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Edu_Dot - Graduation_Project


o About Edu.Dot - Braille Board for the Blind


o Getting Started

We have implemented educational kits for people who are blind using various open sources and libraries.
To run main code without hardware, I2C-related functions of the main code shall be annotated.

This is the software source code for edu_dot team (the graduation project) of the Korea Polytechnic University.
The "dip" dir is located under "/home/pi/" in "Raspberry Pi".
The "Eud.dot_first_confirm" dir contains some of the code that was first reviewed.(I thought it was a memory.)
The "development process" dir contains the development process of the main source code.
The "demo" dir contains videos and pictures that actually work

o Awards and Honors

  • 2019 창의적 사업계획서 경진대회 - 우수상

  • 2019 산학협동 산업기술대전 - 산업부장관상

  • 2019 임베디드 경진대회 - 우수상

  • 2019 산학협동 성과발표회 - 대상

  • Link

o Prerequisites

Development Environment :

server :  
    Window 10 + flask in Python     
client :  
    Raspberry Pi with Python  

Libraries :

* Python built-in library   
* flask  
    - Open download server  
* wifi  
    - Control Wi-Fi using Python  
* gTTS  
* speech-recognition  
    - Using "Google text to speech" to implement voice recognition via a microphone in Python  
* hbcvt  
    - A library that converts Hangul into Braille  
      ( )  
* Adafruit_PCA9685  
* adafruit_servokit  
    - Used for motor control  

o How to use

Braille learning can be done by manipulating the UI for the blind.
Once pressed, a voice message is heard for that button, and another long push is used to perform the function of that button.

example algorithm

The following code implements touch (jesture) for the blind.

    def exmaple(event):
        global long_click_flag
        long_click_flag = time.time()

    def exmaple_double():
        global long_click_flag
        if(time.time() - long_click_flag < 2):
        long_click_flag = time.time()
    ------------------    skip    ------------------    
    button1 = tkinter.Button(frame1, text="exmaple",
                             command = exmaple_double,
    button1.bind("<Button-1>", exmaple)

o Videos and Pictures

You can see it by visiting the demo folder.

o S/W development process:

  • 06/05/2019 : Complete GUI design and gesture
  • 07/17/2019 : Complete first planned Edu.Dot
  • 08/21/2019 : Complete recognize korean and convert braille, quize

o Developer :

주성민(Joo Sung-Min) :  
    - Voice Recognition -> Braille Transformation  
    - Deploying a Download Server  
    - UI Designing for Visually Impaired  
    - Overall software design  
E-mail :   
Phone   :  
Univesity :  
    Korea Polytechnic University  

o Built With

  • 김민섭 - Team leader, collecting information about the visually impaired and Braille.
  • [서형진] - Design hardware.
  • [임건영] - Control motors.


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