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FitLit - FitChicks happy chick skeptical chick know it all chick


FitLit is a web application dedicated to delivering user-friendly and comprehensive dashboards that depict user's daily habits. These include sleep patterns, hydration levels, and physical activity metrics.

The application provides up-to-date activity data, empowering users with insights about their lifestyle and facilitating informed decisions towards achieving their health goals and milestones.

FitLit operates on a local server environment and interacts with dedicated API endpoints to fetch and manipulate user-specific data. Moreover, FitLit supports user interactivity allowing users to add new hydration records and daily activity notes, which aids in further customizing their health-tracking experience.

🌐 Vercel Deployment

Click Here to Visit the Deployed FitLit Project


Fork and clone this repo and then in a different folder, fork and clone this local server repo.

Do the following steps for both repos. Both repos need to be running in order for the app to work correctly.

In your forked GitHub repository, click the code drop-down menu and copy the SSH key. Open the terminal on your machine and navigate to the containing directory you’d like - to clone the repository folder and its contents to. On the command line, run “git clone” + the SSH key you copied earlier. A new folder will be created containing a local copy of the repository linked to the forked repository you created - enter the new directory.

Install the library dependencies:

Run: npm install Next: npm start in the terminal to see the HTML page

Control + C is the command to stop running the local server

Preview of App


Project Progress: happy chick

We have successfully completed the first and second phase of this two-part group project. As part of Module Two of the Turing School of Software and Design Front End Web Development program, we've joined forces to drive this project forward. This intensive seven-month program focuses on equipping students with the necessary skills to thrive as web developers, offering proficiency in JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and the React framework.

The project was carried out over two intensive week-long sprints, conforming to the project specifications and evaluation rubric as detailed in part 1 and part 2. This project allowed us to continue growing our cooperative learning skills, teammwork, communication, and our software development skills. We're excited to keep evolving and advancing these skills as we navigate through the remainder of this program and beyond.

Additional Project Documentation:

Technologies Used:

Javascript | Mocha & Chai | API | CSS | HTML

Countributors: 3 happy chicks

Jan McSorley LinkedIn || GitHub
GitHub Avatar for Jan McSorley
Judy Ye LinkedIn || GitHub
GitHub Avatar for Judy Ye
Parvin A. Sattorova LinkedIn || GitHub
GitHub Avatar for Parvin A. Sattorova


Challenges: unhappy chick
  • None of us had ever used a GitHub Project Board before, so there was a learning curve that affected our early planning efforts. In hingsight, we did not spend enough time planning and pseudocoding and this led to several conflicts in the style and effectiveness of our functions and our ability to meet project deadlines.
  • None of us had ever used Figma, Days.js, or Charts.js, so we spent quite a bit of time researching these tools to see if they might be a more long-term effective solution to some of the application requirements.
  • A major challenge we faced was with setting up our functions to take in different data sets.
  • In our DTR document we were committed to ensuring that we would all understand everything that went into the development of the project. We did as much paired programming as we could and did our best to teach each other along the way, but the scope of the project meant that we had to divide our research efforts and there are pieces of the project that had to be managed by just one person. We will try to go over those pieces before the second part of the project begins.
Wins: happy chick

Part 1.

  • Working collaboratively within a group 3 developers.
  • Effectively Fetching data from an API.
  • Effective use of iterators. Part 2.
  • Accessibility
  • Took in user input on the form for POSTing
  • Incorporating Promise.all() for the fetch calls
  • Adding beforeEach to the tests
  • Understanding all parts of the project
  • Supporting each other’s learning
  • Utilizing GitHub Projects to make issue tickets that we could assign to ourselves or others.
  • Implementing Charts
  • Created Helper Functions in JavaScript to DRY our code


FitLit project starter kit for students






No releases published


No packages published


  • JavaScript 98.0%
  • CSS 2.0%