and ensures the actual cluster matches the desired state.

Kubernetes Cluster: The application is deployed in a Kubernetes cluster, benefiting from the scalability and efficiency of Kubernetes technology.

The synergy between Django, MongoDB, and the Djongo framework sets the foundation for "Djongo-Todo," while the robust CI/CD pipeline guarantees efficient deployment and updates. This comprehensive approach makes "Djongo-Todo" a valuable tool for individuals and teams seeking to optimize their task management processes.


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