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Acme Rockets

Welcome to Acme Rockets repository! This project is a result of following an amazing Tailwind CSS tutorial on YouTube by Dave Gray. The goal of this tutorial was to learn and practice using TailwindCSS, a utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building custom user interfaces.

In this repository, you'll find the work from all five lessons of the tutorial, and you can also check the deployed final project at Acme Rockets on

Acme Rockets Screenshot

This README is aimed to be beginner-friendly to help you get started with the project and have a fantastic learning experience.

Table of Contents

Getting Started

Follow these steps to set up the project locally.


Before getting started, make sure you have the following software installed on your system:

This project was built using Node.js v16.16.0. If you use NVM, you can run nvm use to switch to the correct version.


  1. Fork and clone this repository:
git clone<your-username>/acme-rockets.git
  1. Change the current directory to the project folder and in there to the Lesson folder you want to work with. Example:
cd acme-rockets/Lesson01

To change into a different Lesson folder, just replace Lesson01 with the folder name of the lesson you want to work on. Or, if you are inside a lesson folder, use the following command to change into a different lesson folder (replace Lesson02 with the folder name of the lesson you want to work on):

cd ../Lesson02
  1. Install the dependencies:
npm ci 

These have to for each lesson, as the dependencies are not shared between them.

Optional: For development, Light Server is used as a local server. It's installed via npm on a per-project basis (each lesson equals one project). But you can install it globally using npm if you prefer:

npm install -g light-server

Running the Project

Start the development server:

npm run start 

Now, open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000 to view the project.

Structure of the Repository

The main folders in this repository are:

  • Lesson01: Contains the initial project set-up and a first TailwindCSS example with a Circle Drawing exercise.
  • Lesson02: Contains the start of the course project, Acme Rockets, including the header, the hero section, and product cards.
  • Lesson03: Introduces pseudo-classes and includes the contact form (front-end only) and the footer.
  • Lesson04_01: Contains a simple animation for the mobile menu with a hamburger icon.
  • Lesson04_02: Contains a more complex animation for the mobile menu with a div-based hamburger icon.
  • Lesson05: Contains the final version of the project that has been deployed to



Contributions are always welcome! If you'd like to contribute to this project or have any suggestions, feel free to create a new issue or submit a pull request. Please check the Code of Conduct first.


This project is open-source and available under the MIT License.


If you have any questions or need help getting started, please open an issue in the repository or contact me on Twitter: @tanja_codes