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Kubernetes Collection v2.0.0 - Breaking Changes

Based on the feedback from our users, we will be introducing several changes to the Sumo Logic Kubernetes Collection solution.

In this document we detail the changes for both Helm and Non-Helm users, as well as the exact steps for migration.

Helm Users


  • Version v2.0.0 is dropping support for Helm 2.

  • kube-prometheus-stack has been used in this chart since version v1.3.0 using an alias prometheus-operator in order not to introduce any breaking changes (before that version, prometheus stack was provided by prometheus-operator chart). In v2.0.0 this alias is being removed hence all the options related to this dependency should be prefixed with kube-prometheus-stack instead of prometheus-operator.

  • When upgrading kube-prometheus-stack from v9.x to v12.y, apart from changing below mentioned configuration parameters one has to also install new prometheus CRDs. This can be done using the code snippet mentioned in Upgrade Prometheus CRDs

  • Changes in Configuration Parameters

    • kube-prometheus-stack dependency has been updated from v9.x to v12.y which causes the following configuration options to need migrating:

      Old Config New Config
      kube-prometheus-stack.prometheusOperator.tlsProxy kube-prometheus-stack.prometheusOperator.tls
    • prometheus-config-reloader has been removed from the list of containers that can be run as part of prometheus statefulset and has been replaced with config-reloader, hence the following

            - name: "prometheus-config-reloader"

      has to be changed into:

            - name: "config-reloader"
  • We've separated our fluentd image from setup job image, hence image was migrated to sumologic.setup.job.image and to fluentd.image

  • sumologic.sources become sumologic.collector.sources as Sources are being created under Collectors

  • sumologic.setup.fields become sumologic.collector.fields as Fields are set on a Collector

  • spec.selector in Fluent Bit Helm Chart was modified from:

        app: fluent-bit
        release: <RELEASE-NAME>


      matchLabels: fluent-bit <RELEASE-NAME>
  • Persistence for Fluentd is enabled by default.

  • Gzip compression is enabled by default. If you already had Fluentd persistence enabled, but gzip compression was disabled, after the upgrade Fluentd will not be able to read the non-compressed chunks written before the upgrade. To fix this, see Troubleshooting - Gzip compression errors.

How to upgrade


  • helm3
  • yq in version: 3.4.0 <= x < 4.0.0
  • bash 4.0 or higher

Note: The below steps are using Helm 3. Helm 2 is not supported.

1. Upgrade to helm chart version v1.3.5

If you're running a newer version than v1.3.5, instructions from this document will also work for you.

Ensure you have sumologic helm repo added

Before running commands shown below please make sure that you have sumologic helm repo configured. One can check that using:

helm repo list
NAME                    URL

If sumologic helm repo is not configured use the following command to add it:

helm repo add sumologic

Run the command shown below to fetch the latest helm chart:

helm repo update

For users who are not already on v1.3.5 of the helm chart, please upgrade to that version first by running the below command:

helm upgrade <RELEASE-NAME> sumologic/sumologic --reuse-values --version=1.3.5

2. Upgrade Prometheus CRDs

Due to changes in kube-prometheus-stack which this chart depends on, one will need to run the following commands in order to update Prometheus related CRDs:

kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f

If you have a separate Prometheus operator installation, you need to make sure its version is v0.43.2 or higher but compatible before proceeding with the next steps of the collection upgrade.

3. Prepare Fluent Bit instance

As spec.selector in Fluent Bit Helm chart was modified, it is required to manually recreate or delete existing DaemonSet with old version of spec.selector before upgrade.

One of the following two strategies can be used:

  • Recreating Fluent Bit DaemonSet

    Recreating Fluent Bit DaemonSet with new spec.selector may cause that applications' logs and Fluent Bit metrics will not be available in the time of recreation. It usually shouldn't take more than several seconds.

    To recreate the Fluent Bit DaemonSet with new spec.selector one can run the following command:

    kubectl get daemonset --namespace <NAMESPACE-NAME> --selector "app=fluent-bit,release=<RELEASE-NAME>" --output yaml | \
    yq w - "items[*].spec.selector.matchLabels[]" "fluent-bit" | \
    yq w - "items[*].spec.selector.matchLabels[]" "<RELEASE-NAME>" | \
    yq w - "items[*].spec.template.metadata.labels[]" "fluent-bit" | \
    yq w - "items[*].spec.template.metadata.labels[]" "<RELEASE-NAME>" | \
    yq d - "items[*].spec.selector.matchLabels[app]" | \
    yq d - "items[*].spec.selector.matchLabels[release]" | \
    kubectl apply --namespace <NAMESPACE-NAME>  --force --filename -

    Notice When DaemonSet managed by helm is modified by the command specified above, one might expect a warning similar to the one below: Warning: kubectl apply should be used on resource created by either kubectl create --save-config or kubectl apply

  • Preparing temporary instance of Fluent Bit

    Create temporary instance of Fluent Bit and delete DaemonSet with old version of spec.selector. This will cause application' logs to be duplicated until temporary instance of Fluent Bit is deleted after the upgrade is complete. As temporary instance of Fluent Bit creates additional Pods which are selected by the same Fluent Bit Service you may observe changes in Fluent Bit metrics.

    Copy of database, in which Fluent Bit keeps track of monitored files and offsets, is used by temporary instance of Fluent Bit (Fluent Bit database is copied in initContainer). Temporary instance of Fluent Bit will start reading logs with offsets saved in database.

    To create a temporary copy of Fluent Bit DaemonSet:

    INIT_CONTAINER=$(cat <<-"EOF"
      name: init-tmp-fluent-bit
      image: busybox:latest
      command: ['sh', '-c', 'mkdir -p /tail-db/tmp; cp /tail-db/*.db /tail-db/tmp']
        - mountPath: /tail-db
          name: tail-db
    ) && \
    TMP_VOLUME=$(cat <<-"EOF"
            path: /var/lib/fluent-bit/tmp
            type: DirectoryOrCreate
        name: tmp-tail-db
    ) && \
    kubectl get daemonset --namespace <NAMESPACE-NAME> --selector "app=fluent-bit,release=<RELEASE-NAME>" --output yaml | \
    yq w - "items[*]" "tmp-fluent-bit" | \
    yq w - "items[*].metadata.labels[heritage]" "tmp" | \
    yq w - "items[*].spec.template.metadata.labels[]" "fluent-bit" | \
    yq w - "items[*].spec.template.metadata.labels[]" "<RELEASE-NAME>" | \
    yq w - "items[*].spec.template.spec.initContainers[+]" --from <(echo "${INIT_CONTAINER}") | \
    yq w - "items[*].spec.template.spec.volumes[+]" --from <(echo "${TMP_VOLUME}") | \
    yq w - "items[*].spec.template.spec.containers[*].volumeMounts[*].(.==tail-db)" "tmp-tail-db" | \
    kubectl create --filename -

    Please make sure that Pods related to new DaemonSet are running:

    kubectl get pod \
      --namespace <NAMESPACE-NAME> \
      --selector "app=fluent-bit,release=<RELEASE-NAME>,,<RELEASE-NAME>"

    Please check that the latest logs are duplicated in Sumo.

    To delete Fluent Bit DaemonSet with old version of spec.selector:

    kubectl delete daemonset \
      --namespace <NAMESPACE-NAME> \
      --selector "app=fluent-bit,heritage=Helm,release=<RELEASE-NAME>"

    Notice: When collection upgrade creates new DaemonSet for Fluent Bit, logs will be duplicated. In order to stop data duplication it is required to remove the temporary copy of Fluent Bit DaemonSet after the upgrade has finished.

    After collection upgrade is done, in order to remove the temporary Fluent Bit DaemonSet run the following commands:

    kubectl wait --for=condition=ready pod \
     --namespace <NAMESPACE-NAME> \
     --selector ",<RELEASE-NAME>,app!=fluent-bit,release!=<RELEASE-NAME>" && \
    kubectl delete daemonset \
     --namespace <NAMESPACE-NAME> \
     --selector "app=fluent-bit,release=<RELEASE-NAME>,heritage=tmp"

4. Configure Fluentd persistence

Starting with v2.0.0 we're using file-based buffer for Fluentd instead of less reliable in-memory buffer (fluentd.persistence.enabled=true) by default.

When Fluentd persistence is enabled then no action is required in order to upgrade.

When Fluentd persistence is disabled (default setting in 1.3.5 release) it is required to either go through persistence enabling procedure before upgrade (recommended) or preserve existing setting and modify default setting for Fluentd persistence in 2.0.0 release.

In order to enable persistence in existing collection please follow one of persistence enabling procedures described in Enabling Fluentd Persistence guide before upgrade.

If Fluentd persistence is disabled and it is desired to preserve this setting, modify defaults and disable persistence either by adding --set fluentd.persistence.enabled=false to helm upgrade command or in the values.yaml file under the fluentd key as follows:

    enabled: false

5. Run upgrade script

For Helm users, the only breaking changes are the renamed config parameters. For users who use a values.yaml file, we provide a script that users can run to convert their existing values.yaml file into one that is compatible with the major release.

  • Get the existing values for the helm chart and store it as current_values.yaml with the below command:

    helm get values --output yaml <RELEASE-NAME> > current_values.yaml
  • Run the upgrade script. You can run it:

    • On your the host. Please refer to the requirements so that you have all the required software packages installed.

      curl -LJO \
      && chmod +x \
      && ./ current_values.yaml
    • In a docker container:

      cat current_values.yaml | \
        docker run \
          --rm \
          -i sumologic/kubernetes-tools:2.3.1 upgrade-2.0 | \
        tee new_values.yaml

      Note that this will output both migration script logs and new values file but only the values file contents will be put into new_values.yaml due to tee.

    • In a container on your cluster:

      cat current_values.yaml | \
        kubectl run kubernetes-tools -i \
          --quiet \
          --rm \
          --restart=Never \
          --image sumologic/kubernetes-tools:2.3.1 -- upgrade-2.0 | \
        tee new_values.yaml

      Note that this will output both migration script logs and new values file but only the values file contents will be put into new_values.yaml due to tee.

  • At this point you should have new_values.yaml in your working directory which can be used for the upgrade:

    helm upgrade <RELEASE-NAME> sumologic/sumologic --version=2.0.0 -f new_values.yaml

6. Troubleshooting

Gzip compression errors

If after the upgrade you can see the following errors from Fluentd logs or metrics pods:

2021-01-18 15:47:23 +0000 [warn]: #0 [sumologic.endpoint.logs.gc] failed to flush the buffer. retry_time=3 next_retry_seconds=2021-01-18 15:47:27 +0000 chunk="5b92e97a5ee3cbd7e59859644d9686e3" error_class=Zlib::GzipFile::Error error="not in gzip format"

This means Fluentd persistence has already been enabled before migration, but gzip compression was not. Fluentd is unable to read the non-compressed chunks persisted before the upgrade.

To fix this, delete the Fluentd pods that emit this error, deleting their PVC-s at the same time to drop the non-compressed chunks.

For example, if the namespace where the collection is installed is collection and the pod that emits the error is named sumologic-fluentd-logs-1, run the following set of commands:

kubectl -n ${NAMESPACE_NAME} delete pvc "buffer-${POD_NAME}" &
kubectl -n ${NAMESPACE_NAME} delete pod ${POD_NAME}
kubectl -n ${NAMESPACE_NAME} delete pod ${POD_NAME}

The duplicated pod deletion command is there to make sure the pod is not stuck in Pending state with event persistentvolumeclaim "buffer-sumologic-fluentd-logs-1" not found.

Non-Helm Users

Breaking Changes

  • From v2.0.0 we recommend to use helm3 template as replacement for pre-generated kubernetes templates. Because of that, all custom changes made to the templates should be moved to values.yaml. This will simplify and improve experience for non-helm installation.

How to upgrade for Non-helm Users

1. Tear down existing Fluentd, Prometheus, Fluent Bit and Falco resources

You will need the YAML files you created when you first installed collection. Run the following commands to remove Falco, Fluent-bit, Prometheus Operator and FluentD. You do not need to delete the Namespace and Secret you originally created as they will still be used.

kubectl delete -f falco.yaml
kubectl delete -f fluent-bit.yaml
kubectl delete -f prometheus.yaml
kubectl delete -f fluentd-sumologic.yaml

2. Deploy collection with new approach

  • Follow steps mentioned here to deploy new collection.